Postdoctoral Fellows

  • Dr. Bing Bai
    CO2 hydrogenation using Ni-based catalysts
  • Dr. Carolin Rieg
    Deactivation of FCC and HDO catalysts for the conversion of pyrolysis oils
  • Dr. Christia Jabbour
    Chemical Imaging of Solid Catalysts with Nano-Infrared Spectroscopy
  • Dr. Christos Chatzilias
    Cascading Thermocatalytic and Electrocatalytic Conversion Processes for the Conversion of CO2 into Fuels and Chemicals
  • Dr. Chunning Sun
    Converting chlorinated products into higher value chemicals
  • Dr. Claire Seitzinger
    Mechanochemical conversion of polyolefin waste
  • Dr. Disha Jain
    Rational design of coke-resistant bimetallic catalysts for dry methane reforming
  • Dr. He Zhao
    Compositional Engineering to Improve the Photocatalytic Properties of Bismuth Halide Perovskites
  • Dr. Jiaorong Yan
    Monitoring plastic film degradation under ambient conditions via in situ Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
  • Dr. Joren Dorresteijn
    Synthesis, characterization & fragmentation behavior of porous metallocene supports for the production of mICP
  • Dr. Laëtitia Delarue
    Upscaling of mechano-chemical recycling process
  • Dr. Rudy Calligaro
    Designing an experimental set-up for the in-situ characterization of mechanochemically-induced depolymerization by means of infrared and Raman spectroscopy
  • Dr. Sepideh Hadidimasouleh
    Extraction, visualization, and particle size determination of MNP in real life samples from human tissues
  • Dr. Sophie van Vreeswijk
    Exploration of Non-Commodity Zeolite Framework for Small Molecule Activation: Acidity, Reactivity and Coke Formation
  • Dr. Xianhua Zhang
    Operando lab-based XAS for CO2 hydrogenation
  • Dr. Xinwei Ye
    New Routes and Catalysts for Narrow-Range Ethoxylates
  • Dr. Xuze Guan
    Development and In-Depth Characterization of Catalysts for Propane Dehydrogenation Using X-ray Spectroscopy
  • Dr. Yi Wang
    Electrocatalytic biomass oxidation
  • Dr. Yu Cao
    Sustainable Plastic Waste Upcycling: Structure-Performance Relationships and Mechanistic Insights in C-C Bond Decomposition