An international team of researchers, among which Zoran Ristanović and Bert Weckhuysen, was the first to make a detailed 3-D scan of individual aluminium atoms in a zeolite crystal. Their results […]
Thesis defense Carlo Angelici on June 24, 2015
Carlo Angelici will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Ethanol-to-Butadiene Conversion over SiO2-MgO Catalysts: Synthesis-Structure-Performance Relationships’. Date and Time: Wednesday, Juni 24, 2015 at 04:15 PM. Location: Academic Building, Domplein 29, Utrecht. […]
Thesis defense Rafael de Lima Oliveira on June 3, 2015
Rafael de Lima Oliveira will defend his dissertation, entitled ‘Nanoreactors in Catalysis’. Date and Time: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 10:30 AM. Location: Academic Building, Domplein 29, Utrecht. Promotor: Prof. […]
Two PhD students of the group featured in ‘De Werkplek’ on DUB
PhD students Antonio Martinez Pascual and Özgün Attila show their workplace in the David de Wied building. Antonio Martinez Pascual working in the laboratory of the David de Wied building. […]
Bert Weckhuysen Knighted in the Order of the Dutch Lion
Bert Weckhuysen has received the Royal honour of Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion. He is one of the international leaders in his field and has earned a […]
Nature Communication article on Catalytic Biomass Conversion
The group of Bert Weckhuysen and Pieter Bruijnincx has managed, together with colleagues in UK and in the US, to speed up the processing of biomass into a variety of […]
Dimitrije Cicmil – VIRAN Poster Award at NCCC
PhD student Dimitrije Cicmil of the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group won the VIRAN award for the best poster presented during the 16th Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC) in […]
Two publications in ESRF Scientific Highlights 2014
In the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Highlights 2014, two publications appeared, including results of the research performed at ESRF. The article of Zoran Ristanovic and Bert Weckhuysen, entitled ‘Crystallographic […]
Thesis defense Ilona van Zandvoort on 16 March 2015
Ilona van Zandvoort will defend her dissertation, entitled ‘Towards the Valorization of Humin By-products: Characterization, Solubilization and Catalysis’. Date and Time: Monday, 16 March 2015 at 10:30 AM. Location: Academic […]
ERC grant for Petra de Jongh
The ERC awards this prestigious European grants to experienced scientists who perform high-quality and innovative research. With Petra receiving this grant, all four professors of the group Inorganic Chemistry and […]
Marjolein Dijkstra new Scientific Director Debye
On 26 January 2015, Prof. Marjolein Dijkstra was appointed Scientific Director of the Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science by dean Gerrit van Meer. With this appointment, Prof. Marjolein Dijkstra succeeds […]
Roadmap Catalysis for the Netherlands published
On January 12, 2015, a team of scientific and industrial partners published the Roadmap ‘Catalysis, key to Sustainable future’. This roadmap will form a solid base for a strong catalysis […]