Publication by Meirer and Weckhuysen in Nature Communications

Every catalyst particle contains a kind of “road network” over which molecules travel to the active sites in a catalyst. Metals can clog this road network, making the active sites unreachable. A research team from Utrecht University and Stanford has used a new imaging methodology to create a detailed road map of one catalyst particle. This new knowledge will eventually lead to the design of better catalysts for existing or new chemical production processes. The researchers published their results on August 30 in the open access journal Nature Communications.

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Method for creating a road map of a catalyst particle, which includes determining the positions
of the road blocks and simulating the transport of a molecule through the road network,
which may or may not be clogged by impurities.

Relating Struture and Composition with Accessibiity of a Single Particle Catalyst using Correlative 3-Dimensional Micro-Spectroscopy
Yijin Liu, Florian Meirer*, Courtney M. Krest, Samuel Webb & Bert M. Weckhuysen*
Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 12634, DOI 10.1038/ncomms12634
* Connected to Utrecht University

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