We are confronting with climate change and ways to abate this is to explore alternative resources for the production of fuels and chemicals. A way to do this is by taking water to make hydrogen and CO2 from point sources or via Direct Air Capture to make syngas. This syngas can be converted further into fuels and chemicals. This involves three processes, namely water electrolysis, the reverse Water-Gas Shift (rWGS) and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS). This project aims to investigate the role of impurities and intermittent on the dynamics of the active phases during the rWGS and FTS, as will be observed with spectroscopic- and microscopic methods. The relative dependency of the three processes, namely water electrolysis, rWGS and FTS, will be investigated by exploring different catalyst combinations, thereby exposing them to different gas compositions and the additions of potential contaminants. The PhD work will be predominantly experimental in nature, thereby focusing on catalyst synthesis, characterization and testing.
PhD candidate at ICC, Utrecht University.
Project title: “Towards the Refinery of the Future: Exploring the Combination of Hydrogen Production, Reverse Water-Gas-Shift and Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis to Make Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals”
Master Nanomaterials Science at Utrecht University.
Master thesis at ICC: “Shining a Light on Functionalized Zeolite Films: Enhanced Photochemical Decomposition of Volatile Organic Compounds by Stacking TiO2–Functionalized Zeolite Films”, supervised by R.L. Riemersma, M.E. de Graaf, dr. E.M. Hutter and prof. dr. E.T.C. Vogt.
Internship at TNO: “Dosimetry of Microplastics in In-Vitro Toxicology: Experimental Evaluation of Sedimentation Rate Models”, supervised by dr. L.A. Parker, M. Kloukinioti and dr. F. Meirer.
Bachelor Chemistry at Utrecht University
Bachelor thesis: “Tungsten–Based Catalysts for Methane Dehydroaromatization”, supervised by J.J.G. Kromwijk and dr. W. van der Stam.
Successfully obtained the teacher qualification (“tweedegraads”) for high-school chemistry.