News 2024

07 October 2024

ICC runs the singelloop

“Mens sana in corpore sano” – a healthy mind in a healthy body In order to do great research, we also need to look after our (mental) health. Last sunday […]

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16 September 2024

Three grants for Ina Vollmer

Assistant professor Ina Vollmer has recently received an ERC Starting Grant of 1.6 million euros, the Incubator grant from Circular Plastics NL  for 660k euros and a NWO Demonstrator grant of 160k […]

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16 September 2024

Two available PhD Positions: Mechano-Catalytic Depolymerisation of Plastic Waste

Are you looking to do a PhD project and are you interested in catalysis, spectroscopy, mechano-chemistry, or polymer science to develop a sustainable pathway for plastic waste recycling through mechano-catalytic […]

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26 August 2024

Nature Communications paper on hydrodesulfurization

Sulfur is an undesirable impurity in many feedstocks for the production of transportation fuels and chemicals, both fossil-based and biomass-based. While the process of hydrodesulfurization is one of the largest […]

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05 August 2024

Dr. Laurens Mandemaker appointed assistant professor

Since May 2024 Dr. Laurens Mandemaker has been appointed as assistant professor in our group! After completing both his PhD as well as his PostDoc here at ICC, Laurens is […]

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26 July 2024

Dr. Xinwei Ye is awarded the Embassy Science Fellowships

Dr. Xinwei Ye has been awarded the prestigious Embassy Science Fellowship by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). In collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NWO has granted seven Embassy […]

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08 July 2024

Two ICC projects received funding within National Growth Fund programme Circular Plastics NL

How do we ensure that we can reuse plastic packaging material? Or how can dyes in PET bottles be reused and contribute to making plastics circular? Two research projects within […]

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29 June 2024

New Joint Research Center UU/ECUST

Utrecht University and East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST, Shanghai, China) have established a Joint Research Center (JRC) for Sustainable and Circular Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The JRC […]

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27 June 2024

Upcoming ISCC Lecture – Prof. dr. Gert Jan Kramer

On Friday June 28, we have our next ISCC Lecture, this time by Prof. dr. Gert Jan Kramer of the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (UU). Prof. Kramer will provide […]

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20 June 2024

The Da Vinci Programme 2024

Coming September, the Da Vinci Project will once again kick off. This 30 EC profile offers an immersive experience for Master students where you learn all about design thinking through […]

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20 June 2024

New website responsibles

As of this month, Martijn Hut and Jan den Hollander took over the website responsibility. They are replacing Thimo Jacobs and Kirsten Siebers, and they thank them for their efforts […]

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19 June 2024

Plastics expert answers curious reader

Ever wondered if medical equipment could shed microplastics within the body? You might just get the answer. Earlier this month, our very own Laurens Mandemaker was featured in an article […]

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08 May 2024

Roadmap to a carbon-neutral refinery by 2050 – Nature cover article

Would it be possible to build a refinery that is completely fossil-free, and thereby significantly contributing to a carbon-neutral society by as early as 2050? According to two of our […]

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22 March 2024

Prof. Bert Weckhuysen receives honorary doctorate from Ghent University

Ghent University awarded an honorary doctorate to Bert Weckhuysen. The doctorate is a special honour for his exceptional scientific achievements. The honorary doctorate was awarded during the Dies Natalis of […]

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