Caroline Versluis

PhD Candidate
Employed since: March 2019
Room: 4th floor study area



Nano-Scale Filming of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Catalyst

The overall aim of this research project is the development of a powerful camera to determine the complex pore space of single FCC catalyst particles. By making molecular movies of the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of various fluorescent esther molecules we aim to discriminate between molecular transport phenomena and reaction kinetics at the single-molecule and single-particle levels. These efforts will be complemented by exploring molecules which are look-alikes to those found in crude oil fractions , and for which we will alter their size as well as polarity/hydrophilicity. We wish to determine the acid contributions of the different components constituting an active FCC catalyst particle; in other words, we wish to relate porosity and acidity to specific components within a single FCC catalyst particle in 3-D and with nanometer resolution.



March 2019 – present   PhD candidate at ICC under supervision of Prof. dr. ir. B.M. Weckhuysen


September – December 2018     researcher at TNO Materials Solutions Eindhoven


2016 – 2018       Master Nanomaterials Science at Utrecht University


Internship at TNO Materials Solutions, Eindhoven: ‘Plasmonic Ruthenium

Nanocatalyst for Sunlight-Fueled Low-Temperature Methanation of Carbon Dioxide’


Master Thesis at Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, Utrecht University: ‘The Effect of Titania Support on Iron based FTO Catalysts’ (daily supervisor: Nynke Krans MSc, supervisor: Prof. dr. ir. K.P. de Jong)


2013 – 2016       Bachelor Chemistry at Utrecht University


Bachelor thesis at Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis, Utrecht University: ‘Methylating Silica Supports for Increased Selectivity in the Ethylene Epoxidation reaction’ (daily supervisor: Jeroen van den Reijen, supervisor: Prof. dr. P.E. de Jongh)


2007 – 2013       High school education (Gymnasium) at Gymnasium Camphusianum, Gorinchem


1994                     Born December 14 in Gorinchem