Daan Groefsema Luminescence Thermometry for Operando Monitoring of Local Temperatures during Endothermic and Exothermic Hydrocarbon Conversion Processes
Feixiang Xu Enhancing Plastic Recycling: Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polymers via Thermal Kinetics and Molecular Dynamics
Fieke Sluijs Da Vinci Project. How can we educate changemakers?
Fleur Neijenhuis Towards the Refinery of the Future: Exploring the Combination of Hydrogen Production, Reverse Water-Gas-Shift and Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis to Make Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals
Floor Brzesowsky A dancing catalyst for carbon dioxide utilization
Fréderique Broers 3D Understanding of Degradation Products in Paintings
Hanya Spoelstra Design methane decomposition catalyst materials building on insights obtained by in-situ and operando spectroscopy and microscopy
Haoxiang Yan A complete transformation path for C-C backboned plastic wastes to high-value chemicals and materials
Hui Wang Revealing the restructuring of electrocatalysts during CO2 electroreduction with in-situ electrochemical AFM
Iris ten Have Promoter and poison effects in heterogeneous catalysis: Novel tools to shed fundamental insight
Iwan Verduijn Understanding long-term CO2 conversion catalyst behavior with high-pressure operando x-ray and vibrational spectroscopy
Jan den Hollander 3-D chemical imaging of coke deposits and metal sintering within honeycomb catalyst materials for hydrogen production
Jelle Bos Investigation and optimization of the iso-oleic acid hydrogenation process by coupled in-situ spectroscopies and bifunctional catalysis
Jelle Kranenborg CO2 hydrogenation on copper: structure sensitivity and support effects
Sebastian Rejman Value-added products from polyolefin waste by catalytic pyrolysis
Sibylle Schwartmann Analysis of catalyst for electrochemical alcohol oxidation coupled to hydrogen production
Simone Mosk Developing operando analysis methods for ball milling-based recycling of plastics
Sofie Ferwerda Operando Micro-Spectroscopy of Coke Formation in Dry Methane Reforming Catalysis
Tom Smak Thermo-oxidative degradation of polyethylene waste to valuable carboxylic acids
Vaishnavi Ganesh Elucidation of the Organic- versus Inorganic-driven Deactivation of Aniline and Phosgene Synthesis Catalyst Materials with Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Xiang Yu Al2O3-x-based single-atom-catalysts for methane conversion