Zoran Ristanović will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Zeolite chemistry studied at the level of single particles, molecules and atoms’. During his PhD-track, Ristanović developed a method to study Zeolite Chemistry […]
Thesis defense Korneel Cats on March 23, 2016
Korneel Cats will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘On the deactivation of Cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts’. Date and Time: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 10:30 AM Location: Academic Building, Domplein 29, Utrecht […]
Marjolein Velthoen and Sam Kalirai win Awards at NCCC XVII
(Sam Kalirai (second from left) with the award for his lecture.) Sam Kalirai won one of three NIOK lecture awards for best PhD presentation at the 17th Netherlands Catalysis and […]
Bert Weckhuysen at Universiteit van Nederland
Bert Weckhuysen will appear in a series of five lectures in the ‘Universiteit van Nederland’ (University of the Netherlands) in April 2016. Do not miss it! The recording of the […]
Thesis defense Mustafa al Samarai on March 14, 2016
Mustafa al Samarai will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘X-ray spectroscopy and microscopy of cobalt and nickel in CoMoS and CoNiMoS hydrodesulfurization catalysts’. Date and Time: Monday, March 14, 2016 at […]
Thesis defense Robin Jastrzebski on March 16, 2016
Robin Jastrzebski will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Catalytic C-C bond cleavage for the production of chemicals from lignin’. Date and Time: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 10:30 AM Location: Academic […]
Krijn de Jong has published a Perspective in Science
The perpective, entitled ‘Surprised by selectivity’, is about the direct conversion of synthesis gas to lower olefins. Read the full article in Science
Thesis defense Dimitrije Cicmil on March 2, 2016
Dimitrije Cicmil will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Advances in Phillips Polymerisation Catalysis: In-situ Synthesis of Light Linear Alpha Olefins’. In his dissertation, Cicmil presents a method to simplify and improve […]
Thomas Hartman wins presentation competition at the Winterschool “Molecules@Surfaces”
Thomas attended the winterschool “molecules@surfaces” in Bardonecchia near Turin in the week of February 01-05 2016. He gave a presentation on the basis of his research work entitled “Surface and […]
Marie Curie Grant for Baira Donoeva, Abhishek Dutta Cowdhury and Joel Schmidt
Recently, three postdocs Dr. Baira Donoeva, Dr. Abhishek Dutta Chowdhury and Dr. Joel Schmidt received Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships. The project titles are as following: Dr. Donoeva: “Functionalized carbon-supported Au Nanoparticles for […]
NWO-ECHO grant for Petra de Jongh
Petra de Jongh and colleague researchers from RU Nijmegen receive the NWO-ECHO grant on theresearch topic ‘Nanoconfined complex metal hydrides as fast ion conductors for all-solid-state batteries’. A new generation […]
Krijn de Jong in newly launched journal Nature Energy
Krijn de Jong has contributed to a feature article in the newly launched journal Nature Energy. The article is entitled “The Frontiers of Energy”. Read the full article on Nature Energy.