Recent news

08 July 2024

Two projects received funding within National Growth Fund programme Circular Plastics NL

How do we ensure that we can reuse plastic packaging material? Or how can dyes in PET bottles be reused and contribute to making plastics circular? Two research projects within […]

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29 June 2024

New Joint Research Center UU/ECUST

Utrecht University and East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST, Shanghai, China) have established a Joint Research Center (JRC) for Sustainable and Circular Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The JRC […]

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27 June 2024

Upcoming ISCC Lecture – Prof. dr. Gert Jan Kramer

On Friday June 28, we have our next ISCC Lecture, this time by Prof. dr. Gert Jan Kramer of the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (UU). Prof. Kramer will provide […]

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20 June 2024

The Da Vinci Programme 2024

Coming September, the Da Vinci Project will once again kick off. This 30 EC profile offers an immersive experience for Master students where you learn all about design thinking through […]

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20 June 2024

New website responsibles

As of this month, Martijn Hut and Jan den Hollander took over the website responsibility. They are replacing Thimo Jacobs and Kirsten Siebers, and they thank them for their efforts […]

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19 June 2024

Plastics expert answers curious reader

Ever wondered if medical equipment could shed microplastics within the body? You might just get the answer. Earlier this month, our very own Laurens Mandemaker was featured in an article […]

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08 May 2024

Roadmap to a carbon-neutral refinery by 2050 – Nature cover article

Would it be possible to build a refinery that is completely fossil-free, and thereby significantly contributing to a carbon-neutral society by as early as 2050? According to two of our […]

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22 March 2024

Prof. Bert Weckhuysen receives honorary doctorate from Ghent University

Ghent University awarded an honorary doctorate to Bert Weckhuysen. The doctorate is a special honour for his exceptional scientific achievements. The honorary doctorate was awarded during the Dies Natalis of […]

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15 December 2023

Rembrandt broke new ground with lead-based impregnation of canvas for The Night Watch

New research has revealed that Rembrandt impregnated the canvas for his famous 1642 militia painting ‘The Night Watch’ with a lead-containing substance even before applying the first ground layer. Such […]

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09 March 2023

Angela and Ellen win poster awards at NCCC XIV!

Angela Melcherts and Ellen Sterk both won a poster award at the 24th NCCC Conference in Noordwijkerhout. Their posters “Understanding Nickel-Support Interactions in Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation with Modulation Excitation Infrared […]

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03 November 2022

Publication in Angewandte Chemie: Review of techniques to study nano plastics

On October 21, 2022, Laurens Mandemaker and Florian Meirer published a review in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Angewandte Chemie investigating the different micro-spectroscopic techniques available specifically for the detection of […]

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17 October 2022

Aurora Insights – Laura did a Research Exchange in New York

This summer, Laura spent a couple of week in New York City to visit a partner from her consortium. You might have already seen some astonishing pictures from Central Park […]

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08 August 2022

Loreta received an NWO XS grant for groundbreaking research project

Loreta Muscarella (ICC) has received an NWO XS grant of 50.000 euro for groundbreaking research into photocatalysis. In this project, indoor pollution will be tackled by developing a smart perovskite-based […]

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20 May 2022

Ina & Ward received an NWO XS grant for curiosity-driven research

Ina Vollmer and Ward van der Stam (both ICC) have received an NWO XS grant of 50.000 euro for curiosity-driven research into new ways to recycle plastic and CO2. Ina […]

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28 January 2022

Publication in Nature Materials – Two for the price of one: Researchers design unique catalyst to make carbon-neutral transportation fuels

An important step towards a carbon-neutral society is making transportation fuels like diesel and gasoline from carbon-neutral carbon sources like biomass, waste plastic, and even CO2. Because diesel and gasoline […]

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14 January 2022

Press release ICC – Nature Communications, Metal or Metal Oxide, That’s The Question

ICC scientists, in cooperation with the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, have discovered new fundamental insights into the reaction mechanism of CO2 hydrogenation. CO2 hydrogenation is one of a set […]

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11 January 2022

Press Release ICC – 6 Jan 2022 – Nature Reviews – Chemistry: Towards Solving the Puzzle of Active Sites in Catalysis

Catalysts are used in essentially all chemical processes to increase their efficiency and lower energy costs. They help by making the desired reaction pathways faster, or more favorable compared to […]

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07 January 2022

In memoriam: Jos van Dillen

Deze week bereikte ons het droeve bericht dat Dr. Jos (A.J.) van Dillen op Kerstavond is overleden. Jos promoveerde in 1977  als eerste promovendus van John Geus aan de Universiteit […]

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24 December 2021

ICC Christmas Song out now!

To celebrate the Christmas season, a few colleagues (Anne-Eva, Joyce, Thimo, Jim & Thomas) created the ICC Christmas song which you can listen to here. Enjoy!  

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09 December 2021

A needle in a haystack: weeding out dead catalyst

Publication in Nature Catalysis Catalysts are important materials that are used to increase the resource and energy efficiency of chemical reactions and processes. Although catalysts operate in cycles that normally […]

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07 December 2021

ICC Researchers solve mystery of ‘structure-insensitive’ catalytic reactions

A team of researchers from the ICC group at Utrecht University has solved one of the fundamental mysteries in catalysis: the paradox of structure insensitivity. The work was a collaboration […]

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26 November 2021

Jim de Ruiter wins poster award at INTERECT 2021

Jim de Ruiter has won the Poster Award for his poster “Time Resolved Spectral Footage of CO2 Electroreduction on Copper Catalysts” during the INTERECT conference in Valencia, organized by nanoGe.

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26 November 2021

ICC-alumna Charlotte Vogt wins Clara Immerwahr Award

ICC-alumna Dr. Charlotte Vogt was awarded the 2022 Clara Immerwahr Award by UniSysCat, a cluster of excellence atfour universities and four research institutes in the Berlin/Potsdam area. The Clara Immerwahr Award […]

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13 November 2021

ICC lab outing: graffiti!

Photo taken during the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis Lab Outing at IKEA Utrecht. This image was made following all Covid-19 regulations in force at the time of the event. The group […]

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22 October 2021

Ward van der Stam wins Best Lecture Award at the online NanoGe Fall Meeting 2021

During the online NanoGe Fall Meeting Ward van der Stam presented the combined work of PhD student Jim de Ruiter and postdoctoral fellow Hongyu An in the lecture entitled ‘Probing the dynamics of CO2 electroreduction with time-resolved Raman […]

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14 July 2021

Freddy Rabouw receives VIDI-grant

Freddy Rabouw was awarded a VIDI grant from the NWO Talent Scheme. The VIDI grant, for researchers who have already conducted several years of research after their PhD, involves a […]

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05 July 2021

ARC-CBBC hub explained

Ina Vollmer and Matteo Monai, ICC’s new assistant professors (see May 1 news item) have prepared a video explaining the tools and techniques available at the Utrecht ARC-CBBC hub. The ARC […]

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28 May 2021

Bert Weckhuysen Awarded Comenius Senior Fellowship

Bert Weckhuysen was awarded a prestigious Comenius Senior Fellowship award which will allow him to expand the Bachelor-phase Da Vinci Project (an interdisciplinary honours programme on sustainability developed with a […]

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11 May 2021

And then there was light: the sun powers new chemistry

In an article that appeared in de Telegraaf today, ICC researchers Eline Hutter, Matteo Monai, and Bert Weckhuysen are interviewed about the conversion of CO­2 to methane using sunlight. Although […]

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11 May 2021

Where has all the plastic gone? Ina Vollmer & Florian Meirer interviewed about plastic in the environment

Ina Vollmer and Florian Meirer have been interviewed for an in-depth article about plastic in the environment: 99 percent of all the plastics in the ocean is missing. We know […]

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