CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship for Roxana Pérez Vélez

This month, Dr. Roxana Pérez Vélez received a CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship to develop the project “Bifunctional metal-acid catalysts for selective hydrocarbon conversion”.

In 2016, the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) awarded 191 Mexican applicants of different disciplines with a grant for postdoctoral stay.

CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship
The CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship is a grant for Mexican citizens who have earned a doctorate and are in their early stages of their scientific careers. The purpose of this fellowship is to support postdoctoral researchers to continue their training at international institutions with high quality education. In addition, the CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship program promotes the development of international academic network and future research ties with Mexico.