Joyce Kromwijk

PhD Candidate
Employed since: January 2021
Room: 4th floor, open area



The metallurgical industry is one of the largest CO2 emitting industries. In order to reduce the CO2 footprint of the steel production process Tata Steel developed HIsarna: a process which reduces the CO2 emission by 20%. The Works Arising Gases (WAGs) of the HIsarna process have a rich CO2 concentration and the temperature is very high (~1500°C)1. The CO2 production of this process can be reduced by valorizing these waste streams.

The goal of this project is to investigate two solid catalysts for a two-staged thermochemical CO2 hydrogenation reaction: CO2 will be converted into methane and subsequently into aromatics. An autothermal reactor will be designed to take advantage of the high-temperature HIsarna off-gas to drive the strongly endothermic methane dehydroaromatization reaction (CH4 to aromatics).

This project is co-funded by Tata Steel and M2i

[1] Keys, A., van Hout, M., Daniëls, B., Decarbonisation options for the Dutch Steel Industry, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency & ECN part of TNO, The Hague (2019)



2021 – present
PhD candidate at the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group, Utrecht University

Project: Two-step thermochemical CO2 hydrogenation toward aromatics, supervised by dr. W. van der Stam and prof. dr. ir. B.M. Weckhuysen

2018 – 2020
Master Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Masterthesis at the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group: ‘Support and Promoter Effects for the CO2 Hydrogenation Reaction over Cobalt-based Catalysts’, supervised by I.C. ten Have and prof. dr. ir. B.M. Weckhuysen

Master internship in science communication at the Centre for Science and Culture of Utrecht University: ‘Operatie Breinbreker: een kijkje achter de schermen bij de Universiteit Utrecht’, supervised by M.M. Thoen and prof. dr. E.T.C. Vogt

2014 – 2018
Bachelor Chemistry, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Bachelorthesis at the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group: ‘Exploring Ni- and Pt-Catalyzed Acetylene Hydrogenation using in situ Vibrational Spectroscopy: A Comparative SHINERS and DRIFTS Study’, supervised by C.S. Wondergem and prof. dr. ir. B.M. Weckhuysen

2008 – 2014
Secondary school education, Cals College, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands


07 October 2024

ICC runs the singelloop

“Mens sana in corpore sano” – a healthy mind in a healthy body In order to do great research, we also need to look after our (mental) health. Last sunday […]

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