Rafael Mayorga González

PhD Candidate
Employed since: March 2019
Phone: +31685657514
Email: r.mayorgagonzalez1@uu.nl
Room: David de Wied 5th floor open office



The efficiencies of heterogeneous catalysts could be dramatically improved by rational design. One of the prerequisites for this is a better understanding of the diffusion processes in hierarchical porous structures. Thanks to recent advances in single particle tracking (SPT), it is now possible to follow single molecules with sub-diffraction-limit-precision as they move through catalyst’s porous bodies. However, the pore space of real-life catalysts is extremely complex and involves length scales that go from the nano-level (< 2nm) to fractions of a millimeter, which complicates studying diffusion. The aim of this project is to unravel the mysteries of mass transfer inside heterogeneous catalysts, by tracking fluorescent probes in well-defined model-structures and connecting the results with simulations as well as SPT experiments on real catalysts.



March 2019 to present

PhD Candidate, Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group, Utrecht University –
Utrecht, The Netherlands. 1st Promotor: Prof. Dr.  B.M. Weckhuysen (Utrecht University) 2nd Promotor: Prof. Dr. A. van den Berg (University of Twente)

August 2018 to February 2019

Research Assistant, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) – Freiburg, Germany


December 2015 to August 2018

Master of Science in Process Engineering, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie – Karlsruhe, Germany

Master thesis at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE): “Dynamic modelling and analysis of a miniplant for methanol production from steel mill gas” supervised by Prof. Dr. T. Kolb

Internship at BASF SE (6 months) – Ludwigshafen, Germany

Working Student for otego GmbH (1 year) – Karlsruhe, Germany

October 2011 to December 2015

Bachelor of Science in Process Engineering, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie – Karlsruhe, Germany

Bachelor thesis: “Wall slip of capillary suspensions based on a model-system and a process-close liquid, considering the influence of the particle shape on the rheological properties of coke-water suspensions” supervised by Prof. Dr. N. Willenbacher

Erasmus student exchange at University College London (1 year) – London, United Kingdom