Fang Liu shows her workplace in the David de Wied building to DUB. The aim of her project is converting biomass derivatives into value-added chemicals effectively. Biomass is a promising […]
Recent media appearances
Last month in the media: Pieter Bruijnincx, Eelco Vogt, Bert Weckhuysen and Jovana Zecevic. In Chemisch2Weekblad of May 20, Pieter Bruijnincx appeared with a collumn in which he suggests that […]
Van Arkel Prize for Peter Ngene
In his thesis, Ngene discusses solutions for the challenges of using complex hydrides for reversible hydrogen storage in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and for stationary energy storage applications. The van […]
Thesis defense Arjan dan Otter, 30 May 2016
Arjan den Otter will defend his dissertation, entitled ‘Niobia-supported Cobalt Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis’. Date and Time: Monday, May 30, 2016 at 10.30 AM. Location: Academic Building, Domplein 29, Utrecht. […]
Vidi grant for Florian Meirer
This month, Florian Meirer received a Vidi grant for his research on the structure of catalysts in relation to their performance. Studying paths through the pore labyrinth of catalysts Functional […]
Thesis defense Roy van den Berg, 18 May 2016
Roy van den Berg will defend his dissertation, entitled ‘ Formation, activity and growth of copper nanoparticles in methanol synthesis catalysts’. Date and Time: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 2.30 […]
De Jong appointed member of the International Advisory Committee at PCOSS, Xiamen University
Professor Krijn de Jong has been appointed as member of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the Key State Laboratory ‘Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces’ (PCOSS) of Xiamen University in […]
Lectures Bert Weckhuysen at Universiteit van Nederland
Bert Weckhuysen appears in a series of five lectures at the ‘Universiteit van Nederland’ (University of the Netherlands), in which he explains all about catalysis: from fuels, food and plastics […]
Launch ARC CBBC, 10 May, 2016
The Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC) officially started with the symposium ‘Chemical Building Blocks for a Sustainable Future’. During the symposium, ARC CBBC brought together potential […]
Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Eelco Vogt on May 9, 2016
With his lecture, Professor Vogt will officially be inaugurated as Professor by special appointment in Refinery Catalysis. The inaugural speech is entitled “Olieraffinage, is daar nog wetenschap voor nodig?” (“Does […]
Cover and entertaining video in JPCL
wo PhD-candidates Thomas Hartman and Katinka Wondergem publish an entertaining video and a cover associated with a feature article in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (JPCL). The article entitled “A Perspective […]
Martin Oschatz wins the Carbon Journal Prize 2016
Dr. Martin Oschatz will receive the Carbon Journal Prize 2016. The price includes a travel grant for participation in the World Conference on CARBON 2016 at the State College in […]