Postdoctoral scholar Joel Schmidt won a Catalysis Science & Technology poster prize award at the 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8). At the conference he presented a poster […]
poster award for Rolf Beerthuis at the 8th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis in June 2018
PhD candidate Rolf Beerthuis won a prize for the best poster communication at the 8th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis in June 2018. At the conference he presented a combined […]
Next Einstein Forum Fellow Award and Alumnus of the month nomination for Peter Ngene
Peter Ngene is one of the seventeen ‘Next Einstein Forum’ Fellows 2017-2019, for Africa’s most outstanding and promising young scientists. On 27 March, he received the award from Paul Kagame, […]
Poster award for Petra Keijzer at MCEC annual meeting 2018
On the 5th of April, Petra Keijzer won a poster prize during the Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion (MCEC) Annual Meeting, in Enschede. The poster was entitled “Fundamental […]
Prof. Petra de Jongh is elected as a new member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Petra de Jongh is elected as a new member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, recognizing her important work on nanomaterials for catalysis and energy storage […]
Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant for MCEC
The Gravitation Programme Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion (MCEC) has been awarded 1.7 million Euros to cover part of the costs for the participation of 16 ambitious new […]
NWO grant for Florian Meirer
Florian Meirer (ICC), together with colleagues Katrien Keune (Rijksmuseum) and Koen Janssens (University of Antwerp), has been awarded funding for a project called “3D understanding of degradation products in paintings”. […]
Bert Weckhuysen receives Certificate for Achievements from the Belgian Ambassador
On February 7 2018 Belgian Ambassador in the Netherlands, Chris Hoornaert, has awarded Professor Bert Weckhuysen a Certificate for Achievements (‘Oorkonde van Verdienste’) of the Christoffel Plantin fund for his […]
Two NWO projects awarded to the ICC group
Two projects within the NWO Materials for Sustainability Research program have been awarded to the ICC group: Baira Donoeva will work with Bastian Mei (UT) in collaboration with HyET on […]
Krijn de Jong elected for the shortlist of the UU Teaching Award
Prof. Krijn de Jong has been nominated by the Chemistry Student Association Proton and has been elected for the shortlist of the Teaching Award of Utrecht University. An article about […]
Krijn de Jong receives Eminent Visitor Award
The Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA) aims to recognise excellence in catalysis research by overseas scientists. In acknowledgement of their significant contributions, an Eminent Visitor Award is presented to […]
Krijn de Jong was interviewed by NPO Radio 1
Krijn de Jong was interviewed on NPO Radio 1 about CO2 storage underground the North Sea. The new government develops plans to capture and store 18 million ton of CO2 […]