Bert Weckhuysen Awarded Comenius Senior Fellowship

Bert Weckhuysen was awarded a prestigious Comenius Senior Fellowship award which will allow him to expand the Bachelor-phase Da Vinci Project (an interdisciplinary honours programme on sustainability developed with a 2019 Comenius Teaching Award) to the Master-phase.

Building on the success of the Da Vinci Project, Weckhuysen will develop a program  for Master students of the Utrecht University Strategic Alliance with Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research and University Medical Centre Utrecht. The program will allow the students to experiment with crossing the boundaries of scientific disciplines and work on real-life challenges with the involvement of stakeholders.

The Comenius program from the Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek (The National governing body on education-research) provides grants that allow educators to turn their creative ideas on education-innovation into practice.