Petra de Jongh appeared in NPO’s broadcast “EénVandaag” on October 21, 2016. She talks about her research on a new generation of Lithium batteries. De onderzoeksgroep van Petra de Jongh en […]
Jochem Wijten wins Unilever Research Prize
The Unilever Research Prize is awarded to Jochem Wijten for the research he conducted during his Master’s programme within the ICC-group. Wijten was nominated for the prize because of his […]
Thesis defense Sam Kalirai on December 12, 2016
Sam Kalirai will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Advances in X-ray chemical imaging of a single catalyst particle’. Date and Time: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 10:30 AM Location: Academic Building, […]
2016 Lab of Excellence SEAM Thesis Prize for Thomas Gaudisson
(Thomas Gaudisson receives Lab of Excellence SEAM Thesis Prize 2016) Thomas Gaudisson is awarded the 2016 Lab of Excellence SEAM Thesis Prize for his thesis entitled “Granular magnetically contrasted hetero-nanostructures […]
Roy van den Berg et al publishes in Nature Communications
Copper particles just a few nanometres in diameter are an extremely important component in catalysts for chemical processes. These processes require immense quantities of the copper nanoparticles – more than […]
CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship for Roxana Pérez Vélez
This month, Dr. Roxana Pérez Vélez received a CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship to develop the project “Bifunctional metal-acid catalysts for selective hydrocarbon conversion”. In 2016, the Mexican National Council of Science […]
Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Petra de Jongh on September 16, 2016
With her lecture, Professor de Jongh will officially be inaugurated as Chair in Inorganic Nanomaterials. The inaugural speech is entitled “Nanomaterialen: De Kracht van het Kleine” (“Nanomaterials: Small is Beautiful”). […]
Publication by Meirer and Weckhuysen in Nature Communications
Every catalyst particle contains a kind of “road network” over which molecules travel to the active sites in a catalyst. Metals can clog this road network, making the active sites […]
Jessi van der Hoeven et al publishes in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Carbon monoxide sets platinum atoms in motion Catalysts are often made of expensive precious metals, which work most efficiently when very small particles of the metal are fixed to a […]
2016 Rayleigh Early Career Award for Naresh Kumar
PhD candidate Naresh Kumar, affiliated with Utrecht University and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL, United Kingdom), has won the 2016 Rayleigh Early Career Award for his work on “Nanoscale mapping […]
Jochem Wijten one of the three 2016 Utrecht University Master Thesis Award Nominees
In his research, Jochem Wijten proved that a new category of materials -Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)- can contribute to a more efficient storage of solar-energy. Next to batteries, the sustainable energy can […]
Prof. Krijn de Jong elected as best lecturer of 2015/2016
Photo: Prof. Krijn de Jong receives the ‘Protonpluim’ for best lecturer of 2015/2016. First-year students of the Bachelor Chemistry elected Prof. Krijn de Jong as best lecturer of the academic […]