Hanya Spoelstra

PhD Candidate
Employed since: October 2023
Email: h.y.spoelstra@uu.nl
Room: Vening Meineszgebouw – C, 2.06



This research is part of a multilateral ARC CBBC project and investigates the development of new catalysts for methane decomposition. The decomposition of methane in hydrogen and functional solid carbon is an attractive route for CO2-free hydrogen production. The research involves the development and comparison of metal-based and metal-lean catalysts in various forms. The catalyst materials as well as the solid carbon product formed are analyzed with in-depth in-situ and operando characterization. The study includes a multi-scale approach from single-catalyst particle up to reactor level with various characterization methods, including AFM-IR, IR, Raman, XAS, and X-ray tomography



Oct. 2023 – present

PhD candidate – Utrecht University

At Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis under supervision of prof. dr. ir. Bert Weckhuysen.


Jan. 2023 – Jun. 2023

Internship – Ketjen

The internship was in the Exploratory R&D group of the Ketjen site in Amsterdam. Supervised by dr. Carlos Hernandez Mejia and dr. Tjøstil Vlaar.


Sep. 2021 – Aug. 2023

MSc Nanomaterials Science – Utrecht University

Master thesis: Designing nanoplastics for fluorescence-based detection, supervised by dr. Laurens Mandemaker and dr. Florian Meirer


Jan. 2021 – Jun. 2021

Internship – Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL)

The internship was in the High Harmonic Generation and EUV science group. Supervised by Maarten van der Geest and dr. Peter Kraus.


Sep. 2017 – Jan. 2021

BSc Chemistry – Utrecht University