Prof. dr. ir. Bert M. Weckhuysen

Distinguished University Professor
Employed since:
Phone: +31 30 253 4328
Room: David de Wied building - Room 4.82



Molecular Movies


For years, Prof. Bert Weckhuysen has been trying to build a powerful camera to record what happens in a working catalytic solid. The long-term aim of this work is to bring this technology to a level that enables imaging catalysis at macro, meso and micro scales, from the reactor down to interactions between single atoms and molecules. He is a keen photographer, who has found a way to combine his hobby with his scientific interests in a way that significantly contributed to the significant technological advancement of the method ‘operando spectroscopy’, named by some colleagues and Weckhuysen himself. The term refers to a specialized form of in situ spectroscopy, in which measurements take place under realistic catalytic conditions of high temperature and pressure, empowering us to study catalysts in all their complexity and heterogeneity. Only this way can we accumulate enough knowledge to rationally design more efficient catalyst materials which, on one hand, are necessary to produce the energy and materials for the quickly increasing human population in a sustainable manner and, on the other hand, will help us to reduce the concentration of CO in the atmosphere.




For Bert Weckhuysen’s detailed Curriculum Vitae see

Since October 2000, Bert Weckhuysen is full professor Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis at Utrecht University. He has been appointed as the first Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of Science at Utrecht University as of September 2012. From January 2018 he has been promoted to the rank of Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University.

An overview of additional functions can be found at the profile page of Bert Weckhuysen at the UU-website (Dutch).


07 October 2024

ICC runs the singelloop

“Mens sana in corpore sano” – a healthy mind in a healthy body In order to do great research, we also need to look after our (mental) health. Last sunday […]

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08 July 2024

Two ICC projects received funding within National Growth Fund programme Circular Plastics NL

How do we ensure that we can reuse plastic packaging material? Or how can dyes in PET bottles be reused and contribute to making plastics circular? Two research projects within […]

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29 June 2024

New Joint Research Center UU/ECUST

Utrecht University and East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST, Shanghai, China) have established a Joint Research Center (JRC) for Sustainable and Circular Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The JRC […]

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08 May 2024

Roadmap to a carbon-neutral refinery by 2050 – Nature cover article

Would it be possible to build a refinery that is completely fossil-free, and thereby significantly contributing to a carbon-neutral society by as early as 2050? According to two of our […]

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22 March 2024

Prof. Bert Weckhuysen receives honorary doctorate from Ghent University

Ghent University awarded an honorary doctorate to Bert Weckhuysen. The doctorate is a special honour for his exceptional scientific achievements. The honorary doctorate was awarded during the Dies Natalis of […]

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28 May 2021

Bert Weckhuysen Awarded Comenius Senior Fellowship

Bert Weckhuysen was awarded a prestigious Comenius Senior Fellowship award which will allow him to expand the Bachelor-phase Da Vinci Project (an interdisciplinary honours programme on sustainability developed with a […]

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11 May 2021

And then there was light: the sun powers new chemistry

In an article that appeared in de Telegraaf today, ICC researchers Eline Hutter, Matteo Monai, and Bert Weckhuysen are interviewed about the conversion of CO­2 to methane using sunlight. Although […]

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23 November 2020

Research into microplastics and nanoplastics and chemical substances

Bert Weckhuysen and Florian Meirer are involved in two major European Horizon 2020 projects that are all connected with research into substances that are harmful to our health. A brief […]

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06 June 2019

Ward van der Stam appointed as Tenure Tracker at ICC

In March 2019, Ward initially started as a postdoc in the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis (ICC) group, but recently, his position was changed into Tenure Track Assistant Professor. He will […]

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18 March 2019

Utrecht twice in ‘final’ for European billion-euro grant

The Energy-X research proposal led by The Technical University of Denmark is one of the six finalists for the billion-euro flagship scientific initiatives. Bert Weckhuysen is a participant in this […]

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11 March 2019

Methane promising route for storage of renewable energy from sun and wind

Charlotte Vogt, Matteo Monai, Gert Jan Kramer and Bert Weckhuysen recently published in Nature Catalysis on the renaissance of the Sabatier reaction. This work focusses on CO2 reduction towards value […]

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20 February 2019

Carbon to carbon: chemistry and legislation need to work together for a true circular economy

Bert Weckhuysen gave a lecture at the Royal Institution London. In his lecture, Bert takes his audience on a journey from the discovery of crude oil to our current problems […]

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06 December 2018

Anne-Eva Nieuwelink receives CHAINS 2018 poster award

Anne-Eva Nieuwelink wins one of the 4 Chemistry of Materials & Chemical Conversion Poster Prizes at CHAINS 2018. Real team effort by two of our PhD students, Anne-Eva & Marjolein […]

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26 November 2018

Ellen Sterk wins AkzoNobel Graduation Prize for Chemistry and Process Technology 2018

The Royal Netherlands Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) has named Ellen Sterk as the winner of the AkzoNobel Graduation Prize for Chemistry and Process Technology 2018. Ellen Sterk completed […]

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20 November 2018

Nature Chemistry publication for Dr. Gareth Whiting, Nikolaos Nikolopoulos, Ioannis Nikolopoulos, Dr. Abhishek Dutta Chowdhury and Prof. Bert Weckhuysen

In their research, the chemists from Utrecht studied the sustainable production of methanol, one of the building blocks for products such as plastics. Sustainable methanol can be synthesised from CO2 […]

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05 November 2018

Poster prize for Thijs Verkaaik

PhD candidate Thijs Verkaaik (ICC) won a poster prize for his work entitled “Photothermal Suzuki Cross-Coupling using Bimetallic Nanorods”, authored by Thijs Verkaaik, Roos Grote, Nicole Meulendijks, Francesc Sastre Calabuig, Pascal […]

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14 March 2018

Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant for MCEC

The Gravitation Programme Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion (MCEC) has been awarded 1.7 million Euros to cover part of the costs for the participation of 16 ambitious new […]

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08 March 2018

NWO grant for Florian Meirer

Florian Meirer (ICC), together with colleagues Katrien Keune (Rijksmuseum) and Koen Janssens (University of Antwerp), has been awarded funding for a project called “3D understanding of degradation products in paintings”. […]

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07 February 2018

Bert Weckhuysen receives Certificate for Achievements from the Belgian Ambassador

On February 7 2018 Belgian Ambassador in the Netherlands, Chris Hoornaert, has awarded Professor Bert Weckhuysen a Certificate for Achievements (‘Oorkonde van Verdienste’) of the Christoffel Plantin fund for his […]

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09 July 2017

Recent media appearances – group of Bert Weckhuysen

BNR podcast: interview with Jochem Wijten June 7, 2017 The podcast is about the production of artificial manure, without the high CO2 emmisions that appear during the Haber-Bosch process. Wijten […]

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30 May 2017

Recent media appearances – group of Bert Weckhuysen

Lectures at Universiteit van Nederland in the Media In May 2016, Bert Weckhuysen appeared in a series of five lectures of the ‘Universiteit van Nederland’ (University of the Netherlands), in […]

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24 May 2017

Group of Bert Weckhuysen featured in podcast Captains of Chemistry

(From left to right: Anne-Eva Nieuwelink, Edwin Mooibroek (BNR), Bert Weckhuysen en Katinka Wondergem.) Bert Weckhuysen, Katinka Wondergem and Anne-Eva Nieuwelink feature in the first episode of ‘Captains of Chemistry’; […]

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19 May 2017

Pasi Paalanen and José Moya-Cancino featured in ‘De Werkplek’ on DUB

Pasi Paalanen and José Moya-Cancino have their research topic in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Fischer-Tropsch fuels are a possible alternative for crude oil. Both PhD candidates work under supervision of Bert Weckhuysen […]

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25 April 2017

Bert Weckhuysen wins Tanabe Prize for Acid-Base Catalysis

The prize was initiated by the International Acid-Base Catalysis Group and bears the name of Kozo Tanabe, who pioneered many of the modern concepts in catalytic chemistry of acids and […]

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10 April 2017

The CatchBio Magazine; Ten years of Biomass Catalysis

In November 2016, the CatchBio consortium celebrated a decade of high-level research on catalytic biomass conversion. In an article in Agro & Chemie (March 2017), scientific director Bert Weckhuysen speaks […]

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04 April 2017

Poster award for Carolien Vis at IGCS2017

The poster was entitled “Towards Tandem Catalytic Biomass Conversion in Pickering Emulsions”, Authors: Carolien M. Vis, Pierre-François M. Vittoz, Pieter C.A. Bruijnincx. The poster award consists of a coupon of […]

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15 March 2017

Marie Curie Grant for Mario De bruyn

The European Commission has granted a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship to Dr. Mario De bruyn. This three-year grant will allow Dr. De bruyn to execute his TAILORCAT project. The project […]

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06 March 2017

Zoran Ristanović receives the invitation to attend the 67th Lindau Nobel Laurate Meeting

The honorable invitation to the 67th Lindau Meeting is with special regard to excellence in research. The 67th Lindau Meeting will be dedicated to the field of chemistry. So far, […]

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27 February 2017

Bert Weckhuysen to receive Robert B. Anderson Award for contributions to catalysis research

Bert Weckhuysen will receive the 2018 Robert B. Anderson Award for his outstanding contributions to the fundamental understanding of the functioning of solid catalysts and the related development of advanced […]

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09 February 2017

Marie Curie Grant for Matthias Filez

The European Commission granted a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships to Matthias Filez. The 2-year grant will allow Matthias Filez to link zeolite porosity to molecular diffusion at the single crystal level, […]

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19 January 2017

Recent media appearances – group of Bert Weckhuysen

ARC-CBBC selected the first researchers for personal membership January 2017 The first 39 researchers have been selected for personal membership for the Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Block Consortium (ARC […]

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16 January 2017

ARC CBBC in the media

The Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC), which is linking pioneering science to complex societal issues, potentially leading to vital breakthroughs to sustainably meet future demand for […]

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06 December 2016

Jochem Wijten wins Unilever Research Prize

The Unilever Research Prize is awarded to Jochem Wijten for the research he conducted during his Master’s programme within the ICC-group. Wijten was nominated for the prize because of his […]

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28 November 2016

Thesis defense Sam Kalirai on December 12, 2016

Sam Kalirai will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Advances in X-ray chemical imaging of a single catalyst particle’. Date and Time: Monday, December 12, 2016 at 10:30 AM Location: Academic Building, […]

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31 October 2016

2016 Lab of Excellence SEAM Thesis Prize for Thomas Gaudisson

(Thomas Gaudisson receives Lab of Excellence SEAM Thesis Prize 2016) Thomas Gaudisson is awarded the 2016 Lab of Excellence SEAM Thesis Prize for his thesis entitled “Granular magnetically contrasted hetero-nanostructures […]

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30 August 2016

Publication by Meirer and Weckhuysen in Nature Communications

Every catalyst particle contains a kind of “road network” over which molecules travel to the active sites in a catalyst. Metals can clog this road network, making the active sites […]

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12 July 2016

2016 Rayleigh Early Career Award for Naresh Kumar

PhD candidate Naresh Kumar, affiliated with Utrecht University and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL, United Kingdom), has won the 2016 Rayleigh Early Career Award for his work on “Nanoscale mapping […]

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04 July 2016

Jochem Wijten one of the three 2016 Utrecht University Master Thesis Award Nominees

In his research, Jochem Wijten proved that a new category of materials -Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)- can contribute to a more efficient storage of solar-energy. Next to batteries, the sustainable energy can […]

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15 June 2016

PhD-candidate Fang Liu featured in ‘De Werkplek’ on DUB

Fang Liu shows her workplace in the David de Wied building to DUB. The aim of her project is converting biomass derivatives into value-added chemicals effectively. Biomass is a promising […]

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17 May 2016

Vidi grant for Florian Meirer

This month, Florian Meirer received a Vidi grant for his research on the structure of catalysts in relation to their performance. Studying paths through the pore labyrinth of catalysts Functional […]

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07 May 2016

Lectures Bert Weckhuysen at Universiteit van Nederland

Bert Weckhuysen appears in a series of five lectures at the ‘Universiteit van Nederland’ (University of the Netherlands), in which he explains all about catalysis: from fuels, food and plastics […]

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04 May 2016

Launch ARC CBBC, 10 May, 2016

The Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC) officially started with the symposium ‘Chemical Building Blocks for a Sustainable Future’. During the symposium, ARC CBBC brought together potential […]

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21 April 2016

Cover and entertaining video in JPCL

wo PhD-candidates Thomas Hartman and Katinka Wondergem publish an entertaining video and a cover associated with a feature article in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (JPCL). The article entitled “A Perspective […]

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22 March 2016

Thesis defense Zoran Ristanović on March 30, 2016

Zoran Ristanović will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Zeolite chemistry studied at the level of single particles, molecules and atoms’. During his PhD-track, Ristanović developed a method to study Zeolite Chemistry […]

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16 March 2016

Thesis defense Korneel Cats on March 23, 2016

Korneel Cats will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘On the deactivation of Cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts’. Date and Time: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 10:30 AM Location: Academic Building, Domplein 29, Utrecht […]

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11 March 2016

Marjolein Velthoen and Sam Kalirai win Awards at NCCC XVII

(Sam Kalirai (second from left) with the award for his lecture.) Sam Kalirai won one of three NIOK lecture awards for best PhD presentation at the 17th Netherlands Catalysis and […]

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10 March 2016

Bert Weckhuysen at Universiteit van Nederland

Bert Weckhuysen will appear in a series of five lectures in the ‘Universiteit van Nederland’ (University of the Netherlands) in April 2016. Do not miss it! The recording of the […]

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07 March 2016

Thesis defense Mustafa al Samarai on March 14, 2016

Mustafa al Samarai will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘X-ray spectroscopy and microscopy of cobalt and nickel in CoMoS and CoNiMoS hydrodesulfurization catalysts’. Date and Time: Monday, March 14, 2016 at […]

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23 February 2016

Thesis defense Dimitrije Cicmil on March 2, 2016

Dimitrije Cicmil will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Advances in Phillips Polymerisation Catalysis: In-situ Synthesis of Light Linear Alpha Olefins’. In his dissertation, Cicmil presents a method to simplify and improve […]

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11 December 2015

Bert Weckhuysen appointed as foreign member of KVAB

Bert Weckhuysen has been invited to join the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB). On 12 December, Weckhuysen will formally be welcomed at the Public […]

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09 December 2015

ARC CBBC: National research center for chemical building blocks

On 7 December 2015, Minister Henk Kamp announced the kick off of ARC CBBC; a Joint investment by government, businesses and universities. AkzoNobel, BASF, Shell, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, […]

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26 November 2015

Thesis defense Joe Stewart on December 16, 2015

Joe Stewart will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Towards Green Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis – Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Catalyst Development’. Date and Time: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 10:30 AM. Location: Academic […]

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25 November 2015

Thesis defense Sophie Wiedemann on December 9, 2015

Sophie Wiedemann will defend her dissertation, entitled: ‘Ferrierite-Catalysed Branching of Unsaturated Fatty Acids’. Date and Time: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 10:30 AM. Location: Academic Building, Domplein 29, Utrecht. Promotor: […]

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01 September 2015

Minister Bussemaker visits our group

Prior to her lecture during the opening of the new academic year, minister Bussemaker visited the Utrecht Science Park. The politica talked with the young researchers that are involved in […]

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20 July 2015

Nature Communications article on 3-D mapping of single aluminum atoms in zeolites

An international team of researchers, among which Zoran Ristanović and Bert Weckhuysen, was the first to make a detailed 3-D scan of individual aluminium atoms in a zeolite crystal. Their results […]

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01 June 2015

Thesis defense Carlo Angelici on June 24, 2015

Carlo Angelici will defend his dissertation, entitled: ‘Ethanol-to-Butadiene Conversion over SiO2-MgO Catalysts: Synthesis-Structure-Performance Relationships’. Date and Time: Wednesday, Juni 24, 2015 at 04:15 PM. Location: Academic Building, Domplein 29, Utrecht. […]

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22 May 2015

Two PhD students of the group featured in ‘De Werkplek’ on DUB

PhD students Antonio Martinez Pascual and Özgün Attila show their workplace in the David de Wied building. Antonio Martinez Pascual working in the laboratory of the David de Wied building. […]

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26 April 2015

Bert Weckhuysen Knighted in the Order of the Dutch Lion

Bert Weckhuysen has received the Royal honour of Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion. He is one of the international leaders in his field and has earned a […]

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17 March 2015

Nature Communication article on Catalytic Biomass Conversion

The group of Bert Weckhuysen and Pieter Bruijnincx has managed, together with colleagues in UK and in the US, to speed up the processing of biomass into a variety of […]

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10 March 2015

Dimitrije Cicmil – VIRAN Poster Award at NCCC

PhD student Dimitrije Cicmil of the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group won the VIRAN award for the best poster presented during the 16th Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC) in […]

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10 March 2015

Two publications in ESRF Scientific Highlights 2014

In the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Highlights 2014, two publications appeared, including results of the research performed at ESRF. The article of Zoran Ristanovic and Bert Weckhuysen, entitled ‘Crystallographic […]

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07 March 2015

Thesis defense Ilona van Zandvoort on 16 March 2015

Ilona van Zandvoort will defend her dissertation, entitled ‘Towards the Valorization of Humin By-products: Characterization, Solubilization and Catalysis’. Date and Time: Monday, 16 March 2015 at 10:30 AM. Location: Academic […]

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16 October 2014

Weckhuysen appointed as Visiting Professor at University College London

University College London has appointed Professor Bert Weckhuysen as Visiting Professor in the Department of Chemistry of University College London (UCL). UCL is regarded as one of the world’s most […]

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22 April 2014

Rubicon for Annelie Jongerius

In April, Annelie Jongerius, who obtained her PhD in the group of Bert Weckhuysen last year, received a Rubicon grant by NWO. With this grant, Jongerius will go to Stanford University […]

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02 April 2014

Weckhuysen speaker at TEDxBinnenhof

Bert Weckhuysen was one of the speakers at TEDxBinnenhof, which took place on March 31. For this inspiration conference in the Ridderzaal (Hall of Knights) within The Binnenhof (The political […]

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15 March 2014

VIP article in ChemCatChem

In ChemCatChem, a VIP article appeared from Qingyun Qian, Javier Ruiz-Martinez and Bert Weckhuysen together with researchers from the King Agdulaziz University in Jeddah. The VIP article, entitled ‘Single-Particle Spectroscopy […]

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11 February 2014

De Groot and Weckhuysen in CLS Research Report

The research of Frank de Groot and Bert Weckhuysen and co-workers, appeared in the 2012 Research Report of the Canadian Light Source Inc. The report, appearing online in January this year, […]

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29 January 2014

Pieter Bruijnincx interviewed in DUB

An interview with Pieter Bruijnincx appeared in DUB, the digital magazine of Utrecht University. In the article, entitled ‘Bellenblaasontdekking Utrechtse onderzoekers maakt petrochemische industrie groener’, Pieter Bruijnincx explains the research […]

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15 January 2014

Proposal Weckhuysen granted in first CAPITA call

In the First CAPITA Call, the project proposal of Weckhuysen and researchers from Greece, Spain, Flanders and Italy is granted. The granted project in which Weckhuysen is involved is called […]

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15 January 2014

TA fund granted

In December, NWO CW granted a Technology Area (TA) to the project lead by Prof. Detlef Lohse (University of Twente). With Bert Weckhuysen as co-applicant, Utrecht University is involved in […]

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07 January 2014

First CHIPP grant awarded

The first CHIPP grant of the NWO-NCI Fund is awarded to Krijn de Jong, as main applicant of the research proposal ‘Structure-Stability Relationships for Supported Catalysts’. Co-applicants are Bert Weckhuysen, […]

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Maris, J J E; Fu, D; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Single-molecule observation of diffusion and catalysis in nanoporous solids Journal Article

In: Adsorption, 2021, (cited By 0).

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Jongkind, M K; Rivera-Torrente, M; Nikolopoulos, N; Weckhuysen, B M

Influence of Pore Structure and Metal-Node Geometry on the Polymerization of Ethylene over Cr-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, 2021, (cited By 0).

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Pei, G X; Dzade, N Y; Zhang, Y; Hofmann, J P; de Leeuw, N H; Weckhuysen, B M

Identification of Photoexcited Electron Relaxation in a Cobalt Phosphide Modified Carbon Nitride Photocatalyst Journal Article

In: ChemPhotoChem, 2021, (cited By 0).

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Hernández-Giménez, A M; de Kort, L M; Whiting, G T; Hernando, H; Puértolas, B; Pérez-Ramírez, J; Serrano, D P; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Upscaling Effects on Alkali Metal-Grafted Ultrastable Y Zeolite Extrudates for Modeled Catalytic Deoxygenation of Bio-oils Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, 2021, (cited By 0).

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van Deelen, T W; Yoshida, H; Oord, R; Zečević, J; Weckhuysen, B M; de Jong, K P

Cobalt nanocrystals on carbon nanotubes in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Impact of support oxidation Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 593, 2020, (cited By 1).

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Mejía, C Hernández; Vogt, C; Weckhuysen, B M; de Jong, K P

Stable niobia-supported nickel catalysts for the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide to hydrocarbons Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 343, pp. 56-62, 2020, (cited By 1).

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Hartman, T; Geitenbeek, R G; Wondergem, C S; Stam, W Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando Nanoscale Sensors in Catalysis: All Eyes on Catalyst Particles Journal Article

In: ACS Nano, 2020, (cited By 0).

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Vogt, C; Wijten, J; Madeira, C L; Kerkenaar, O; Xu, K; Holzinger, R; Monai, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Alkali Promotion in the Formation of CH<inf>4</inf> from CO<inf>2</inf> and Renewably Produced H<inf>2</inf> over Supported Ni Catalysts Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, 2020, (cited By 0).

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Ye, X; Schmidt, J E; Wang, R -P; van Ravenhorst, I K; Oord, R; Chen, T; de Groot, F; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Deactivation of Cu-Exchanged Automotive-Emission NH<inf>3</inf>-SCR Catalysts Elucidated with Nanoscale Resolution Using Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2020, (cited By 1).

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Wijten, J H J; Mandemaker, L D B; van Eeden, T C; Dubbeld, J E; Weckhuysen, B M

In Situ Study on Ni–Mo Stability in a Water-Splitting Device: Effect of Catalyst Substrate and Electric Potential Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, 2020, (cited By 0).

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Vogt, C; Wijten, J; Madeira, C L; Kerkenaar, O; Xu, K; Holzinger, R; Monai, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Alkali Promotion in the Formation of CH<inf>4</inf> from CO<inf>2</inf> and Renewably Produced H<inf>2</inf> over Supported Ni Catalysts Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, 2020, (cited By 0).

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van Deelen, T W; Harmel, J M; Nijhuis, J J; Su, H; Yoshida, H; Oord, R; Zečević, J; Weckhuysen, B M; de Jong, K P

Disk-Shaped Cobalt Nanocrystals as Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts Under Industrially Relevant Conditions Journal Article

In: Topics in Catalysis, vol. 63, no. 15-18, pp. 1398-1411, 2020, (cited By 1).

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Geitner, R; Weckhuysen, B M

Controlling the Depolymerization of Paraformaldehyde with Pd–Phosphine Complexes Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 26, no. 23, pp. 5297-5302, 2020, (cited By 2).

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Genuino, H C; Bovenkamp, H H Van De; Wilbers, E; Winkelman, J G M; Goryachev, A; Hofmann, J P; Hensen, E J M; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Heeres, H J

Catalytic Hydrogenation of Renewable Levulinic Acid to γ-Valerolactone: Insights into the Influence of Feed Impurities on Catalyst Performance in Batch and Flow Reactors Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 15, pp. 5903-5919, 2020, (cited By 9).

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Wondergem, C S; Kromwijk, J J G; Slagter, M; Vrijburg, W L; Hensen, E J M; Monai, M; Vogt, C; Weckhuysen, B M

In Situ Shell-Isolated Nanoparticle-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Nickel-Catalyzed Hydrogenation Reactions Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 625-632, 2020, (cited By 4).

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Rivera-Torrente, M; Filez, M; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Multi-Spectroscopic Interrogation of the Spatial Linker Distribution in Defect-Engineered Metal–Organic Framework Crystals: The [Cu3(btc)2−x(cydc)x] Showcase Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 26, no. 16, pp. 3614-3625, 2020, (cited By 5).

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van Deelen, T W; Yoshida, H; Oord, R; Zečević, J; Weckhuysen, B M; de Jong, K P

Cobalt nanocrystals on carbon nanotubes in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Impact of support oxidation Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 593, 2020, (cited By 9).

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Gambino, M; Veselý, M; Filez, M; Oord, R; Sanchez, D Ferreira; Grolimund, D; Nesterenko, N; Minoux, D; Maquet, M; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Nickel Poisoning of a Cracking Catalyst Unravelled by Single-Particle X-ray Fluorescence-Diffraction-Absorption Tomography Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 3922-3927, 2020, (cited By 7).

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Mejía, C Hernández; Vogt, C; Weckhuysen, B M; de Jong, K P

Stable niobia-supported nickel catalysts for the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide to hydrocarbons Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 343, pp. 56-62, 2020, (cited By 6).

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Louwen, J N; Simko, S; Stanciakova, K; Bulo, R E; Weckhuysen, B M; Vogt, E T C

Role of Rare Earth Ions in the Prevention of Dealumination of Zeolite y for Fluid Cracking Catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 124, no. 8, pp. 4626-4636, 2020, (cited By 3).

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Bossers, K W; Valadian, R; Zanoni, S; Smeets, R; Friederichs, N; Garrevoet, J; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Correlated X-ray Ptychography and Fluorescence Nano-Tomography on the Fragmentation Behavior of an Individual Catalyst Particle during the Early Stages of Olefin Polymerization Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 142, no. 8, pp. 3691-3695, 2020, (cited By 8).

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Vogt, C; Kranenborg, J; Monai, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Structure Sensitivity in Steam and Dry Methane Reforming over Nickel: Activity and Carbon Formation Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1428-1438, 2020, (cited By 15).

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Mandemaker, L D B; Rivera-Torrente, M; Delen, G; Hofmann, J P; Lorenz, M; Belianinov, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Nanoweb Surface-Mounted Metal–Organic Framework Films with Tunable Amounts of Acid Sites as Tailored Catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 691-698, 2020, (cited By 5).

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Amirilargani, M; Yokota, G N; Vermeij, G H; Merlet, R B; Delen, G; Mandemaker, L D B; Weckhuysen, B M; Winnubst, L; Nijmeijer, A; de Smet, L C P M; Sudhölter, E J R

Melamine-Based Microporous Organic Framework Thin Films on an Alumina Membrane for High-Flux Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 136-140, 2020, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Hartman, T; Geitenbeek, R G; Wondergem, C S; Stam, W Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando Nanoscale Sensors in Catalysis: All Eyes on Catalyst Particles Journal Article

In: ACS Nano, 2020, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Nieuwelink, A -E; Velthoen, M E Z; Nederstigt, Y C M; Jagtenberg, K L; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Single Particle Essays to Determine Heterogeneities within Fluid Catalytic Cracking Catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, 2020, (cited By 0).

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Ismail, A S M; Uemura, Y; Park, S H; Kwon, S; Kim, M; Elnaggar, H; Frati, F; Niwa, Y; Wadati, H; Hirata, Y; Zhang, Y; Yamagami, K; Yamamoto, S; Matsuda, I; Halisdemir, U; Koster, G; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Direct observation of the electronic states of photoexcited hematite with ultrafast 2p3d X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 2685-2692, 2020, (cited By 10).

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Cho, H S; Yang, J; Gong, X; Zhang, Y -B; Momma, K; Weckhuysen, B M; Deng, H; Kang, J K; Yaghi, O M; Terasaki, O

Isotherms of individual pores by gas adsorption crystallography Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, 2019, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Filez, M; Redekop, E A; Dendooven, J; Ramachandran, R K; Solano, E; Olsbye, U; Weckhuysen, B M; Galvita, V V; Poelman, H; Detavernier, C; Marin, G B

Formation and Functioning of Bimetallic Nanocatalysts: The Power of X-ray Probes Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Bruyn, M De; Cuello-Penaloza, P; Cendejas, M; Hermans, I; He, J; Krishna, S H; Lynn, D M; Dumesic, J A; Huber, G W; Weckhuysen, B M

Hexane-1,2,5,6-tetrol as a versatile and biobased building block for the synthesis of sustainable (Chiral) crystalline mesoporous polyboronates Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 15, pp. 13430-13436, 2019, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Samarai, M Al; van Oversteeg, C H M; Delgado-Jaime, M U; Weng, T -C; Sokaras, D; Liu, B; van der Linden, M; van der Eerden, A M J; Vogt, E T C; Weckhuysen, B M; de Groot, F M F

Nature of cobalt species during the in situ sulfurization of Co(Ni)Mo/Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> hydrodesulfurization catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 811-818, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Bruyn, M De; Budarin, V L; Misefari, A; Shimizu, S; Fish, H; Cockett, M; Hunt, A J; Hofstetter, H; Weckhuysen, B M; Clark, J H; Macquarrie, D J

Geminal Diol of Dihydrolevoglucosenone as a Switchable Hydrotrope: A Continuum of Green Nanostructured Solvents Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 7878-7883, 2019, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Bruyn, M De; Sener, C; Petrolini, D D; McClelland, D J; He, J; Ball, M R; Liu, Y; Martins, L; Dumesic, J A; Huber, G W; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic hydrogenation of dihydrolevoglucosenone to levoglucosanol with a hydrotalcite/mixed oxide copper catalyst Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 21, no. 18, pp. 5000-5007, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

van Ravenhorst, I K; Geitenbeek, R G; van der Eerden, M J; van Omme, J Tijn; Garza, H H Peréz; Meirer, F; Meijerink, A; Weckhuysen, B M

In Situ Local Temperature Mapping in Microscopy Nano-Reactors with Luminescence Thermometry Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Hartman, T; Geitenbeek, R G; Whiting, G T; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando monitoring of temperature and active species at the single catalyst particle level Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Wondergem, C S; van Swieten, T P; Geitenbeek, R G; Erné, B H; Weckhuysen, B M

Extending Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy to Liquids using Shell-Isolated Plasmonic Superstructures Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Amirilargani, M; Yokota, G N; Vermeij, G H; Merlet, R B; Delen, G; Mandemaker, L D B; Weckhuysen, B M; Winnubst, L; Nijmeijer, A; de Smet, L C P M; Sudhölter, E J R

Melamine-Based Microporous Organic Framework Thin Films on an Alumina Membrane for High-Flux Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Vogt, C; Monai, M; Sterk, E B; Palle, J; Melcherts, A E M; Zijlstra, B; Groeneveld, E; Berben, P H; Boereboom, J M; Hensen, E J M; Meirer, F; Filot, I A W; Weckhuysen, B M

Understanding carbon dioxide activation and carbon–carbon coupling over nickel Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Schmidt, J E; Ye, X; van Ravenhorst, I K; Oord, R; Shapiro, D A; Yu, Y -S; Bare, S R; Meirer, F; Poplawsky, J D; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing the Location and Speciation of Elements in Zeolites with Correlated Atom Probe Tomography and Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 488-494, 2019, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Krishna, S H; Cao, J; Tamura, M; Nakagawa, Y; Bruyn, M De; Jacobson, G S; Weckhuysen, B M; Dumesic, J A; Tomishige, K; Huber, G W

Synthesis of Hexane-Tetrols and -Triols with Fixed Hydroxyl Group Positions and Stereochemistry from Methyl Glycosides over Supported Metal Catalysts Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Vogt, C; Monai, M; Sterk, E B; Palle, J; Melcherts, A E M; Zijlstra, B; Groeneveld, E; Berben, P H; Boereboom, J M; Hensen, E J M; Meirer, F; Filot, I A W; Weckhuysen, B M

Understanding carbon dioxide activation and carbon–carbon coupling over nickel Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Schmidt, J E; Ye, X; van Ravenhorst, I K; Oord, R; Shapiro, D A; Yu, Y -S; Bare, S R; Meirer, F; Poplawsky, J D; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing the Location and Speciation of Elements in Zeolites with Correlated Atom Probe Tomography and Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 488-494, 2019, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Wondergem, C S; van Swieten, T P; Geitenbeek, R G; Erné, B H; Weckhuysen, B M

Extending Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy to Liquids Using Shell-Isolated Plasmonic Superstructures Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 25, no. 69, pp. 15706, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Wondergem, C S; Hartman, T; Weckhuysen, B M

In Situ Shell-Isolated Nanoparticle-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy to Unravel Sequential Hydrogenation of Phenylacetylene over Platinum Nanoparticles Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 10794-10802, 2019, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Vogt, C; Monai, M; Sterk, E B; Palle, J; Melcherts, A E M; Zijlstra, B; Groeneveld, E; Berben, P H; Boereboom, J M; Hensen, E J M; Meirer, F; Filot, I A W; Weckhuysen, B M

Understanding carbon dioxide activation and carbon–carbon coupling over nickel Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019, (cited By 20).

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Rivera-Torrente, M; Mejía, C Hernández; Hartman, T; de Jong, K P; Weckhuysen, B M

Impact of Niobium in the Metal–Organic Framework-Mediated Synthesis of Co-Based Catalysts for Synthesis Gas Conversion Journal Article

In: Catalysis Letters, vol. 149, no. 12, pp. 3279-3286, 2019, (cited By 8).

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Xie, J; Paalanen, P P; van Deelen, T W; Weckhuysen, B M; Louwerse, M J; de Jong, K P

Promoted cobalt metal catalysts suitable for the production of lower olefins from natural gas Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019, (cited By 29).

Links | BibTeX

Heracleous, E; Pachatouridou, E; Hernández-Giménez, A M; Hernando, H; Fakin, T; Paioni, A L; Baldus, M; Serrano, D P; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Lappas, A A

Characterization of deactivated and regenerated zeolite ZSM-5-based catalyst extrudates used in catalytic pyrolysis of biomass Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 380, pp. 108-122, 2019, (cited By 15).

Links | BibTeX

van Ravenhorst, I K; Geitenbeek, R G; van der Eerden, M J; van Omme, J Tijn; Garza, H H Peréz; Meirer, F; Meijerink, A; Weckhuysen, B M

In Situ Local Temperature Mapping in Microscopy Nano-Reactors with Luminescence Thermometry Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 22, pp. 5505-5512, 2019, (cited By 16).

Links | BibTeX

Solsona, M; Vollenbroek, J C; Tregouet, C B M; Nieuwelink, A -E; Olthuis, W; Berg, A Van Den; Weckhuysen, B M; Odijk, M

Microfluidics and catalyst particles Journal Article

In: Lab on a Chip, vol. 19, no. 21, pp. 3575-3601, 2019, (cited By 5).

Links | BibTeX

Hartman, T; Geitenbeek, R G; Whiting, G T; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando monitoring of temperature and active species at the single catalyst particle level Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 986-996, 2019, (cited By 19).

Links | BibTeX

Garcia-Torregrosa, I; Wijten, J H J; Zanoni, S; Oropeza, F E; Hofmann, J P; Hensen, E J M; Weckhuysen, B M

Template-Free Nanostructured Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Scaffolds for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Journal Article

In: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 11, no. 40, pp. 36485-36496, 2019, (cited By 5).

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Verkaaik, M; Grote, R; Meulendijks, N; Sastre, F; Weckhuysen, B M; Buskens, P

Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Using Plasmonic Pd-Decorated Au Nanorods as Catalyst: A Study on the Contribution of Laser Illumination Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 19, pp. 4974-4980, 2019, (cited By 7).

Links | BibTeX

Verkleij, S P; Whiting, G T; Pieper, D; Esclapez, S Parres; Li, S; Mertens, M M; Janssen, M; Bons, A -J; Burgers, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Chemical Imaging of the Binder-Dependent Coke Formation in Zeolite-Based Catalyst Bodies During the Transalkylation of Aromatics Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 19, pp. 4788-4796, 2019, (cited By 6).

Links | BibTeX

Filez, M; Redekop, E A; Dendooven, J; Ramachandran, R K; Solano, E; Olsbye, U; Weckhuysen, B M; Galvita, V V; Poelman, H; Detavernier, C; Marin, G B

Formation and Functioning of Bimetallic Nanocatalysts: The Power of X-ray Probes Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 58, no. 38, pp. 13220-13230, 2019, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Velthoen, M E Z; Boereboom, J M; Bulo, R E; Weckhuysen, B M

Insights into the activation of silica-supported metallocene olefin polymerization catalysts by methylaluminoxane Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 334, pp. 223-230, 2019, (cited By 7).

Links | BibTeX

Wijten, J H J; Riemersma, R L; Gauthier, J; Mandemaker, L D B; Verhoeven, M W G M T; Hofmann, J P; Chan, K; Weckhuysen, B M

Electrolyte Effects on the Stability of Ni−Mo Cathodes for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 12, no. 15, pp. 3491-3500, 2019, (cited By 13).

Links | BibTeX

Bruyn, M De; Cuello-Penaloza, P; Cendejas, M; Hermans, I; He, J; Krishna, S H; Lynn, D M; Dumesic, J A; Huber, G W; Weckhuysen, B M

Hexane-1,2,5,6-tetrol as a versatile and biobased building block for the synthesis of sustainable (Chiral) crystalline mesoporous polyboronates Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 15, pp. 13430-13436, 2019, (cited By 2).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M

Stable platinum in a zeolite channel Journal Article

In: Nature Materials, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 778-779, 2019, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Moya-Cancino, J G; Honkanen, A -P; van der Eerden, A M J; Schaink, H; Folkertsma, L; Ghiasi, M; Longo, A; Meirer, F; de Groot, F M F; Huotari, S; Weckhuysen, B M

Elucidating the K-Edge X-Ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure of Cobalt Carbide Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 13, pp. 3042-3045, 2019, (cited By 6).

Links | BibTeX

Birmingham, B; Yuan, J; Filez, M; Fu, D; Hu, J; Lou, J; Scully, M O; Weckhuysen, B M; Zhang, Z

Probing the Effect of Chemical Dopant Phase on Photoluminescence of Monolayer MoS2 Using in Situ Raman Microspectroscopy Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 123, no. 25, pp. 15738-15743, 2019, (cited By 5).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M; Öztürk, Z; Brand, R P; Boereboom, J M; Meirer, F

Vibrational Fingerprinting of Defects Sites in Thin Films of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 25, no. 34, pp. 8070-8084, 2019, (cited By 7).

Links | BibTeX

Stanciakova, K; Ensing, B; Göltl, F; Bulo, R E; Weckhuysen, B M

Cooperative Role of Water Molecules during the Initial Stage of Water-Induced Zeolite Dealumination Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 5119-5135, 2019, (cited By 19).

Links | BibTeX

Whiting, G T; Chung, S -H; Stosic, D; Chowdhury, A D; Wal, L I Van Der; Fu, D; Zecevic, J; Travert, A; Houben, K; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Multiscale Mechanistic Insights of Shaped Catalyst Body Formulations and Their Impact on Catalytic Properties Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 4792-4803, 2019, (cited By 21).

Links | BibTeX

Hernando, H; Hernández-Giménez, A M; Gutiérrez-Rubio, S; Fakin, T; Horvat, A; Danisi, R M; Pizarro, P; Fermoso, J; Heracleous, E; Bruijnincx, P C A; Lappas, A A; Weckhuysen, B M; Serrano, D P

Scaling-Up of Bio-Oil Upgrading during Biomass Pyrolysis over ZrO2/ZSM-5-Attapulgite Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 2428-2438, 2019, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Attila, Ö; King, H E; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

3D Raman Spectroscopy of Large Zeolite ZSM-5 Crystals Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 25, no. 29, pp. 7158-7167, 2019, (cited By 6).

Links | BibTeX

Samarai, M Al; van Oversteeg, C H M; Delgado-Jaime, M U; Weng, T -C; Sokaras, D; Liu, B; van der Linden, M; van der Eerden, A M J; Vogt, E T C; Weckhuysen, B M; de Groot, F M F

Nature of cobalt species during the in situ sulfurization of Co(Ni)Mo/Al2O3 hydrodesulfurization catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 811-818, 2019, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Deen, N G; Weckhuysen, B M; Kuipers, J A M

Editorial Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 198, pp. 165, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Geitenbeek, R G; Salzmann, B B V; Nieuwelink, A -E; Meijerink, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Chemically and thermally stable lanthanide-doped Y 2 O 3 nanoparticles for remote temperature sensing in catalytic environments Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 198, pp. 235-240, 2019, (cited By 16).

Links | BibTeX

Uslamin, E A; Luna-Murillo, B; Kosinov, N; Bruijnincx, P C A; Pidko, E A; Weckhuysen, B M; Hensen, E J M

Gallium-promoted HZSM-5 zeolites as efficient catalysts for the aromatization of biomass-derived furans Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Science, pp. 305-316, 2019, (cited By 27).

Links | BibTeX

Kumar, N; Wondergem, C S; Wain, A J; Weckhuysen, B M

In Situ Nanoscale Investigation of Catalytic Reactions in the Liquid Phase Using Zirconia-Protected Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Probes Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 1669-1675, 2019, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Liu, F; Ftouni, J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Phase-Dependent Stability and Substrate-Induced Deactivation by Strong Metal-Support Interaction of Ru/TiO 2 Catalysts for the Hydrogenation of Levulinic Acid Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 2079-2088, 2019, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Bruyn, M De; Budarin, V L; Misefari, A; Shimizu, S; Fish, H; Cockett, M; Hunt, A J; Hofstetter, H; Weckhuysen, B M; Clark, J H; Macquarrie, D J

Geminal Diol of Dihydrolevoglucosenone as a Switchable Hydrotrope: A Continuum of Green Nanostructured Solvents Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 7878-7883, 2019, (cited By 14).

Links | BibTeX

Geitenbeek, R G; Vollenbroek, J C; Weijgertze, H M H; Tregouet, C B M; Nieuwelink, A -E; Kennedy, C L; Weckhuysen, B M; Lohse, D; Blaaderen, A Van; Berg, A Van Den; Odijk, M; Meijerink, A

Luminescence thermometry for: In situ temperature measurements in microfluidic devices Journal Article

In: Lab on a Chip, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 1236-1246, 2019, (cited By 23).

Links | BibTeX

Rivera-Torrente, M; Pletcher, P D; Jongkind, M K; Nikolopoulos, N; Weckhuysen, B M

Ethylene Polymerization over Metal-Organic Framework Crystallites and the Influence of Linkers on Their Fracturing Process Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 3059-3069, 2019, (cited By 14).

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Kumar, N; Weckhuysen, B M; Wain, A J; Pollard, A J

Nanoscale chemical imaging using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Nature Protocols, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1169-1193, 2019, (cited By 23).

Links | BibTeX

Aspuru-Guzik, A; Baik, M -H; Balasubramanian, S; Banerjee, R; Bart, S; Borduas-Dedekind, N; Chang, S; Chen, P; Corminboeuf, C; Coudert, F -X; Cronin, L; Crudden, C; Cuk, T; Doyle, A G; Fan, C; Feng, X; Freedman, D; Furukawa, S; Ghosh, S; Glorius, F; Jeffries-El, M; Katsonis, N; Li, A; Linse, S S; Marchesan, S; Maulide, N; Milo, A; Narayan, A R H; Naumov, P; Nevado, C; Nyokong, T; Palacin, R; Reid, M; Robinson, C; Robinson, G; Sarpong, R; Schindler, C; Schlau-Cohen, G S; Schmidt, T W; Sessoli, R; Shao-Horn, Y; Sleiman, H; Sutherland, J; Taylor, A; Tezcan, A; Tortosa, M; Walsh, A; Watson, A J B; Weckhuysen, B M; Weiss, E; Wilson, D; Yam, V W -W; Yang, X; Ying, J Y; Yoon, T; You, S -L; Zarbin, A J G; Zhang, H

Charting a course for chemistry Journal Article

In: Nature chemistry, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 286-294, 2019, (cited By 11).

Links | BibTeX

Chowdhury, A D; Paioni, A Lucini; Whiting, G T; Fu, D; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Unraveling the Homologation Reaction Sequence of the Zeolite-Catalyzed Ethanol-to-Hydrocarbons Process Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 3908-3912, 2019, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Vogt, C; Monai, M; Kramer, G J; Weckhuysen, B M

The renaissance of the Sabatier reaction and its applications on Earth and in space Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 188-197, 2019, (cited By 82).

Links | BibTeX

Moya-Cancino, J G; Honkanen, A -P; van der Eerden, A M J; Schaink, H; Folkertsma, L; Ghiasi, M; Longo, A; de Groot, F M F; Meirer, F; Huotari, S; Weckhuysen, B M

In-situ X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure Spectroscopy of a Solid Catalyst using a Laboratory-Based Set-up Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1039-1044, 2019, (cited By 12).

Links | BibTeX

Schmidt, J E; Ye, X; van Ravenhorst, I K; Oord, R; Shapiro, D A; Yu, Y -S; Bare, S R; Meirer, F; Poplawsky, J D; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing the Location and Speciation of Elements in Zeolites with Correlated Atom Probe Tomography and Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 488-494, 2019, (cited By 5).

Links | BibTeX

Kumar, N; Kalirai, S; Wain, A J; Weckhuysen, B M

Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of a Single Catalyst Particle with Tip-Enhanced Fluorescence Microscopy Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 417-423, 2019, (cited By 8).

Links | BibTeX

Vandekerkhove, A; Negahdar, L; Glas, D; Stassen, I; Matveev, S; Meeldijk, J D; Meirer, F; Vos, D E De; Weckhuysen, B M

Synthesis and Characterization of Ru-Loaded Anodized Aluminum Oxide for Hydrogenation Catalysis Journal Article

In: ChemistryOpen, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Tong, X; Xu, C C; Mu, X; Weckhuysen, B M

Preface: Catalysis for Valorization of Biomass and Biomass-derived Platform Molecules (18th NCC) Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 319, pp. 1, 2019, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Wondergem, C S; van Swieten, T P; Geitenbeek, R G; Erné, B H; Weckhuysen, B M

Extending Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy to Liquids using Shell-Isolated Plasmonic Superstructures Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Whiting, G T; Nikolopoulos, N; Nikolopoulos, I; Chowdhury, A D; Weckhuysen, B M

Visualizing pore architecture and molecular transport boundaries in catalyst bodies with fluorescent nanoprobes Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 23-31, 2019, (cited By 27).

Links | BibTeX

Rivera-Torrente, M; Filez, M; Schneider, C; Feltz, E C Van Der; Wolkersdörfer, K; Taffa, D H; Wark, M; Fischer, R A; Weckhuysen, B M

Micro-spectroscopy of HKUST-1 metal-organic framework crystals loaded with tetracyanoquinodimethane: Effects of water on host-guest chemistry and electrical conductivity Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 21, no. 46, pp. 25678-25689, 2019, (cited By 6).

Links | BibTeX

Reyhanitash, E; Fufachev, E; Munster, K D Van; Beek, M B M Van; Sprakel, L M J; Edelijn, C N; Weckhuysen, B M; Kersten, S R A; Bruijnincx, P C A; Schuur, B

Recovery and conversion of acetic acid from a phosphonium phosphinate ionic liquid to enable valorization of fermented wastewater Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 2023-2034, 2019, (cited By 12).

Links | BibTeX

Bruyn, M De; Sener, C; Petrolini, D D; McClelland, D J; He, J; Ball, M R; Liu, Y; Martins, L; Dumesic, J A; Huber, G W; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic hydrogenation of dihydrolevoglucosenone to levoglucosanol with a hydrotalcite/mixed oxide copper catalyst Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 21, no. 18, pp. 5000-5007, 2019, (cited By 7).

Links | BibTeX

Mejía, C Hernández; Vogt, C; Weckhuysen, B M; de Jong, K P

Stable niobia-supported nickel catalysts for the hydrogenation of carbon monoxide to hydrocarbons Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, 2018, (cited By 0; Article in Press).

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Geitenbeek, R G; Salzmann, B B V; Nieuwelink, A -E; Meijerink, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Chemically and thermally stable lanthanide-doped Y2O3 nanoparticles for remote temperature sensing in catalytic environments Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 198, pp. 235-240, 2018, (cited By 0; Article in Press).

Links | BibTeX

Ristanović, Z; Chowdhury, A D; Brogaard, R Y; Houben, K; Baldus, M; Hofkens, J; Roeffaers, M B J; Weckhuysen, B M

Reversible and Site-Dependent Proton-Transfer in Zeolites Uncovered at the Single-Molecule Level Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, (cited By 0; Article in Press).

Links | BibTeX

van der Graaff, W N P; Tempelman, C H L; Hendriks, F C; Ruiz-Martinez, J; Bals, S; Weckhuysen, B M; Pidko, E A; Hensen, E J M

Deactivation of Sn-Beta during carbohydrate conversion Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 564, pp. 113-122, 2018, (cited By 1).

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van Ravenhorst, I K; Vogt, C; Oosterbeek, H; Bossers, K W; Moya-Cancino, J G; van Bavel, A P; van der Eerden, A M J; Vine, D; de Groot, F M F; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Capturing the Genesis of an Active Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Catalyst with Operando X-ray Nanospectroscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 57, no. 37, pp. 11957-11962, 2018, (cited By 2).

Links | BibTeX

Velthoen, M E Z; Boereboom, J M; Bulo, R E; Weckhuysen, B M

Insights into the activation of silica-supported metallocene olefin polymerization catalysts by methylaluminoxane Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 334, pp. 223-230, 2018, (cited By 0; Article in Press).

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Shen, Y; Le, T T; Fu, D; Schmidt, J E; Filez, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Rimer, J D

Deconvoluting the Competing Effects of Zeolite Framework Topology and Diffusion Path Length on Methanol to Hydrocarbons Reaction Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 11042-11053, 2018, (cited By 19).

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Piovano, A; Pletcher, P; Velthoen, M E Z; Zanoni, S; Chung, S -H; Bossers, K; Jongkind, M K; Fiore, G; Groppo, E; Weckhuysen, B M

Genesis of MgCl2-based Ziegler-Natta Catalysts as Probed with Operando Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 19, no. 20, pp. 2662-2671, 2018, (cited By 4).

Links | BibTeX

Hartman, T; Wondergem, C S; Weckhuysen, B M

Practical Guidelines for Shell-Isolated Nanoparticle-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Heterogeneous Catalysts Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 19, no. 19, pp. 2461-2467, 2018, (cited By 13).

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Brand, R P; Mandemaker, L D B; Delen, G; Rijnveld, N; Weckhuysen, B M

Behavior of a Metal Organic Framework Thin-Film at Elevated Temperature and Pressure as Studied with an Autoclave-Inserted Atomic Force Microscope Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 19, no. 18, pp. 2397-2404, 2018, (cited By 3).

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Fu, D; Schmidt, J E; Pletcher, P; Karakiliç, P; Ye, X; Vis, C M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Filez, M; Mandemaker, L D B; Winnubst, L; Weckhuysen, B M

Uniformly Oriented Zeolite ZSM-5 Membranes with Tunable Wettability on a Porous Ceramic Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 57, no. 38, pp. 12458-12462, 2018, (cited By 8).

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Filez, M; Poelman, H; Redekop, E A; Galvita, V V; Alexopoulos, K; Meledina, M; Ramachandran, R K; Dendooven, J; Detavernier, C; Tendeloo, G Van; Safonova, O V; Nachtegaal, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Marin, G B

Kinetics of Lifetime Changes in Bimetallic Nanocatalysts Revealed by Quick X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 57, no. 38, pp. 12430-12434, 2018, (cited By 5).

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van Ravenhorst, I K; Vogt, C; Oosterbeek, H; Bossers, K W; Moya-Cancino, J G; van Bavel, A P; van der Eerden, A M J; Vine, D; de Groot, F M F; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Capturing the Genesis of an Active Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Catalyst with Operando X-ray Nanospectroscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 57, no. 37, pp. 11957-11962, 2018, (cited By 15).

Links | BibTeX

Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Spatial and temporal exploration of heterogeneous catalysts with synchrotron radiation Journal Article

In: Nature Reviews Materials, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 324-340, 2018, (cited By 60).

Links | BibTeX

van der Graaff, W N P; Tempelman, C H L; Hendriks, F C; Ruiz-Martinez, J; Bals, S; Weckhuysen, B M; Pidko, E A; Hensen, E J M

Deactivation of Sn-Beta during carbohydrate conversion Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 564, pp. 113-122, 2018, (cited By 16).

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Velthoen, M E Z; Meeldijk, J D; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Intra- and Interparticle Heterogeneities in Solid Activators for Single-Site Olefin Polymerization Catalysis as Revealed by Micro-Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 24, no. 46, pp. 11944-11953, 2018, (cited By 4).

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Solsona, M; Nieuwelink, A -E; Meirer, F; Abelmann, L; Odijk, M; Olthuis, W; Weckhuysen, B M; van den Berg, A

Magnetophoretic Sorting of Single Catalyst Particles Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 57, no. 33, pp. 10589-10594, 2018, (cited By 5).

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Schmidt, J E; Peng, L; Poplawsky, J D; Weckhuysen, B M

Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of Zeolites Using Atom Probe Tomography Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 57, no. 33, pp. 10422-10435, 2018, (cited By 15).

Links | BibTeX

Cataldo, S; Weckhuysen, B M; Pettignano, A; Pignataro, B

Multi-doped Brookite-Prevalent TiO2 Photocatalyst with Enhanced Activity in the Visible Light Journal Article

In: Catalysis Letters, vol. 148, no. 8, pp. 2459-2471, 2018, (cited By 4).

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Yarulina, I; Wispelaere, K De; Bailleul, S; Goetze, J; Radersma, M; Abou-Hamad, E; Vollmer, I; Goesten, M; Mezari, B; Hensen, E J M; Martínez-Espín, J S; Morten, M; Mitchell, S; Perez-Ramirez, J; Olsbye, U; Weckhuysen, B M; Speybroeck, V Van; Kapteijn, F; Gascon, J

Erratum to: Structure–performance descriptors and the role of Lewis acidity in the methanol-to-propylene process (Nature Chemistry, (2018), 10, 8, (804-812), 10.1038/s41557-018-0081-0) Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 897, 2018, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Yarulina, I; Wispelaere, K De; Bailleul, S; Goetze, J; Radersma, M; Abou-Hamad, E; Vollmer, I; Goesten, M; Mezari, B; Hensen, E J M; Martínez-Espín, J S; Morten, M; Mitchell, S; Perez-Ramirez, J; Olsbye, U; Weckhuysen, B M; Speybroeck, V Van; Kapteijn, F; Gascon, J

Structure–performance descriptors and the role of Lewis acidity in the methanol-to-propylene process Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 804-812, 2018, (cited By 84).

Links | BibTeX

Schmidt, J E; Peng, L; Paioni, A L; Ehren, H L; Guo, W; Mazumder, B; Winter, D A Matthijs De; Attila, Ö; Fu, D; Chowdhury, A D; Houben, K; Baldus, M; Poplawsky, J D; Weckhuysen, B M

Isolating Clusters of Light Elements in Molecular Sieves with Atom Probe Tomography Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 140, no. 29, pp. 9154-9158, 2018, (cited By 15).

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Wang, Y; Zaytsev, M E; Lajoinie, G; The, H Le; Eijkel, J C T; Berg, A V D; Versluis, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Zhang, X; Zandvliet, H J W; Lohse, D

Giant and explosive plasmonic bubbles by delayed nucleation Journal Article

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 115, no. 30, pp. 7676-7681, 2018, (cited By 33).

Links | BibTeX

Chowdhury, A D; Paioni, A L; Houben, K; Whiting, G T; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Bridging the Gap between the Direct and Hydrocarbon Pool Mechanisms of the Methanol-to-Hydrocarbons Process Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 57, no. 27, pp. 8095-8099, 2018, (cited By 31).

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Pletcher, P; Welle, A; Vantomme, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Quality control for Ziegler-Natta catalysis via spectroscopic fingerprinting Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 363, pp. 128-135, 2018, (cited By 8).

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Pustovarenko, A; Goesten, M G; Sachdeva, S; Shan, M; Amghouz, Z; Belmabkhout, Y; Dikhtiarenko, A; Rodenas, T; Keskin, D; Voets, I K; Weckhuysen, B M; Eddaoudi, M; de Smet, L C P M; Sudhölter, E J R; Kapteijn, F; Seoane, B; Gascon, J

Nanosheets of Nonlayered Aluminum Metal–Organic Frameworks through a Surfactant-Assisted Method Journal Article

In: Advanced Materials, vol. 30, no. 26, 2018, (cited By 49).

Links | BibTeX

Yarulina, I; Chowdhury, A D; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M; Gascon, J

Recent trends and fundamental insights in the methanol-to-hydrocarbons process Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 398-411, 2018, (cited By 175).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Communicating catalysts Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 580-582, 2018, (cited By 0).

Links | BibTeX

Krishna, S H; Huang, K; Barnett, K J; He, J; Maravelias, C T; Dumesic, J A; Huber, G W; bruyn, M De; Weckhuysen, B M

Oxygenated commodity chemicals from chemo-catalytic conversion of biomass derived heterocycles Journal Article

In: AIChE Journal, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 1910-1922, 2018, (cited By 33).

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Rivera-Torrente, M; Filez, M; Hardian, R; Reynolds, E; Seoane, B; Coulet, M -V; Palacio, F E Oropeza; Hofmann, J P; Fischer, R A; Goodwin, A L; Llewellyn, P L; Weckhuysen, B M

Metal-Organic Frameworks as Catalyst Supports: Influence of Lattice Disorder on Metal Nanoparticle Formation Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 24, no. 29, pp. 7498-7506, 2018, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Wijten, J H J; Jong, R P H; Mul, G; Weckhuysen, B M

Cathodic Electrodeposition of Ni−Mo on Semiconducting NiFe2O4 for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline Media Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1374-1381, 2018, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Mandemaker, L D B; Filez, M; Delen, G; Tan, H; Zhang, X; Lohse, D; Weckhuysen, B M

Time-Resolved in Situ Liquid-Phase Atomic Force Microscopy and Infrared Nanospectroscopy during the Formation of Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1838-1844, 2018, (cited By 11).

Links | BibTeX

Falkenhagen, J P; Maisonneuve, L; Paalanen, P P; Coste, N; Malicki, N; Weckhuysen, B M

Cobalt-Iron-Manganese Catalysts for the Conversion of End-of-Life-Tire-Derived Syngas into Light Terminal Olefins Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 24, no. 18, pp. 4597-4606, 2018, (cited By 4).

Links | BibTeX

Hartman, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Thermally Stable TiO2- and SiO2-Shell-Isolated Au Nanoparticles for In Situ Plasmon-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Hydrogenation Catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 24, no. 15, pp. 3733-3741, 2018, (cited By 21).

Links | BibTeX

Goetze, J; Yarulina, I; Gascon, J; Kapteijn, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Revealing Lattice Expansion of Small-Pore Zeolite Catalysts during the Methanol-to-Olefins Process Using Combined Operando X-ray Diffraction and UV-vis Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 2060-2070, 2018, (cited By 19).

Links | BibTeX

Geitenbeek, R G; Nieuwelink, A -E; Jacobs, T S; Salzmann, B B V; Goetze, J; Meijerink, A; Weckhuysen, B M

In Situ Luminescence Thermometry to Locally Measure Temperature Gradients during Catalytic Reactions Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 2397-2401, 2018, (cited By 28).

Links | BibTeX

Tinti, G; Frojdh, E; Genderen, E Van; Gruene, T; Schmitt, B; Winter, D A Matthijs De; Weckhuysen, B M; Abrahams, J P

Electron crystallography with the EIGER detector Journal Article

In: IUCrJ, vol. 5, pp. 190-199, 2018, (cited By 23).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M; Kitagawa, S; Tsapatsis, M

Reactions in Confined Spaces Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 339-340, 2018, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Luo, W; van Eck, E R H; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Influence of Levulinic Acid Hydrogenation on Aluminum Coordination in Zeolite-Supported Ruthenium Catalysts: A 27Al 3QMAS Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 379-385, 2018, (cited By 7).

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Schmidt, J E; Hendriks, F C; Lutz, M; Post, L C; Fu, D; Weckhuysen, B M

Diagnosing the Internal Architecture of Zeolite Ferrierite Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 367-372, 2018, (cited By 4).

Links | BibTeX

Liu, F; Okolie, C; Ravenelle, R M; Crittenden, J C; Sievers, C; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Silica deposition as an approach for improving the hydrothermal stability of an alumina support during glycerol aqueous phase reforming Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 551, pp. 13-22, 2018, (cited By 16).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M

Solid catalysts under the spotlight Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 101-102, 2018, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Vogt, C; Groeneveld, E; Kamsma, G; Nachtegaal, M; Lu, L; Kiely, C J; Berben, P H; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Unravelling structure sensitivity in CO2 hydrogenation over nickel Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 127-134, 2018, (cited By 119).

Links | BibTeX

Kumar, N; Su, W; Veselý, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Pollard, A J; Wain, A J

Nanoscale chemical imaging of solid-liquid interfaces using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Nanoscale, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1815-1824, 2018, (cited By 42).

Links | BibTeX

Velthoen, M E Z; Muñoz-Murillo, A; Bouhmadi, A; Cecius, M; Diefenbach, S; Weckhuysen, B M

The Multifaceted Role of Methylaluminoxane in Metallocene-Based Olefin Polymerization Catalysis Journal Article

In: Macromolecules, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 343-355, 2018, (cited By 35).

Links | BibTeX

Piskun, A S; Ftouni, J; Tang, Z; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Heeres, H J

Hydrogenation of levulinic acid to Γ-valerolactone over anatase-supported Ru catalysts: Effect of catalyst synthesis protocols on activity Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 549, pp. 197-206, 2018, (cited By 48).

Links | BibTeX

Hendriks, F C; Mohammadian, S; Ristanović, Z; Kalirai, S; Meirer, F; Vogt, E T C; Bruijnincx, P C A; Gerritsen, H C; Weckhuysen, B M

Integrated Transmission Electron and Single-Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy Correlates Reactivity with Ultrastructure in a Single Catalyst Particle Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 257-261, 2018, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Delen, G; Ristanović, Z; Mandemaker, L D B; Weckhuysen, B M

Mechanistic Insights into Growth of Surface-Mounted Metal-Organic Framework Films Resolved by Infrared (Nano-) Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 187-195, 2018, (cited By 26).

Links | BibTeX

Danisi, R M; Schmidt, J E; Paioni, A Lucini; Houben, K; Poplawsky, J D; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Vogt, E T C

Revealing long- and short-range structural modifications within phosphorus-treated HZSM-5 zeolites by atom probe tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance and powder X-ray diffraction Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 20, no. 44, pp. 27766-27777, 2018, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Goetze, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Spatiotemporal coke formation over zeolite ZSM-5 during the methanol-to-olefins process as studied with: Operando UV-vis spectroscopy: A comparison between H-ZSM-5 and Mg-ZSM-5 Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1632-1644, 2018, (cited By 22).

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Velthoen, M E Z; Nab, S; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing acid sites in solid catalysts with pyridine UV-Vis spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 20, no. 33, pp. 21647-21659, 2018, (cited By 13).

Links | BibTeX

Pei, G X; Wijten, J H J; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing the dynamics of photogenerated holes in doped hematite photoanodes for solar water splitting using transient absorption spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 20, no. 15, pp. 9806-9811, 2018, (cited By 11).

Links | BibTeX

Lancefield, C S; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Chapter 7: Catalytic Conversion of Lignin-derived Aromatic Compounds into Chemicals Journal Article

In: RSC Energy and Environment Series, vol. 2018-January, no. 19, pp. 159-198, 2018, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Oord, R; Schmidt, J E; Weckhuysen, B M

Methane-to-methanol conversion over zeolite Cu-SSZ-13, and its comparison with the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1028-1038, 2018, (cited By 37).

Links | BibTeX

Lancefield, C S; Teunissen, L W; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Iridium-catalysed primary alcohol oxidation and hydrogen shuttling for the depolymerisation of lignin Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 20, no. 14, pp. 3214-3221, 2018, (cited By 28).

Links | BibTeX

Lancefield, C S; Wienk, H J; Boelens, R; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Identification of a diagnostic structural motif reveals a new reaction intermediate and condensation pathway in kraft lignin formation Journal Article

In: Chemical Science, vol. 9, no. 30, pp. 6348-6360, 2018, (cited By 41).

Links | BibTeX

Krishna, S H; Bruyn, M De; Schmidt, Z R; Weckhuysen, B M; Dumesic, J A; Huber, G W

Catalytic production of hexane-1,2,5,6-tetrol from bio-renewable levoglucosanol in water: Effect of metal and acid sites on (stereo)-selectivity Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 20, no. 19, pp. 4557-4565, 2018, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Chowdhury, A D; Houben, K; Whiting, G T; Chung, S -H; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Electrophilic aromatic substitution over zeolites generates Wheland-type reaction intermediates Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 23-31, 2018, (cited By 23).

Links | BibTeX

Verkleij, S P; Whiting, G T; Esclapez, S P; Mertens, M M; Bons, A -J; Burgers, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando micro-spectroscopy on ZSM-5 containing extrudates during the oligomerization of 1-hexene Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 2175-2185, 2018, (cited By 15).

Links | BibTeX

Ristanović, Z; Chowdhury, A D; Brogaard, R Y; Houben, K; Baldus, M; Hofkens, J; Roeffaers, M B J; Weckhuysen, B M

Reversible and Site-Dependent Proton-Transfer in Zeolites Uncovered at the Single-Molecule Level Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Hernando, H; Hernández-Giménez, A M; Ochoa-Hernández, C; Bruijnincx, P C A; Houben, K; Baldus, M; Pizarro, P; Coronado, J M; Fermoso, J; Čejka, J; Weckhuysen, B M; Serrano, D P

Engineering the acidity and accessibility of the zeolite ZSM-5 for efficient bio-oil upgrading in catalytic pyrolysis of lignocellulose Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 20, no. 15, pp. 3499-3511, 2018, (cited By 40).

Links | BibTeX

Schmidt, J E; Oord, R; Guo, W; Poplawsky, J D; Weckhuysen, B M

Nanoscale tomography reveals the deactivation of automotive copper-exchanged zeolite catalysts Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 8, no. 1, 2017, (cited By 47).

Links | BibTeX

Hernández-Giménez, A M; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Puértolas, B; Pérez-Ramírez, J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando Spectroscopy of the Gas-Phase Aldol Condensation of Propanal over Solid Base Catalysts Journal Article

In: Topics in Catalysis, vol. 60, no. 19-20, pp. 1522-1536, 2017, (cited By 15).

Links | BibTeX

Gutterød, E S; Øien-ØDegaard, S; Bossers, K; Nieuwelink, A -E; Manzoli, M; Braglia, L; Lazzarini, A; Borfecchia, E; Ahmadigoltapeh, S; Bouchevreau, B; Lønstad-Bleken, B T; Henry, R; Lamberti, C; Bordiga, S; Weckhuysen, B M; Lillerud, K P; Olsbye, U

CO2 Hydrogenation over Pt-Containing UiO-67 Zr-MOFs - The Base Case Journal Article

In: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 56, no. 45, pp. 13206-13218, 2017, (cited By 35).

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Hendriks, F C; Meirer, F; Kubarev, A V; Ristanović, Z; Roeffaers, M B J; Vogt, E T C; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy reveals local diffusion coefficients in the pore network of an individual catalyst particle Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 139, no. 39, pp. 13632-13635, 2017, (cited By 31).

Links | BibTeX

Fu, D; Schmidt, J E; Ristanović, Z; Chowdhury, A D; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Highly Oriented Growth of Catalytically Active Zeolite ZSM-5 Films with a Broad Range of Si/Al Ratios Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 56, no. 37, pp. 11217-11221, 2017, (cited By 22).

Links | BibTeX

Öztürk, Z; Filez, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Decoding Nucleation and Growth of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Thin Films with Atomic Force Microscopy and Vibrational Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 23, no. 45, pp. 10915-10924, 2017, (cited By 19).

Links | BibTeX

Wang, Y; Oord, R; van den Berg, D; Weckhuysen, B M; Makkee, M

Oxygen Vacancies in Reduced Rh/ and Pt/Ceria for Highly Selective and Reactive Reduction of NO into N2 in excess of O2 Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 9, no. 15, pp. 2935-2938, 2017, (cited By 16).

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Borodina, E; Kamaluddin, H Sharbini Harun; Meirer, F; Mokhtar, M; Asiri, A M; Al-Thabaiti, S A; Basahel, S N; Ruiz-Martinez, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Influence of the Reaction Temperature on the Nature of the Active and Deactivating Species during Methanol-to-Olefins Conversion over H-SAPO-34 Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 5268-5281, 2017, (cited By 37).

Links | BibTeX

Xiong, H; Lin, S; Goetze, J; Pletcher, P; Guo, H; Kovarik, L; Artyushkova, K; Weckhuysen, B M; Datye, A K

Thermally Stable and Regenerable Platinum–Tin Clusters for Propane Dehydrogenation Prepared by Atom Trapping on Ceria Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 56, no. 31, pp. 8986-8991, 2017, (cited By 125).

Links | BibTeX

Ftouni, J; Genuino, H C; Muñoz-Murillo, A; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Influence of Sulfuric Acid on the Performance of Ruthenium-based Catalysts in the Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation of Levulinic Acid to γ-Valerolactone Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 10, no. 14, pp. 2891-2896, 2017, (cited By 28).

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Goetze, J; Meirer, F; Yarulina, I; Gascon, J; Kapteijn, F; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Insights into the Activity and Deactivation of the Methanol-to-Olefins Process over Different Small-Pore Zeolites As Studied with Operando UV-vis Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 4033-4046, 2017, (cited By 57).

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Hendriks, F C; Schmidt, J E; Rombouts, J A; Lammertsma, K; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing Zeolite Crystal Architecture and Structural Imperfections using Differently Sized Fluorescent Organic Probe Molecules Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 23, no. 26, pp. 6224, 2017, (cited By 0).

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García-Fernández, S; Gandarias, I; Requies, J; Soulimani, F; Arias, P L; Weckhuysen, B M

The role of tungsten oxide in the selective hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol over Pt/WOx/Al2O3 Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 204, pp. 260-272, 2017, (cited By 67).

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Geitenbeek, R G; Prins, P T; Albrecht, W; Blaaderen, A Van; Weckhuysen, B M; Meijerink, A

NaYF4:Er3+,Yb3+/SiO2 Core/Shell Upconverting Nanocrystals for Luminescence Thermometry up to 900 K Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 121, no. 6, pp. 3503-3510, 2017, (cited By 100).

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Genuino, H C; Thiyagarajan, S; van der Waal, J C; de Jong, E; van Haveren, J; van Es, D S; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Selectivity Control in the Tandem Aromatization of Bio-Based Furanics Catalyzed by Solid Acids and Palladium Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 277-286, 2017, (cited By 14).

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Vogt, C; Weckhuysen, B M; Ruiz-Martínez, J

Effect of Feedstock and Catalyst Impurities on the Methanol-to-Olefin Reaction over H-SAPO-34 Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 183-194, 2017, (cited By 16).

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Constant, S; Lancefield, C S; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Quantification and Classification of Carbonyls in Industrial Humins and Lignins by 19F NMR Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 965-972, 2017, (cited By 22).

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Mance, D; der Zwan, J Van; Velthoen, M E Z; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M; Baldus, M; Vogt, E T C

A DNP-supported solid-state NMR study of carbon species in fluid catalytic cracking catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 53, no. 28, pp. 3933-3936, 2017, (cited By 19).

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Fu, D; Park, K; Delen, G; Attila, Ö; Meirer, F; Nowak, D; Park, S; Schmidt, J E; Weckhuysen, B M

Nanoscale infrared imaging of zeolites using photoinduced force microscopy Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 53, no. 97, pp. 13012-13014, 2017, (cited By 12).

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Hendriks, F C; Valencia, D; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Zeolite molecular accessibility and host-guest interactions studied by adsorption of organic probes of tunable size Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1857-1867, 2017, (cited By 13).

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Marquez, C; Rivera-Torrente, M; Paalanen, P P; Weckhuysen, B M; Cirujano, F G; Vos, D De; Baerdemaeker, T De

Increasing the availability of active sites in Zn-Co double metal cyanides by dispersion onto a SiO2 support Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 354, pp. 92-99, 2017, (cited By 15).

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Oord, R; Have, I C Ten; Arends, J M; Hendriks, F C; Schmidt, J; Lezcano-Gonzalez, I; Weckhuysen, B M

Enhanced activity of desilicated Cu-SSZ-13 for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx and its comparison with steamed Cu-SSZ-13 Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 17, pp. 3851-3862, 2017, (cited By 29).

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Shaw, L; Somisara, D M U K; How, R C; Westwood, N J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Kamer, P C J

Electronic and bite angle effects in catalytic C-O bond cleavage of a lignin model compound using ruthenium Xantphos complexes Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 619-626, 2017, (cited By 5).

Links | BibTeX

Wispelaere, K De; Wondergem, C S; Ensing, B; Hemelsoet, K; Meijer, E J; Weckhuysen, B M; Speybroeck, V Van; Ruiz-Martínez, J

Insight into the Effect of Water on the Methanol-to-Olefins Conversion in H-SAPO-34 from Molecular Simulations and in Situ Microspectroscopy Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1991-2002, 2016, (cited By 26).

Links | BibTeX

Winter, D A M De; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

FIB-SEM Tomography Probes the Mesoscale Pore Space of an Individual Catalytic Cracking Particle Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 3158-3167, 2016, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Samarai, M Al; Delgado-Jaime, M U; Ishii, H; Hiraoka, N; Tsuei, K -D; Rueff, J -P; Lassale-Kaiser, B; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

1s3p Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering of Cobalt Oxides and Sulfides Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 120, no. 42, pp. 24063-24069, 2016, (cited By 7).

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Schmidt, J E; Fu, D; Deem, M W; Weckhuysen, B M

Template–Framework Interactions in Tetraethylammonium-Directed Zeolite Synthesis Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 55, no. 52, pp. 16044-16048, 2016, (cited By 37).

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Chowdhury, A D; Houben, K; Whiting, G T; Mokhtar, M; Asiri, A M; Al-Thabaiti, S A; Basahel, S N; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Initial Carbon–Carbon Bond Formation during the Early Stages of the Methanol-to-Olefin Process Proven by Zeolite-Trapped Acetate and Methyl Acetate Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 55, no. 51, pp. 15840-15845, 2016, (cited By 84).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Lamers, M F A; Gebbink, R J M Klein

The Seventeenth International Symposium on Relations Between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis Utrecht July 12–15 2015 Journal Article

In: Topics in Catalysis, vol. 59, no. 19-20, pp. 1669-1670, 2016, (cited By 0).

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Wu, L; Dzade, N Y; Gao, L; Scanlon, D O; Öztürk, Z; Hollingsworth, N; Weckhuysen, B M; Hensen, E J M; de Leeuw, N H; Hofmann, J P

Enhanced Photoresponse of FeS2Films: The Role of Marcasite–Pyrite Phase Junctions Journal Article

In: Advanced Materials, vol. 28, no. 43, pp. 9602-9607, 2016, (cited By 39).

Links | BibTeX

Samarai, M Al; Delgado-Jaime, M U; Ishii, H; Hiraoka, N; Tsuei, K -D; Rueff, J -P; Lassale-Kaiser, B; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

1s3p Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering of Cobalt Oxides and Sulfides Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 120, no. 42, pp. 24063-24069, 2016, (cited By 16).

Links | BibTeX

Ristanović, Z; Kubarev, A V; Hofkens, J; Roeffaers, M B J; Weckhuysen, B M

Single Molecule Nanospectroscopy Visualizes Proton-Transfer Processes within a Zeolite Crystal Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 138, no. 41, pp. 13586-13596, 2016, (cited By 47).

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Yarulina, I; Bailleul, S; Pustovarenko, A; Martinez, J R; Wispelaere, K D; Hajek, J; Weckhuysen, B M; Houben, K; Baldus, M; Speybroeck, V Van; Kapteijn, F; Gascon, J

Suppression of the Aromatic Cycle in Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction over ZSM-5 by Post-Synthetic Modification Using Calcium Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 8, no. 19, pp. 3005, 2016, (cited By 4).

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Yarulina, I; Bailleul, S; Pustovarenko, A; Martinez, J R; Wispelaere, K D; Hajek, J; Weckhuysen, B M; Houben, K; Baldus, M; Speybroeck, V Van; Kapteijn, F; Gascon, J

Suppression of the Aromatic Cycle in Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction over ZSM-5 by Post-Synthetic Modification Using Calcium Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 8, no. 19, pp. 3057-3063, 2016, (cited By 34).

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Negahdar, L; Gonzalez-Quiroga, A; Otyuskaya, D; Toraman, H E; Liu, L; Jastrzebski, J T B H; Geem, K M Van; Marin, G B; Thybaut, J W; Weckhuysen, B M

Characterization and Comparison of Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oils from Pinewood, Rapeseed Cake, and Wheat Straw Using 13C NMR and Comprehensive GC × GC Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 4974-4985, 2016, (cited By 60).

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Kalirai, S; Paalanen, P P; Wang, J; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Visualizing Dealumination of a Single Zeolite Domain in a Real-Life Catalytic Cracking Particle Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 55, no. 37, pp. 11134-11138, 2016, (cited By 22).

Links | BibTeX

Schmidt, J E; Poplawsky, J D; Mazumder, B; Attila, Ö; Fu, D; de Winter, D A M; Meirer, F; Bare, S R; Weckhuysen, B M

Coke Formation in a Zeolite Crystal During the Methanol-to-Hydrocarbons Reaction as Studied with Atom Probe Tomography Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 55, no. 37, pp. 11173-11177, 2016, (cited By 39).

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Liu, Y; Meirer, F; Krest, C M; Webb, S; Weckhuysen, B M

Relating structure and composition with accessibility of a single catalyst particle using correlative 3-dimensional micro-spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 7, 2016, (cited By 51).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Porous materials: Zeolites shine bright Journal Article

In: Nature Materials, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 933-934, 2016, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Ftouni, J; Muñoz-Murillo, A; Goryachev, A; Hofmann, J P; Hensen, E J M; Lu, L; Kiely, C J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

ZrO2 Is Preferred over TiO2 as Support for the Ru-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Levulinic Acid to Γ-Valerolactone Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 5462-5472, 2016, (cited By 92).

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Gu, D; Tseng, J -C; Weidenthaler, C; Bongard, H -J; Spliethoff, B; Schmidt, W; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M; Schüth, F

Gold on Different Manganese Oxides: Ultra-Low-Temperature CO Oxidation over Colloidal Gold Supported on Bulk-MnO2 Nanomaterials Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 138, no. 30, pp. 9572-9580, 2016, (cited By 62).

Links | BibTeX

Jastrzebski, R; Constant, S; Lancefield, C S; Westwood, N J; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Tandem catalytic depolymerization of lignin by water-tolerant Lewis acids and rhodium complexes Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 9, no. 16, pp. 2074-2079, 2016, (cited By 61).

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Rinaldi, R; Jastrzebski, R; Clough, M T; Ralph, J; Kennema, M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Paving the Way for Lignin Valorisation: Recent Advances in Bioengineering, Biorefining and Catalysis Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 55, no. 29, pp. 8164-8215, 2016, (cited By 835).

Links | BibTeX

Ristanović, Z; Hofmann, J P; Richard, M -I; Jiang, T; Chahine, G A; Schülli, T U; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

X-ray Excited Optical Fluorescence and Diffraction Imaging of Reactivity and Crystallinity in a Zeolite Crystal: Crystallography and Molecular Spectroscopy in One Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 55, no. 26, pp. 7496-7500, 2016, (cited By 10).

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Cicmil, D; Meeuwissen, J; Vantomme, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Real-time Analysis of a Working Triethylaluminium-Modified Cr/Ti/SiO2 Ethylene Polymerization Catalyst with In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 1937-1944, 2016, (cited By 15).

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Chung, S -H; Angelici, C; Hinterding, S O M; Weingarth, M; Baldus, M; Houben, K; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Role of magnesium silicates in wet-kneaded silica-magnesia catalysts for the Lebedev ethanol-to-butadiene process Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 4034-4045, 2016, (cited By 47).

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Maronna, M M; Kruissink, E C; Parton, R F; Tinge, J T; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M; Hoelderich, W F

NbOx/SiO2 in the gas-phase Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime to ε-caprolactam: Influence of calcination temperature, niobia loading and silylation post-treatment Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 185, pp. 272-280, 2016, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Winter, D A M De; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

FIB-SEM Tomography Probes the Mesoscale Pore Space of an Individual Catalytic Cracking Particle Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 3158-3167, 2016, (cited By 21).

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Hartman, T; Wondergem, C S; Kumar, N; Berg, A Van Den; Weckhuysen, B M

Surface- and Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Catalysis Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 1570-1584, 2016, (cited By 96).

Links | BibTeX

Yarulina, I; Goetze, J; Gücüyener, C; Thiel, L Van; Dikhtiarenko, A; Ruiz-Martinez, J; Weckhuysen, B M; Gascon, J; Kapteijn, F

Methanol-to-olefins process over zeolite catalysts with DDR topology: Effect of composition and structural defects on catalytic performance Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 2663-2678, 2016, (cited By 35).

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Cats, K H; Weckhuysen, B M

Combined Operando X-ray Diffraction/Raman Spectroscopy of Catalytic Solids in the Laboratory: The Co/TiO2 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalyst Showcase Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 1531-1542, 2016, (cited By 39).

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Lezcano-González, I; Oord, R; Rovezzi, M; Glatzel, P; Botchway, S W; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Molybdenum Speciation and its Impact on Catalytic Activity during Methane Dehydroaromatization in Zeolite ZSM-5 as Revealed by Operando X-Ray Methods Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 55, no. 17, pp. 5215-5219, 2016, (cited By 79).

Links | BibTeX

Wise, A M; Weker, J N; Kalirai, S; Farmand, M; Shapiro, D A; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of an Individual Catalyst Particle with Soft X-ray Ptychography Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2178-2181, 2016, (cited By 44).

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Pham, H N; Sattler, J J H B; Weckhuysen, B M; Datye, A K

Role of Sn in the Regeneration of Pt/γ-Al2O3 Light Alkane Dehydrogenation Catalysts Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2257-2264, 2016, (cited By 91).

Links | BibTeX

Zhu, X; Hofmann, J P; Mezari, B; Kosinov, N; Wu, L; Qian, Q; Weckhuysen, B M; Asahina, S; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Hensen, E J M

Trimodal Porous Hierarchical SSZ-13 Zeolite with Improved Catalytic Performance in the Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2163-2177, 2016, (cited By 73).

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Stewart, J A; Drexel, R; Arstad, B; Reubsaet, E; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Homogeneous and heterogenised masked N-heterocyclic carbenes for bio-based cyclic carbonate synthesis Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1605-1618, 2016, (cited By 28).

Links | BibTeX

Wispelaere, K De; Wondergem, C S; Ensing, B; Hemelsoet, K; Meijer, E J; Weckhuysen, B M; Speybroeck, V Van; Ruiz-Martínez, J

Insight into the Effect of Water on the Methanol-to-Olefins Conversion in H-SAPO-34 from Molecular Simulations and in Situ Microspectroscopy Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1991-2002, 2016, (cited By 55).

Links | BibTeX

Thiyagarajan, S; Genuino, H C; Waal, J C Van Der; Jong, E De; Weckhuysen, B M; Haveren, J Van; Bruijnincx, P C A; Es, D S Van

A Facile Solid-Phase Route to Renewable Aromatic Chemicals from Biobased Furanics Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1368-1371, 2016, (cited By 45).

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Wiedemann, S C C; Ristanovic, Z; Whiting, G T; Marthala, V R Reddy; Kärger, J; Weitkamp, J; Wels, B; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Large Ferrierite Crystals as Models for Catalyst Deactivation during Skeletal Isomerisation of Oleic Acid: Evidence for Pore Mouth Catalysis Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 199-210, 2016, (cited By 13).

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Kerssens, M M; Wilbers, A; Kramer, J; Peinder, P De; Mesu, G; Nelissen, B J; Vogt, E T C; Weckhuysen, B M

Photo-spectroscopy of mixtures of catalyst particles reveals their age and type Journal Article

In: Faraday Discussions, vol. 188, pp. 69-79, 2016, (cited By 5).

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Cats, K H; Andrews, J C; Stéphan, O; March, K; Karunakaran, C; Meirer, F; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Active phase distribution changes within a catalyst particle during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis as revealed by multi-scale microscopy Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 4438-4449, 2016, (cited By 30).

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Valencia, D; Whiting, G T; Bulo, R E; Weckhuysen, B M

Protonated thiophene-based oligomers as formed within zeolites: understanding their electron delocalization and aromaticity Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 2080-2086, 2016, (cited By 9).

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Whiting, G T; Chowdhury, A D; Oord, R; Paalanen, P; Weckhuysen, B M

The curious case of zeolite-clay/binder interactions and their consequences for catalyst preparation Journal Article

In: Faraday Discussions, vol. 188, pp. 369-386, 2016, (cited By 29).

Links | BibTeX

Cicmil, D; Ravenhorst, I K Van; Meeuwissen, J; Vantomme, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Structure-performance relationships of Cr/Ti/SiO2 catalysts modified with TEAl for oligomerisation of ethylene: Tuning the selectivity towards 1-hexene Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 731-743, 2016, (cited By 17).

Links | BibTeX

Maronna, M M; Kruissink, E C; Parton, R F; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M; Hoelderich, W F

Spectroscopic study on the active site of a SiO2 supported niobia catalyst used for the gas-phase Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime to ϵ-caprolactam Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 18, no. 32, pp. 22636-22646, 2016, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Kumar, N; Spencer, S J; Imbraguglio, D; Rossi, A M; Wain, A J; Weckhuysen, B M; Roy, D

Extending the plasmonic lifetime of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy probes Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 18, no. 19, pp. 13710-13716, 2016, (cited By 21).

Links | BibTeX

Sankar, M; He, Q; Dawson, S; Nowicka, E; Lu, L; Bruijnincx, P C A; Beale, A M; Kiely, C J; Weckhuysen, B M

Supported bimetallic nano-alloys as highly active catalysts for the one-pot tandem synthesis of imines and secondary amines from nitrobenzene and alcohols Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 14, pp. 5473-5482, 2016, (cited By 28).

Links | BibTeX

Zhu, X; Kosinov, N; Hofmann, J P; Mezari, B; Qian, Q; Rohling, R; Weckhuysen, B M; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Hensen, E J M

Fluoride-assisted synthesis of bimodal microporous SSZ-13 zeolite Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 52, no. 15, pp. 3227-3230, 2016, (cited By 25).

Links | BibTeX

Constant, S; Wienk, H L J; Frissen, A E; Peinder, P D; Boelens, R; Es, D S Van; Grisel, R J H; Weckhuysen, B M; Huijgen, W J J; Gosselink, R J A; Bruijnincx, P C A

New insights into the structure and composition of technical lignins: A comparative characterisation study Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 2651-2665, 2016, (cited By 369).

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Zandvoort, I Van; Eck, E R H Van; Peinder, P De; Heeres, H J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Full, reactive solubilization of humin byproducts by alkaline treatment and characterization of the alkali-treated humins formed Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 533-543, 2015, (cited By 24).

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Samarai, M Al; Meirer, F; Karunakaran, C; Wang, J; Vogt, E T C; Zandbergen, H W; Weber, T; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Unraveling the redox behavior of a CoMoS hydrodesulfurization catalyst: A scanning transmission X-ray microscopy study in the tender X-ray range Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 119, no. 5, pp. 2530-2536, 2015, (cited By 1).

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Lantman, E M Van Schrojenstein; Peinder, P De; Mank, A J G; Weckhuysen, B M

Separation of time-resolved phenomena in surface- Enhanced Raman scattering of the photocatalytic reduction of p-nitrothiophenol Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 547-554, 2015, (cited By 17).

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Meirer, F; Kalirai, S; Morris, D; Soparawalla, S; Liu, Y; Mesu, G; Andrews, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

Life and death of a single catalytic cracking particle Journal Article

In: Science Advances, vol. 1, no. 3, 2015, (cited By 33).

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Zandvoort, I Van; Koers, E J; Weingarth, M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Structural characterization of 13C-enriched humins and alkali-treated 13C humins by 2D solid-state NMR Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 4383-4392, 2015, (cited By 37).

Links | BibTeX

Ibáñez, M; Gamero, M; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Weckhuysen, B M; Aguayo, A T; Bilbao, J; Castaño, P

Simultaneous coking and dealumination of zeolite H-ZSM-5 during the transformation of chloromethane into olefins Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 296-306, 2015, (cited By 22).

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Boga, D A; Liu, F; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Aqueous-phase reforming of crude glycerol: effect of impurities on hydrogen production Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 134-143, 2015, (cited By 21).

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Bij, H E Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Phosphorus promotion and poisoning in zeolite-based materials: synthesis, characterisation and catalysis Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 44, no. 20, pp. 7406-7428, 2015, (cited By 36).

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Nordvang, E C; Borodina, E; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Fehrmann, R; Weckhuysen, B M

Effects of Coke Deposits on the Catalytic Performance of Large Zeolite H-ZSM-5 Crystals during Alcohol-to-Hydrocarbon Reactions as Investigated by a Combination of Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 21, no. 48, pp. 17324-17335, 2015, (cited By 29).

Links | BibTeX

Kalirai, S; Boesenberg, U; Falkenberg, G; Meirer, F; Weckhuysen, B M

X-ray Fluorescence Tomography of Aged Fluid-Catalytic-Cracking Catalyst Particles Reveals Insight into Metal Deposition Processes Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 7, no. 22, pp. 3674-3682, 2015, (cited By 39).

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Stewart, J A; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Reusable Mg-Al hydrotalcites for the catalytic synthesis of diglycerol dicarbonate from diglycerol and dimethyl carbonate Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 257, no. Part 2, pp. 274-280, 2015, (cited By 14).

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Bruijnincx, P C A; Rinaldi, R; Weckhuysen, B M

Unlocking the potential of a sleeping giant: lignins as sustainable raw materials for renewable fuels, chemicals and materials Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 4860-4861, 2015, (cited By 54).

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Vogt, E T C; Weckhuysen, B M

Fluid catalytic cracking: recent developments on the grand old lady of zeolite catalysis Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 44, no. 20, pp. 7342-7370, 2015, (cited By 332).

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Bij, H E Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Phosphorus promotion and poisoning in zeolite-based materials: synthesis, characterisation and catalysis Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 44, no. 20, pp. 7406-7428, 2015, (cited By 82).

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Weckhuysen, B M; Yu, J

Recent advances in zeolite chemistry and catalysis Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 44, no. 20, pp. 7022-7024, 2015, (cited By 198).

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Angelici, C; Meirer, F; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Schaink, H L; Goryachev, A; Hofmann, J P; Hensen, E J M; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Ex Situ and Operando Studies on the Role of Copper in Cu-Promoted SiO2-MgO Catalysts for the Lebedev Ethanol-to-Butadiene Process Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 6005-6015, 2015, (cited By 66).

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Cicmil, D; Meeuwissen, J; Vantomme, A; Wang, J; Ravenhorst, I K Van; Bij, H E Van Der; Muñoz-Murillo, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Polyethylene with Reverse Co-monomer Incorporation: From an Industrial Serendipitous Discovery to Fundamental Understanding Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 54, no. 44, pp. 13073-13079, 2015, (cited By 22).

Links | BibTeX

Thiyagarajan, S; Genuino, H C; Śliwa, M; Waal, J C Van Der; Jong, E De; Haveren, J Van; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Es, D S Van

Substituted Phthalic Anhydrides from Biobased Furanics: A New Approach to Renewable Aromatics Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 8, no. 18, pp. 3052-3056, 2015, (cited By 34).

Links | BibTeX

Zandvoort, I Van; Koers, E J; Weingarth, M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Structural characterization of 13C-enriched humins and alkali-treated 13C humins by 2D solid-state NMR Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 4383-4392, 2015, (cited By 79).

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Spannring, P; Yazerski, V A; Chen, J; Otte, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Gebbink, R J M Klein

Regioselective Cleavage of Electron-Rich Double Bonds in Dienes to Carbonyl Compounds with [Fe(OTf)2(mix-BPBP)] and a Combination of H2O2 and NaIO4 Journal Article

In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 2015, no. 21, pp. 3462-3466, 2015, (cited By 4).

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Wiedemann, S C C; Muñoz-Murillo, A; Oord, R; Bergen-Brenkman, T Van; Wels, B; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Skeletal isomerisation of oleic acid over ferrierite: Influence of acid site number, accessibility and strength on activity and selectivity Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 329, pp. 195-205, 2015, (cited By 14).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Studying birth, life and death of catalytic solids with operando spectroscopy Journal Article

In: National Science Review, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 147-149, 2015, (cited By 10).

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Ristanović, Z; Hofmann, J P; Cremer, G De; Kubarev, A V; Rohnke, M; Meirer, F; Hofkens, J; Roeffaers, M B J; Weckhuysen, B M

Quantitative 3D Fluorescence Imaging of Single Catalytic Turnovers Reveals Spatiotemporal Gradients in Reactivity of Zeolite H-ZSM-5 Crystals upon Steaming Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 137, no. 20, pp. 6559-6568, 2015, (cited By 42).

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Meirer, F; Kalirai, S; Weker, J N; Liu, Y; Andrews, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

Agglutination of single catalyst particles during fluid catalytic cracking as observed by X-ray nanotomography Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 51, no. 38, pp. 8097-8100, 2015, (cited By 26).

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Angelici, C; Velthoen, M E Z; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Influence of acid-base properties on the Lebedev ethanol-to-butadiene process catalyzed by SiO2-MgO materials Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 2869-2879, 2015, (cited By 92).

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Whiting, G T; Meirer, F; Mertens, M M; Bons, A -J; Weiss, B M; Stevens, P A; Smit, E De; Weckhuysen, B M

Binder effects in SiO2- and Al2O3-bound zeolite ZSM-5-based extrudates as studied by microspectroscopy Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 1312-1321, 2015, (cited By 41).

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Meirer, F; Kalirai, S; Morris, D; Soparawalla, S; Liu, Y; Mesu, G; Andrews, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

Life and death of a single catalytic cracking particle Journal Article

In: Science Advances, vol. 1, no. 3, 2015, (cited By 58).

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Jastrzebski, R; Berg, E J Van Den; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Sustainable production of dimethyl adipate by non-heme iron(iii) catalysed oxidative cleavage of catechol Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2103-2109, 2015, (cited By 8).

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Kirby, F; Nieuwelink, A -E; Kuipers, B W M; Kaiser, A; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

CaO as Drop-In Colloidal Catalysts for the Synthesis of Higher Polyglycerols Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 21, no. 13, pp. 5101-5109, 2015, (cited By 5).

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Luo, W; Sankar, M; Beale, A M; He, Q; Kiely, C J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

High performing and stable supported nano-alloys for the catalytic hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 6, 2015, (cited By 195).

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Lantman, E M Van Schrojenstein; Peinder, P De; Mank, A J G; Weckhuysen, B M

Separation of time-resolved phenomena in surface- Enhanced Raman scattering of the photocatalytic reduction of p-nitrothiophenol Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 547-554, 2015, (cited By 20).

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Sprung, C; Weckhuysen, B M

Differences in the location of guest molecules within zeolite pores as revealed by multilaser excitation confocal fluorescence microscopy: Which molecule is where? Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 137, no. 5, pp. 1916-1928, 2015, (cited By 24).

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Ristanović, Z; Kerssens, M M; Kubarev, A V; Hendriks, F C; Dedecker, P; Hofkens, J; Roeffaers, M B J; Weckhuysen, B M

High-resolution single-molecule fluorescence imaging of zeolite aggregates within real-life fluid catalytic cracking particles Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1836-1840, 2015, (cited By 62).

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Singh, P; Deckert-Gaudig, T; Schneidewind, H; Kirsch, K; Lantman, E M Van Schrojenstein; Weckhuysen, B M; Deckert, V

Differences in single and aggregated nanoparticle plasmon spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 2991-2995, 2015, (cited By 11).

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Borodina, E; Meirer, F; Lezcano-González, I; Mokhtar, M; Asiri, A M; Al-Thabaiti, S A; Basahel, S N; Ruiz-Martinez, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Influence of the reaction temperature on the nature of the active and deactivating species during methanol to olefins conversion over H-SSZ-13 Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 992-1003, 2015, (cited By 65).

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Samarai, M Al; Meirer, F; Karunakaran, C; Wang, J; Vogt, E T C; Zandbergen, H W; Weber, T; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Unraveling the redox behavior of a CoMoS hydrodesulfurization catalyst: A scanning transmission X-ray microscopy study in the tender X-ray range Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 119, no. 5, pp. 2530-2536, 2015, (cited By 2).

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Meirer, F; Morris, D T; Kalirai, S; Liu, Y; Andrews, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

Mapping metals incorporation of a whole single catalyst particle using element specific X-ray nanotomography Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 137, no. 1, pp. 102-105, 2015, (cited By 55).

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Vogt, E T C; Whiting, G T; Chowdhury, A Dutta; Weckhuysen, B M

Zeolites and zeotypes for oil and gas conversion Journal Article

In: Advances in Catalysis, vol. 58, pp. 143-314, 2015, (cited By 65).

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Öztürk, Z; Hofmann, J P; Lutz, M; Mazaj, M; Logar, N Z; Weckhuysen, B M

Controlled synthesis of phase-pure zeolitic imidazolate framework Co-ZIF-9 Journal Article

In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 2015, no. 9, pp. 1625-1630, 2015, (cited By 21).

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Zandvoort, I Van; Eck, E R H Van; Peinder, P De; Heeres, H J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Full, reactive solubilization of humin byproducts by alkaline treatment and characterization of the alkali-treated humins formed Journal Article

In: ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 533-543, 2015, (cited By 40).

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Perea, D E; Arslan, I; Liu, J; Ristanović, Z; Kovarik, L; Arey, B W; Lercher, J A; Bare, S R; Weckhuysen, B M

Determining the location and nearest neighbours of aluminium in zeolites with atom probe tomography Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 6, 2015, (cited By 87).

Links | BibTeX

Bij, H E Van Der; Aramburo, L R; Arstad, B; Dynes, J J; Wang, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Phosphatation of zeolite H-ZSM-5: A combined microscopy and spectroscopy study Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 283-292, 2014, (cited By 15).

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Bij, H E Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Local silico-aluminophosphate interfaces within phosphated H-ZSM-5 zeolites Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, no. 21, pp. 9892-9903, 2014, (cited By 21).

Links | BibTeX

Dr, R Jastrzebski Prof; Quesne, M G; Weckhuysen, B M; Visser, S P De; Bruijnincx, P C A

Experimental and computational evidence for the mechanism of intradiol catechol dioxygenation by non-heme iron(III) complexes Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 20, no. 48, pp. 15686-15691, 2014, (cited By 16).

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Lantman, E M Van Schrojenstein; Gijzeman, O L J; Mank, A J G; Weckhuysen, B M

Investigation of the kinetics of a surface photocatalytic reaction in two dimensions with surface-enhanced Raman scattering Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 3342-3346, 2014, (cited By 13).

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Bij, H E Van Der; Meirer, F; Kalirai, S; Wang, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Hexane cracking over steamed phosphated zeolite H-ZSM-5: Promotional effect on catalyst performance and stability Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 20, no. 51, pp. 16922-16932, 2014, (cited By 18).

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Bij, H E Van Der; Cicmil, D; Wang, J; Meirer, F; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Aluminum-phosphate binder formation in zeolites as probed with X-ray absorption microscopy Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 136, no. 51, pp. 17774-17787, 2014, (cited By 20).

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Bij, H E Van Der; Cicmil, D; Wang, J; Meirer, F; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Aluminum-phosphate binder formation in zeolites as probed with X-ray absorption microscopy Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 136, no. 51, pp. 17774-17787, 2014, (cited By 26).

Links | BibTeX

Bij, H E Van Der; Meirer, F; Kalirai, S; Wang, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Hexane cracking over steamed phosphated zeolite H-ZSM-5: Promotional effect on catalyst performance and stability Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 20, no. 51, pp. 16922-16932, 2014, (cited By 26).

Links | BibTeX

Lantman, E M Van Schrojenstein; Gijzeman, O L J; Mank, A J G; Weckhuysen, B M

Investigation of the kinetics of a surface photocatalytic reaction in two dimensions with surface-enhanced Raman scattering Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 3342-3346, 2014, (cited By 19).

Links | BibTeX

Qian, Q; Vogt, C; Mokhtar, M; Asiri, A M; Al-Thabaiti, S A; Basahel, S N; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Combined operando UV/Vis/IR spectroscopy reveals the role of methoxy and aromatic species during the methanol-to-olefins reaction over H-SAPO-34 Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 3396-3408, 2014, (cited By 36).

Links | BibTeX

Dr, R Jastrzebski Prof; Quesne, M G; Weckhuysen, B M; Visser, S P De; Bruijnincx, P C A

Experimental and computational evidence for the mechanism of intradiol catechol dioxygenation by non-heme iron(III) complexes Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 20, no. 48, pp. 15686-15691, 2014, (cited By 17).

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Sattler, J J H B; Ruiz-Martinez, J; Santillan-Jimenez, E; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic dehydrogenation of light alkanes on metals and metal oxides Journal Article

In: Chemical Reviews, vol. 114, no. 20, pp. 10613-10653, 2014, (cited By 703).

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Ruitenbeek, M; Weckhuysen, B M

A Radical Twist to the Versatile Behavior of Iron in Selective Methane Activation Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 53, no. 42, pp. 11137-11139, 2014, (cited By 8).

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Whiting, G T; Meirer, F; Valencia, D; Mertens, M M; Bons, A -J; Weiss, B M; Stevens, P A; de Smit, E; Weckhuysen, B M

Selective staining of Brønsted acidity in zeolite ZSM-5-based catalyst extrudates using thiophene as a probe Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, no. 39, pp. 21531-21542, 2014, (cited By 17).

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Angelici, C; Velthoen, M E Z; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Effect of Preparation Method and CuO Promotion in the Conversion of Ethanol into 1,3-Butadiene over SiO2–MgO Catalysts Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 2505-2515, 2014, (cited By 91).

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Sattler, J J H B; Gonzalez-Jimenez, I D; Luo, L; Stears, B A; Malek, A; Barton, D G; Kilos, B A; Kaminsky, M P; Verhoeven, T W G M; Koers, E J; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Platinum-promoted Ga/Al2O3 as highly active, selective, and stable catalyst for the dehydrogenation of propane Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 53, no. 35, pp. 9251-9256, 2014, (cited By 124).

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Ristanovic̈, Z; Weckhuysen, B M

Breakthroughs in hard X-ray diffraction: Towards a multiscale science approach in heterogeneous catalysis Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 53, no. 33, pp. 8556-8558, 2014, (cited By 6).

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Zeng, S; Wang, Y; Ding, S; Sattler, J J H B; Borodina, E; Zhang, L; Weckhuysen, B M; Su, H

Active sites over CuO/CeO2 and inverse CeO2/CuO catalysts for preferential CO oxidation Journal Article

In: Journal of Power Sources, vol. 256, pp. 301-311, 2014, (cited By 48).

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Bij, H E Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Local silico-aluminophosphate interfaces within phosphated H-ZSM-5 zeolites Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, no. 21, pp. 9892-9903, 2014, (cited By 32).

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Kerssens, M M; Sprung, C; Whiting, G T; Weckhuysen, B M

Selective staining of zeolite acidity: Recent progress and future perspectives on fluorescence microscopy Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 189, pp. 136-143, 2014, (cited By 14).

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Wang, C -M; Brogaard, R Y; Weckhuysen, B M; Nørskov, J K; Studt, F

Reactivity descriptor in solid acid catalysis: Predicting turnover frequencies for propene methylation in zeotypes Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 1516-1521, 2014, (cited By 78).

Links | BibTeX

Qian, Q; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Mokhtar, M; Asiri, A M; Al-Thabaiti, S A; Basahel, S N; Weckhuysen, B M

Single-catalyst particle spectroscopy of alcohol-to-olefins conversions: Comparison between SAPO-34 and SSZ-13 Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 226, pp. 14-24, 2014, (cited By 35).

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Hofmann, J P; Rohnke, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Recent advances in secondary ion mass spectrometry of solid acid catalysts: Large zeolite crystals under bombardment Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 5465-5474, 2014, (cited By 9).

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Sprung, C; Weckhuysen, B M

Dispersion and orientation of zeolite ZSM-5 crystallites within a fluid catalytic cracking catalyst particle Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 20, no. 13, pp. 3667-3677, 2014, (cited By 18).

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Qian, Q; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Mokhtar, M; Asiri, A M; Al-Thabaiti, S A; Basahel, S N; Weckhuysen, B M

Single-particle spectroscopy of alcohol-to-olefins over SAPO-34 at different reaction stages: Crystal accessibility and hydrocarbons reactivity Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 772-783, 2014, (cited By 23).

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Spannring, P; Prat, I; Costas, M; Lutz, M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Gebbink, R J M Klein

Fe(6-Me-PyTACN)-catalyzed, one-pot oxidative cleavage of methyl oleate and oleic acid into carboxylic acids with H2O2 and NaIO 4 Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 708-716, 2014, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Bij, H E Van Der; Aramburo, L R; Arstad, B; Dynes, J J; Wang, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Phosphatation of zeolite H-ZSM-5: A combined microscopy and spectroscopy study Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 283-292, 2014, (cited By 27).

Links | BibTeX

Lezcano-Gonzalez, I; Deka, U; Arstad, B; Deyne, A Van Yperen-De; Hemelsoet, K; Waroquier, M; Speybroeck, V Van; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Determining the storage, availability and reactivity of NH3 within Cu-Chabazite-based Ammonia Selective Catalytic Reduction systems Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1639-1650, 2014, (cited By 132).

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Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Biomass conversion: Lignin up for break-down Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 1035-1036, 2014, (cited By 98).

Links | BibTeX

Sattler, J J H B; Mens, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

Real-time quantitative operando raman spectroscopy of a CrOx/Al2O3 propane dehydrogenation catalyst in a pilot-scale reactor Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 3139-3145, 2014, (cited By 24).

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Luo, W; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Selective, one-pot catalytic conversion of levulinic acid to pentanoic acid over Ru/H-ZSM5 Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 320, no. 1, pp. 33-41, 2014, (cited By 61).

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Spannring, P; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Gebbink, R J M K

Transition metal-catalyzed oxidative double bond cleavage of simple and bio-derived alkenes and unsaturated fatty acids Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 2182-2209, 2014, (cited By 60).

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Lezcano-Gonzalez, I; Deka, U; van der Bij, H E; Paalanen, P; Arstad, B; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Chemical deactivation of Cu-SSZ-13 ammonia selective catalytic reduction (NH3-SCR) systems Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, vol. 154-155, pp. 339-349, 2014, (cited By 77).

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Wiedemann, S C C; Stewart, J A; Soulimani, F; Bergen-Brenkman, T Van; Langelaar, S; Wels, B; Peinder, P De; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Skeletal isomerisation of oleic acid over ferrierite in the presence and absence of triphenylphosphine: Pore mouth catalysis and related deactivation mechanisms Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 316, pp. 24-35, 2014, (cited By 21).

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Beale, A M; Gibson, E K; O'brien, M G; Jacques, S D M; Cernik, R J; Michiel, M D; Cobden, P D; Pirgon-Galin, Ö; Water, L V D; Watson, M J; Weckhuysen, B M

Chemical imaging of the sulfur-induced deactivation of Cu/ZnO catalyst bodies Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 314, pp. 94-100, 2014, (cited By 27).

Links | BibTeX

Zandvoort, I Van; Wang, Y; Rasrendra, C B; Eck, E R H Van; Bruijnincx, P C A; Heeres, H J; Weckhuysen, B M

Formation, molecular structure, and morphology of humins in biomass conversion: Influence of feedstock and processing conditions Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1745-1758, 2013, (cited By 176).

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Ristanovic̈, Z; Hofmann, J P; Deka, U; Schülli, T U; Rohnke, M; Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

Intergrowth structure and aluminium zoning of a zeolite ZSM-5 crystal as resolved by synchrotron-based micro X-ray diffraction imaging Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 52, no. 50, pp. 13382-13386, 2013, (cited By 39).

Links | BibTeX

Hemelsoet, K; Qian, Q; Meyer, T De; Wispelaere, K De; Sterck, B De; Weckhuysen, B M; Waroquier, M; Speybroeck, V Van

Identification of intermediates in zeolite-catalyzed reactions by in situ UV/Vis microspectroscopy and a complementary set of molecular simulations Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 19, no. 49, pp. 16595-16606, 2013, (cited By 49).

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Andrews, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

Hard X-ray spectroscopic nano-imaging of hierarchical functional materials at work Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 14, no. 16, pp. 3655-3666, 2013, (cited By 38).

Links | BibTeX

Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Shale gas revolution: An opportunity for the production of biobased chemicals? Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 52, no. 46, pp. 11980-11987, 2013, (cited By 191).

Links | BibTeX

Spannring, P; Yazerski, V; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Gebbink, R J M Klein

Fe-catalyzed one-pot oxidative cleavage of unsaturated fatty acids into aldehydes with hydrogen peroxide and sodium periodate Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 19, no. 44, pp. 15012-15018, 2013, (cited By 34).

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Guo, M; Feng, Z; Hofmann, J P; Weckhuysen, B M; Fan, F; Li, C

Synthesis and morphology control of AM-6 nanofibers with tailored-V-O-V-intermediates Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 19, no. 42, pp. 14200-14204, 2013, (cited By 4).

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Paalanen, P; Weckhuysen, B M; Sankar, M

Progress in controlling the size, composition and nanostructure of supported gold-palladium nanoparticles for catalytic applications Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 2869-2880, 2013, (cited By 49).

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Castaño, P; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Epelde, E; Gayubo, A G; Weckhuysen, B M

Spatial distribution of zeolite ZSM-5 within catalyst bodies affects selectivity and stability of methanol-to-hydrocarbons conversion Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 2827-2831, 2013, (cited By 36).

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Jongerius, A L; Gosselink, R W; Dijkstra, J; Bitter, J H; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Carbon nanofiber supported transition-metal carbide catalysts for the hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 2964-2972, 2013, (cited By 135).

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Hausoul, P J C; Eggenhuisen, T M; Nand, D; Baldus, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Bruijnincx, P C A

Development of a 4,4′-biphenyl/phosphine-based COF for the heterogeneous Pd-catalysed telomerisation of 1,3-butadiene Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 2571-2579, 2013, (cited By 31).

Links | BibTeX

Hausoul, P J C; Lutz, M; Jastrzebski, J T B H; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Gebbink, R J M Klein

Mechanistic study of the Pd/TOMPP-catalyzed telomerization of 1,3-butadiene: Influence of aromatic solvents on bis-phosphine complex formation and regioselectivity Journal Article

In: Organometallics, vol. 32, no. 18, pp. 5047-5057, 2013, (cited By 8).

Links | BibTeX

Aramburo, L R; Teketel, S; Svelle, S; Bare, S R; Arstad, B; Zandbergen, H W; Olsbye, U; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Interplay between nanoscale reactivity and bulk performance of H-ZSM-5 catalysts during the methanol-to-hydrocarbons reaction Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 307, pp. 185-193, 2013, (cited By 40).

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Qian, Q; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Mokhtar, M; Asiri, A M; Al-Thabaiti, S A; Basahel, S N; Bij, H E Van Der; Kornatowski, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Single-particle spectroscopy on large SAPO-34 crystals at work: Methanol-to-olefin versus ethanol-to-olefin processes Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 19, no. 34, pp. 11204-11215, 2013, (cited By 40).

Links | BibTeX

Sattler, J J H B; Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando Raman spectroscopy study on the deactivation of Pt/Al 2O3 and Pt-Sn/Al2O3 propane dehydrogenation catalysts Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 15, no. 29, pp. 12095-12103, 2013, (cited By 59).

Links | BibTeX

Nowicka, E; Hofmann, J P; Parker, S F; Sankar, M; Lari, G M; Kondrat, S A; Knight, D W; Bethell, D; Weckhuysen, B M; Hutchings, G J

In situ spectroscopic investigation of oxidative dehydrogenation and disproportionation of benzyl alcohol Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 15, no. 29, pp. 12147-12155, 2013, (cited By 36).

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Jastrzebski, R; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Catalytic oxidative cleavage of catechol by a non-heme iron(III) complex as a green route to dimethyl adipate Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 49, no. 61, pp. 6912-6914, 2013, (cited By 12).

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Hofmann, J P; Mores, D; Aramburo, L R; Teketel, S; Rohnke, M; Janek, J; Olsbye, U; Weckhuysen, B M

Large zeolite H-ZSM-5 crystals as models for the methanol-to-hydrocarbons process: Bridging the gap between single-particle examination and bulk catalyst analysis Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 19, no. 26, pp. 8533-8542, 2013, (cited By 21).

Links | BibTeX

Ruiz-Martínez, J; Beale, A M; Deka, U; O'Brien, M G; Quinn, P D; Mosselmans, J F W; Weckhuysen, B M

Correlating metal poisoning with zeolite deactivation in an individual catalyst particle by chemical and phase-sensitive X-ray microscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 52, no. 23, pp. 5983-5987, 2013, (cited By 50).

Links | BibTeX

Aramburo, L R; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Sommer, L; Arstad, B; Buitrago-Sierra, R; Sepúlveda-Escribano, A; Zandbergen, H W; Olsbye, U; deGroot, F M F; Weckhuysen, B M

X-Ray Imaging of SAPO-34 Molecular Sieves at the Nanoscale: Influence of Steaming on the Methanol-to-Hydrocarbons Reaction Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1386-1394, 2013, (cited By 23).

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Spannring, P; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Gebbink, R J M K

A metal-free, one-pot method for the oxidative cleavage of internal aliphatic alkenes into carboxylic acids Journal Article

In: RSC Advances, vol. 3, no. 18, pp. 6606-6613, 2013, (cited By 13).

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Aramburo, L R; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Hofmann, J P; Weckhuysen, B M

Imaging the effect of a hydrothermal treatment on the pore accessibility and acidity of large ZSM-5 zeolite crystals by selective staining Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 1208-1214, 2013, (cited By 17).

Links | BibTeX

Hausoul, P J C; Tefera, S D; Blekxtoon, J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Weckhuysen, B M

Pd/TOMPP-catalysed telomerisation of 1,3-butadiene with lignin-type phenols and thermal Claisen rearrangement of linear telomers Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 1215-1223, 2013, (cited By 16).

Links | BibTeX

Luo, W; Deka, U; Beale, A M; Eck, E R H Van; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Ruthenium-catalyzed hydrogenation of levulinic acid: Influence of the support and solvent on catalyst selectivity and stability Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 301, pp. 175-186, 2013, (cited By 209).

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Cats, K H; Gonzalez-Jimenez, I D; Liu, Y; Nelson, J; van Campen, D; Meirer, F; der Eerden, A M J Van; de Groot, F M F; Andrews, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

X-ray nanoscopy of cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalysts at work Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 49, no. 41, pp. 4622-4624, 2013, (cited By 41).

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Brogaard, R Y; Weckhuysen, B M; Nørskov, J K

Guest-host interactions of arenes in H-ZSM-5 and their impact on methanol-to-hydrocarbons deactivation processes Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 300, pp. 235-241, 2013, (cited By 40).

Links | BibTeX

Karreman, M A; Buurmans, I L C; Agronskaia, A V; Geus, J W; Gerritsen, H C; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing the different life stages of a fluid catalytic cracking particle with integrated laser and electron microscopy Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 3846-3859, 2013, (cited By 25).

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Deka, U; Lezcano-Gonzalez, I; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Local environment and nature of Cu active sites in zeolite-based catalysts for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 413-427, 2013, (cited By 229).

Links | BibTeX

Jongerius, A L; Copeland, J R; Foo, G S; Hofmann, J P; Bruijnincx, P C A; Sievers, C; Weckhuysen, B M

Stability of Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalysts in lignin and lignin model compound solutions under liquid phase reforming reaction conditions Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 464-473, 2013, (cited By 60).

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Gibson, E K; Zandbergen, M W; Jacques, S D M; Biao, C; Cernik, R J; O'Brien, M G; Michiel, M Di; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Noninvasive spatiotemporal profiling of the processes of impregnation and drying within Mo/Al2O3 catalyst bodies by a combination of x-ray absorption tomography and diagonal offset Raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 339-347, 2013, (cited By 20).

Links | BibTeX

Aramburo, L R; Liu, Y; Tyliszczak, T; Groot, F M F De; Andrews, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

3D nanoscale chemical imaging of the distribution of aluminum coordination environments in zeolites with soft X-ray microscopy Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 496-499, 2013, (cited By 28).

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Boga, D A; Oord, R; Beale, A M; Chung, Y -M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Highly Selective Bimetallic Pt-Cu/Mg(Al)O Catalysts for the Aqueous-Phase Reforming of Glycerol Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 529-537, 2013, (cited By 26).

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Sattler, J J H B; González-Jiménez, I D; Mens, A M; Arias, M; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando uv-vis spectroscopy of a catalytic solid in a pilot-scale reactor: Deactivation of a crox/al2o3 propane dehydrogenation catalyst Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 49, no. 15, pp. 1518-1520, 2013, (cited By 29).

Links | BibTeX

Buurmans, I L C; Soulimani, F; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Bij, H E Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Structure and acidity of individual Fluid Catalytic Cracking catalyst particles studied by synchrotron-based infrared micro-spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 166, pp. 86-92, 2013, (cited By 21).

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Deka, U; Lezcano-Gonzalez, I; Warrender, S J; Picone, A Lorena; Wright, P A; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Changing active sites in Cu-CHA catalysts: DeNO x selectivity as a function of the preparation method Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 166, pp. 144-152, 2013, (cited By 115).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Recalcitrance of nature: Chemocatalysis for the production of biomass-based building blocks Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1559-1563, 2013, (cited By 8).

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Jongerius, A L; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Liquid-phase reforming and hydrodeoxygenation as a two-step route to aromatics from lignin Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 3049-3056, 2013, (cited By 115).

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Angelici, C; Weckhuysen, B M; Bruijnincx, P C A

Chemocatalytic conversion of ethanol into butadiene and other bulk chemicals Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1595-1614, 2013, (cited By 262).

Links | BibTeX

Zandvoort, I Van; Wang, Y; Rasrendra, C B; Eck, E R H Van; Bruijnincx, P C A; Heeres, H J; Weckhuysen, B M

Formation, molecular structure, and morphology of humins in biomass conversion: Influence of feedstock and processing conditions Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1745-1758, 2013, (cited By 309).

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VanSpeybroeck, V; Hemelsoet, K; DeWispelaere, K; Qian, Q; VanderMynsbrugge, J; DeSterck, B; Weckhuysen, B M; Waroquier, M

Mechanistic Studies on Chabazite-Type Methanol-to-Olefin Catalysts: Insights from Time-Resolved UV/Vis Microspectroscopy Combined with Theoretical Simulations Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 173-184, 2013, (cited By 56).

Links | BibTeX

Lantman, E M Van Schrojenstein; Deckert-Gaudig, T; Mank, A J G; Deckert, V; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic processes monitored at the nanoscale with tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 583-586, 2012, (cited By 281).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Jacques, S D M; Michiel, M Di; Barnes, P; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Active phase evolution in single Ni/Al 2O 3 methanation catalyst bodies studied in real time using combined μ-XRD-CT and μ-absorption-CT Journal Article

In: Chemical Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 509-523, 2012, (cited By 48).

Links | BibTeX

Gonzalez-Jimenez, I D; Cats, K; Davidian, T; Ruitenbeek, M; Meirer, F; Liu, Y; Nelson, J; Andrews, J C; Pianetta, P; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Hard X-ray nanotomography of catalytic solids at work Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 51, no. 48, pp. 11986-11990, 2012, (cited By 60).

Links | BibTeX

Buurmans, I L C; Weckhuysen, B M

Heterogeneities of individual catalyst particles in space and time as monitored by spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 873-886, 2012, (cited By 275).

Links | BibTeX

Harvey, C E; Petterson, I E I; Weckhuysen, B M; Gooijer, C; Ariese, F; Mank, A J G

Looking inside catalyst extrudates with time-resolved surface enhanced raman spectroscopy (TR-SERS) Journal Article

In: Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 1179-1185, 2012, (cited By 8).

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Guo, M; Feng, Z; Li, G; Hofmann, J P; Pidko, E A; Magusin, P C M M; Guo, Q; Weckhuysen, B M; Hensen, E J M; Fan, F; Li, C

"Extracting" the key fragment in ETS-10 crystallization and its application in AM-6 assembly Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 18, no. 38, pp. 12078-12084, 2012, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Guo, M; Pidko, E A; Fan, F; Feng, Z; Hofmann, J P; Weckhuysen, B M; Hensen, E J M; Li, C

Structure and basicity of microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 and vanadium-containing ETS-10 Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 116, no. 32, pp. 17124-17133, 2012, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Hausoul, P J C; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Gebbink, R J M Klein

Pd/TOMPP-catalyzed telomerization of 1,3-butadiene: From biomass-based substrates to new mechanistic insights Journal Article

In: Pure and Applied Chemistry, vol. 84, no. 8, pp. 1713-1727, 2012, (cited By 8).

Links | BibTeX

Bruijnincx, P C A; Jastrzebski, R; Hausoul, P J C; Gebbink, R J M K; Weckhuysen, B M

Pd-catalyzed telomerization of 1,3-dienes with multifunctional renewable substrates: Versatile routes for the valorization of biomass-derived platform molecules Journal Article

In: Topics in Organometallic Chemistry, vol. 39, pp. 45-102, 2012, (cited By 14).

Links | BibTeX

Aramburo, L R; Wirick, S; Miedema, P S; Buurmans, I L C; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Styrene oligomerization as a molecular probe reaction for Brønsted acidity at the nanoscale Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 14, no. 19, pp. 6967-6973, 2012, (cited By 15).

Links | BibTeX

Hereijgers, B P C; Parton, R F; Weckhuysen, B M

Mechanistic insights in the olefin epoxidation with cyclohexyl hydroperoxide Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 951-960, 2012, (cited By 12).

Links | BibTeX

Aramburo, L R; Smit, E De; Arstad, B; Schooneveld, M M Van; Sommer, L; Juhin, A; Yokosawa, T; Zandbergen, H W; Olsbye, U; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

X-ray imaging of zeolite particles at the nanoscale: Influence of steaming on the state of aluminum and the methanol-to-olefin reaction Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 51, no. 15, pp. 3616-3619, 2012, (cited By 47).

Links | BibTeX

Mijovilovich, A; Hayashi, H; Kawamura, N; Osawa, H; Bruijnincx, P C A; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Kβ detected high-resolution XANES of FeII and FeIII models of the 2-his-1-carboxylate motif: Analysis of the carboxylate binding mode Journal Article

In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, no. 10, pp. 1589-1597, 2012, (cited By 12).

Links | BibTeX

Ruiz-Martínez, J; Buurmans, I L C; Knowles, W V; Beek, D Van Der; Bergwerff, J A; Vogt, E T C; Weckhuysen, B M

Microspectroscopic insight into the deactivation process of individual cracking catalyst particles with basic sulfur components Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 419-420, pp. 84-94, 2012, (cited By 28).

Links | BibTeX

Mutlu, H; Parvulescu, A N; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Meier, M A R

On the polymerization behavior of telomers: Metathesis versus thiol-ene chemistry Journal Article

In: Macromolecules, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1866-1878, 2012, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Deka, U; Juhin, A; Eilertsen, E A; Emerich, H; Green, M A; Korhonen, S T; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Confirmation of isolated Cu 2+ ions in SSZ-13 zeolite as active sites in NH 3-selective catalytic reduction Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 116, no. 7, pp. 4809-4818, 2012, (cited By 249).

Links | BibTeX

Arean, C O; Weckhuysen, B M; Zecchina, A

Operando surface spectroscopy - Placing catalytic solids at work under the spotlight Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 2125-2127, 2012, (cited By 16).

Links | BibTeX

Zakzeski, J; Grisel, R J H; Smit, A T; Weckhuysen, B M

Solid acid-catalyzed cellulose hydrolysis monitored by in situ Atr-Ir spectroscopy Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 430-437, 2012, (cited By 36).

Links | BibTeX

Albada, H B; Soulimani, F; Jacobs, H J F; Versluis, C; Weckhuysen, B M; Liskamp, R M J

Triazacyclophane (TAC)-scaffolded histidine and aspartic acid residues as mimics of non-heme metalloenzyme active sites Journal Article

In: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1088-1092, 2012, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

Karreman, M A; Buurmans, I L C; Geus, J W; Agronskaia, A V; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Gerritsen, H C; Weckhuysen, B M

Integrated laser and electron microscopy correlates structure of fluid catalytic cracking particles to Brønsted acidity Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1428-1431, 2012, (cited By 36).

Links | BibTeX

Domke, K F; Day, J P R; Rago, G; Riemer, T A; Kox, M H F; Weckhuysen, B M; Bonn, M

Host-guest geometry in pores of zeolite ZSM-5 spatially resolved with multiplex CARS spectromicroscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1343-1347, 2012, (cited By 22).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Jacques, S D M; Michiel, M Di; Barnes, P; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Active phase evolution in single Ni/Al 2O 3 methanation catalyst bodies studied in real time using combined μ-XRD-CT and μ-absorption-CT Journal Article

In: Chemical Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 509-523, 2012, (cited By 57).

Links | BibTeX

Buurmans, I L C; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Leeuwen, S L Vana; Beek, D Vana Dera; Bergwerff, J A; Knowles, W V; Vogt, E T C; Weckhuysen, B M

Staining of fluid-catalytic-cracking catalysts: Localising Brønsted acidity within a single catalyst particle Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1094-1101, 2012, (cited By 32).

Links | BibTeX

Zandbergen, M W; Jacques, S D M; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Chemical probing within catalyst bodies by diagonal offset raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 957-960, 2012, (cited By 20).

Links | BibTeX

Domke, K F; Riemer, T A; Rago, G; Parvulescu, A N; Bruijnincx, P C A; Enejder, A; Weckhuysen, B M; Bonn, M

Tracing catalytic conversion on single zeolite crystals in 3D with nonlinear spectromicroscopy Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 134, no. 2, pp. 1124-1129, 2012, (cited By 19).

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Harvey, C E; Lantman, E M V Schrojenstein; Mank, A J G; Weckhuysen, B M

An integrated AFM-Raman instrument for studying heterogeneous catalytic systems: A first showcase Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 48, no. 12, pp. 1742-1744, 2012, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Zakzeski, J; Jongerius, A L; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic lignin valorization process for the production of aromatic chemicals and hydrogen Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 1602-1609, 2012, (cited By 209).

Links | BibTeX

Jongerius, A L; Jastrzebski, R; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

CoMo sulfide-catalyzed hydrodeoxygenation of lignin model compounds: An extended reaction network for the conversion of monomeric and dimeric substrates Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 285, no. 1, pp. 315-323, 2012, (cited By 217).

Links | BibTeX

Lantman, E M Van Schrojenstein; Deckert-Gaudig, T; Mank, A J G; Deckert, V; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic processes monitored at the nanoscale with tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 583-586, 2012, (cited By 407).

Links | BibTeX

Diskus, M; Nilsen, O; Fjellvg, H; Diplas, S; Beato, P; Harvey, C; Lantman, E Van Schrojenstein; Weckhuysen, B M

Combination of characterization techniques for atomic layer deposition MoO3 coatings: From the amorphous to the orthorhombicα-MoO 3 crystalline phase Journal Article

In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, vol. 30, no. 1, 2012, (cited By 30).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Michiel, M Di; Weckhuysen, B M

Closing the operando gap: The application of high energy photons for studying catalytic solids at work Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 391, no. 1-2, pp. 468-476, 2011, (cited By 20).

Links | BibTeX

de Smit, E; Schooneveld, M M Van; Cinquini, F; Bluhm, H; Sautet, P; de Groot, F M F; Weckhuysen, B M

On the surface chemistry of iron oxides in reactive gas atmospheres Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1584-1588, 2011, (cited By 37).

Links | BibTeX

Schooneveld, M M Van; Hilhorst, J; Petukhov, A V; Tyliszczak, T; Wang, J; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De; Smit, E De

Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy as a novel tool to probe colloidal and photonic crystals Journal Article

In: Small, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 804-811, 2011, (cited By 16).

Links | BibTeX

Laak, A N C Van; Zhang, L; Parvulescu, A N; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Jong, K P De; Jongh, P E De

Alkaline treatment of template containing zeolites: Introducing mesoporosity while preserving acidity Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 168, no. 1, pp. 48-56, 2011, (cited By 32).

Links | BibTeX

Korhonen, S T; Fickel, D W; Lobo, R F; Weckhuysen, B M; Beale, A M

Isolated Cu2+ ions: Active sites for selective catalytic reduction of NO Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 800-802, 2011, (cited By 207).

Links | BibTeX

Fievez, T; Geerlings, P; Weckhuysen, B M; Proft, F De

Using DFT in search for support effects during methanol oxidation on supported molybdenum oxides Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 12, no. 17, pp. 3281-3290, 2011, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

Aramburo, L R; Karwacki, L; Cubillas, P; Asahina, S; Winter, D A M De; Drury, M R; Buurmans, I L C; Stavitski, E; Mores, D; Daturi, M; Bazin, P; Dumas, P; Thibault-Starzyk, F; Post, J A; Anderson, M W; Terasaki, O; Weckhuysen, B M

The porosity, acidity, and reactivity of dealuminated zeolite ZSM-5 at the single particle level: The influence of the zeolite architecture Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 17, no. 49, pp. 13773-13781, 2011, (cited By 78).

Links | BibTeX

Qian, Q; Mores, D; Kornatowski, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Template removal processes within individual micron-sized SAPO-34 crystals: Effect of gas atmosphere and crystal size Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 146, no. 1-3, pp. 28-35, 2011, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Fievez, T; Proft, F De; Geerlings, P; Weckhuysen, B M; Havenith, R W A

Conceptual chemistry approach towards the support effect in supported vanadium oxides: Valence bond calculations on the ionicity of vanadium catalysts Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 177, no. 1, pp. 3-11, 2011, (cited By 6).

Links | BibTeX

Hemelsoet, K; Ghysels, A; Mores, D; Wispelaere, K De; Speybroeck, V Van; Weckhuysen, B M; Waroquier, M

Experimental and theoretical IR study of methanol and ethanol conversion over H-SAPO-34 Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 177, no. 1, pp. 12-24, 2011, (cited By 32).

Links | BibTeX

Buurmans, I L C; Ruiz-Martínez, J; Knowles, W V; Beek, D Van Der; Bergwerff, J A; Vogt, E T C; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic activity in individual cracking catalyst particles imaged throughout different life stages by selective staining Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 862-867, 2011, (cited By 100).

Links | BibTeX

Grandjean, D; Pelipenko, V; Batyrev, E D; Heuvel, J C Van Den; Khassin, A A; Yurieva, T M; Weckhuysen, B M

Dynamic Cu/Zn interaction in SiO2 supported methanol synthesis catalysts unraveled by in situ XAFS Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 115, no. 41, pp. 20175-20191, 2011, (cited By 42).

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Jacques, S D M; Michiel, M Di; Beale, A M; Sochi, T; O'Brien, M G; Espinosa-Alonso, L; Weckhuysen, B M; Barnes, P

Dynamic x-ray diffraction computed tomography reveals real-time insight into catalyst active phase evolution Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 50, no. 43, pp. 10148-10152, 2011, (cited By 72).

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Hereijgers, B P C; Parton, R F; Weckhuysen, B M

Cyclohexene epoxidation with cyclohexyl hydroperoxide: A catalytic route to largely increase oxygenate yield from cyclohexane oxidation Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 1183-1192, 2011, (cited By 18).

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Hereijgers, B P C; Weckhuysen, B M

An attempt to selectively oxidize methane over supported gold catalysts Journal Article

In: Catalysis Letters, vol. 141, no. 10, pp. 1429-1434, 2011, (cited By 9).

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Mores, D; Stavitski, E; Verkleij, S P; Lombard, A; Cabiac, A; Rouleau, L; Patarin, J; Simon-Masseron, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Core-shell H-ZSM-5/silicalite-1 composites: Brønsted acidity and catalyst deactivation at the individual particle level Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 13, no. 35, pp. 15985-15994, 2011, (cited By 37).

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Chung, Y -M; Mores, D; Weckhuysen, B M

Spatial and temporal mapping of coke formation during paraffin and olefin aromatization in individual H-ZSM-5 crystals Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 404, no. 1-2, pp. 12-20, 2011, (cited By 13).

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Hereijgers, B P C; Eggenhuisen, T M; Jong, K P De; Talsma, H; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

Understanding the promotion effect of lanthanum oxide on gold-based catalysts in the partial oxidation of methanol by in situ XAFS and DSC studies Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 115, no. 31, pp. 15545-15554, 2011, (cited By 9).

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Jia, C -J; Schwickardi, M; Weidenthaler, C; Schmidt, W; Korhonen, S; Weckhuysen, B M; Schüth, F

Co3O4 - SiO2 Nanocomposite: A very active catalyst for co oxidation with unusual catalytic behavior Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 133, no. 29, pp. 11279-11288, 2011, (cited By 148).

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Laak, A N C Van; Zhang, L; Parvulescu, A N; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Jong, K P De; Jongh, P E De

Alkaline treatment of template containing zeolites: Introducing mesoporosity while preserving acidity Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 168, no. 1, pp. 48-56, 2011, (cited By 39).

Links | BibTeX

Hausoul, P J C; Parvulescu, A N; Lutz, M; Spek, A L; Bruijnincx, P C A; KleinGebbink, R J M; Weckhuysen, B M

Mechanistic Study of the Pd/TOMPP-Catalyzed Telomerization of 1,3-Butadiene with Biomass-Based Alcohols: On the Reversibility of Phosphine Alkylation Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 845-852, 2011, (cited By 13).

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Parvulescu, A N; Hausoul, P J C; Bruijnincx, P C A; Korhonen, S T; Teodorescu, C; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Weckhuysen, B M

Telomerization of 1,3-butadiene with biomass-derived alcohols over a heterogeneous Pd/TPPTS catalyst based on layered double hydroxides Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 526-536, 2011, (cited By 15).

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Beale, A M; Obrien, M G; Kasunič, M; Golobič, A; Sanchez-Sanchez, M; Lobo, A J W; Lewis, D W; Wragg, D S; Nikitenko, S; Bras, W; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing ZnAPO-34 Self-Assembly using simultaneous multiple in situ techniques Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 115, no. 14, pp. 6331-6340, 2011, (cited By 27).

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Weckhuysen, B M; Oro, L A; Bornscheuer, U T

Editorial: Solving the Material and Energy Challenges of the Future Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 619-621, 2011, (cited By 0).

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Stavitski, E; Pidko, E A; Couck, S; Remy, T; Hensen, E J M; Weckhuysen, B M; Denayer, J; Gascon, J; Kapteijn, F

Complexity behind CO2 capture on NH2-MIL-53(Al) Journal Article

In: Langmuir, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 3970-3976, 2011, (cited By 220).

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Zakzeski, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Lignin solubilization and aqueous phase reforming for the production of aromatic chemicals and hydrogen Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 369-378, 2011, (cited By 96).

Links | BibTeX

Schooneveld, M M Van; Hilhorst, J; Petukhov, A V; Tyliszczak, T; Wang, J; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De; Smit, E De

Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy as a novel tool to probe colloidal and photonic crystals Journal Article

In: Small, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 804-811, 2011, (cited By 17).

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Mijovilovich, A; Hamman, S; Thomas, F; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Protonation of the oxygen axial ligand in galactose oxidase model compounds as seen with high resolution X-ray emission experiments and FEFF simulations Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 13, no. 13, pp. 5600-5604, 2011, (cited By 10).

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Zakzeski, J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

In situ spectroscopic investigation of the cobalt-catalyzed oxidation of lignin model compounds in ionic liquids Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 671-680, 2011, (cited By 77).

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Karwacki, L; Weckhuysen, B M

New insight in the template decomposition process of large zeolite ZSM-5 crystals: An in situ UV-Vis/fluorescence micro-spectroscopy study Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 3681-3685, 2011, (cited By 27).

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Mores, D; Kornatowski, J; Olsbye, U; Weckhuysen, B M

Coke formation during the methanol-to-olefin conversion: In situ microspectroscopy on individual H-ZSM-5 crystals with different brønsted acidity Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 2874-2884, 2011, (cited By 179).

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Zakzeski, J; Dbczak, A; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic oxidation of aromatic oxygenates by the heterogeneous catalyst Co-ZIF-9 Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 394, no. 1-2, pp. 79-85, 2011, (cited By 72).

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de Smit, E; Schooneveld, M M Van; Cinquini, F; Bluhm, H; Sautet, P; de Groot, F M F; Weckhuysen, B M

On the surface chemistry of iron oxides in reactive gas atmospheres Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1584-1588, 2011, (cited By 62).

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Telalović, S; Ramanathan, A; Ng, J F; Maheswari, R; Kwakernaak, C; Soulimani, F; Brouwer, H C; Chuah, G K; Weckhuysen, B M; Hanefeld, U

On the synergistic catalytic properties of bimetallic mesoporous materials containing aluminum and zirconium: The prins cyclisation of citronellal Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 2077-2088, 2011, (cited By 32).

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Karwacki, L; Winter, D A M De; Aramburo, L R; Lebbink, M N; Post, J A; Drury, M R; Weckhuysen, B M

Architecture-dependent distribution of mesopores in steamed zeolite crystals as visualized by FIB-SEM tomography Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1294-1298, 2011, (cited By 49).

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Korhonen, S T; Beale, A M; Newton, M A; Weckhuysen, B M

New insights into the active surface species of silver alumina catalysts in the selective catalytic reduction of NO Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 115, no. 4, pp. 885-896, 2011, (cited By 51).

Links | BibTeX

Beznis, N V; Laak, A N C Van; Weckhuysen, B M; Bitter, J H

Oxidation of methane to methanol and formaldehyde over Co-ZSM-5 molecular sieves: Tuning the reactivity and selectivity by alkaline and acid treatments of the zeolite ZSM-5 agglomerates Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 138, no. 1-3, pp. 176-183, 2011, (cited By 71).

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O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Michiel, M Di; Weckhuysen, B M

Closing the operando gap: The application of high energy photons for studying catalytic solids at work Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 391, no. 1-2, pp. 468-476, 2011, (cited By 27).

Links | BibTeX

Peinder, P De; Visser, T; Wagemans, R; Blomberg, J; Chaabani, H; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Sulfur speciation of crude oils by partial least squares regression modeling of their infrared spectra Journal Article

In: Energy and Fuels, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 557-562, 2010, (cited By 13).

Links | BibTeX

de Groot, F M F; de Smit, E; van Schooneveld, M M; Aramburo, L R; Weckhuysen, B M

In-situ scanning transmission X-ray microscopy of catalytic solids and related nanomaterials Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 951-962, 2010, (cited By 73).

Links | BibTeX

Smit, E De; Cinquini, F; Beale, A M; Safonova, O V; Beek, W Van; Sautet, P; Weckhuysen, B M

Stability and reactivity of ε-Χ-θ iron carbide catalyst phases in fischer-tropsch synthesis: Controlling μc Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 132, no. 42, pp. 14928-14941, 2010, (cited By 190).

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Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Weckhuysen, B M

Chemical imaging of catalytic solids with synchrotron radiation Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 4656-4672, 2010, (cited By 87).

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O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

The role of synchrotron radiation in examining the self-assembly of crystalline nanoporous framework materials: From zeolites and aluminophosphates to metal organic hybrids Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 4767-4782, 2010, (cited By 27).

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Iglesias-Juez, A; Beale, A M; Maaijen, K; Weng, T C; Glatzel, P; Weckhuysen, B M

A combined in situ time-resolved UV-Vis, Raman and high-energy resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy study on the deactivation behavior of Pt and PtSn propane dehydrogenation catalysts under industrial reaction conditions Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 276, no. 2, pp. 268-279, 2010, (cited By 168).

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Parvulescu, A N; Hausoul, P J C; Bruijnincx, P C A; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Weckhuysen, B M

Synthesis of octyl-ethers of biomass-based glycols through two competitive catalytic routes: Telomerization and etherification Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 158, no. 1-2, pp. 130-138, 2010, (cited By 26).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Preface: Recent advances in the in-situ characterization of heterogeneous catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 4557-4559, 2010, (cited By 60).

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Stavitski, E; Weckhuysen, B M

Infrared and Raman imaging of heterogeneous catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 4615-4625, 2010, (cited By 122).

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Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Weckhuysen, B M

The role of synchrotron radiation in examining the self-assembly of crystalline nanoporous framework materials: From zeolites and aluminophosphates to metal organic hybrids Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 4656-4672, 2010, (cited By 109).

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Brien, M G O; Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

The role of synchrotron radiation in examining the self-assembly of crystalline nanoporous framework materials: From zeolites and aluminophosphates to metal organic hybrids Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 4767-4782, 2010, (cited By 33).

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Sommer, L; Svelle, S; Lillerud, K P; Stöcker, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Olsbye, U

Optical investigation of the intergrowth structure and accessibility of Brønsted acid sites in etched SSZ-13 zeolite crystals by confocal fluorescence microscopy Journal Article

In: Langmuir, vol. 26, no. 21, pp. 16510-16516, 2010, (cited By 11).

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Smit, E De; Cinquini, F; Beale, A M; Safonova, O V; Beek, W Van; Sautet, P; Weckhuysen, B M

Stability and reactivity of ε-Χ-θ iron carbide catalyst phases in fischer-tropsch synthesis: Controlling μc Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 132, no. 42, pp. 14928-14941, 2010, (cited By 285).

Links | BibTeX

Hausoul, P J C; Parvulescu, A N; Lutz, M; Spek, A L; Bruijnincx, P C A; Weckhuysen, B M; Gebbink, R J M Klein

Facile access to key reactive intermediates in the Pd/PR 3-catalyzed telomerization of 1,3-butadiene Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 49, no. 43, pp. 7972-7975, 2010, (cited By 22).

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Espinosa-Alonso, L; Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

Profiling physicochemical changes within catalyst bodies during preparation: New insights from invasive and noninvasive microspectroscopic studies Journal Article

In: Accounts of Chemical Research, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 1279-1288, 2010, (cited By 27).

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Karwacki, L; Bij, H E Van Der; Kornatowski, J; Cubillas, P; Drury, M R; Winter, D A De Matthijs; Anderson, M W; Weckhuysen, B M

Unified internal architecture and surface barriers for molecular diffusion of microporous crystalline aluminophosphates Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 49, no. 38, pp. 6790-6794, 2010, (cited By 18).

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Mijovilovich, A; Pettersson, L G M; Groot, F M F D; Weckhuysen, B M

Functional groups and sulfur K-edge XANES spectra: Divalent sulfur and disulfides Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 114, no. 35, pp. 9523-9528, 2010, (cited By 17).

Links | BibTeX

Stavitski, E; Pidko, E A; Kox, M H F; Hensen, E J M; Santen, R A Van; Weckhuysen, B M

Detection of carbocationic species in zeolites: Large crystals pave the way Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 16, no. 31, pp. 9340-9348, 2010, (cited By 20).

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Parvulescu, A N; Mores, D; Stavitski, E; Teodorescu, C M; Bruijnincx, P C A; Gebbink, R J M K; Weckhuysen, B M

Chemical imaging of catalyst deactivation during the conversion of renewables at the single particle level: Etherification of biomass-based polyols with alkenes over H-beta zeolites Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 132, no. 30, pp. 10429-10439, 2010, (cited By 41).

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Beznis, N V; Weckhuysen, B M; Bitter, J H

Cu-ZSM-5 zeolites for the formation of methanol from methane and oxygen: Probing the active sites and spectator species Journal Article

In: Catalysis Letters, vol. 138, no. 1-2, pp. 14-22, 2010, (cited By 106).

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Sommer, L; Mores, D; Svelle, S; Stöcker, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Olsbye, U

Mesopore formation in zeolite H-SSZ-13 by desilication with NaOH Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 132, no. 3, pp. 384-394, 2010, (cited By 117).

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Zakzeski, J; Jongerius, A L; Weckhuysen, B M

Transition metal catalyzed oxidation of Alcell lignin, soda lignin, and lignin model compounds in ionic liquids Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1225-1236, 2010, (cited By 130).

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Zakzeski, J; Bruijnincx, P C A; Jongerius, A L; Weckhuysen, B M

The catalytic valorization of lignin for the production of renewable chemicals Journal Article

In: Chemical Reviews, vol. 110, no. 6, pp. 3552-3599, 2010, (cited By 2674).

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Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

EXAFS as a tool to interrogate the size and shape of mono and bimetallic catalyst nanoparticles Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 12, no. 21, pp. 5562-5574, 2010, (cited By 113).

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Kox, M H F; Mijovilovich, A; Sättler, J J H B; Stavitski, E; Weckhuysen, B M

The Catalytic Conversion of Thiophenes over Large H-ZSM-5 Crystals: An X-Ray, UV/Vis, and Fluorescence Microspectroscopic Study Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 564-571, 2010, (cited By 27).

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Beznis, N V; Weckhuysen, B M; Bitter, J H

Partial oxidation of methane over Co-ZSM-5: Tuning the oxygenate selectivity by altering the preparation route Journal Article

In: Catalysis Letters, vol. 136, no. 1-2, pp. 52-56, 2010, (cited By 61).

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Hereijgers, B P C; Weckhuysen, B M

Aerobic oxidation of cyclohexane by gold-based catalysts: New mechanistic insight by thorough product analysis Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 270, no. 1, pp. 16-25, 2010, (cited By 131).

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Feltes, T E; Espinosa-Alonso, L; d Smit, E; D'Souza, L; Meyer, R J; Weckhuysen, B M; Regalbuto, J R

Selective adsorption of manganese onto cobalt for optimized Mn/Co/TiO2 Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 270, no. 1, pp. 95-102, 2010, (cited By 74).

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Lepage, M; Visser, T; Soulimani, F; Iglesias-Juez, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Promotion effects in the reduction of NO by CO over zeolite-supported Rh catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 114, no. 5, pp. 2282-2292, 2010, (cited By 11).

Links | BibTeX

Lysova, A A; Bergwerff, J A; Espinosa-Alonso, L; Weckhuysen, B M; Koptyug, I V

Magnetic resonance imaging as an emerging tool for studying the preparation of supported catalysts Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 374, no. 1-2, pp. 126-136, 2010, (cited By 21).

Links | BibTeX

Peinder, P De; Visser, T; Wagemans, R; Blomberg, J; Chaabani, H; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Sulfur speciation of crude oils by partial least squares regression modeling of their infrared spectra Journal Article

In: Energy and Fuels, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 557-562, 2010, (cited By 17).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M; Smit, E De; Groot, F M F De; Blume, R; Hävecker, M; Knop-Gericke, A

The role of Cu on the reduction behavior and surface properties of Fe-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 667-680, 2010, (cited By 82).

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Espinosa-Alonso, L; Jong, K P De; Weckhuysen, B M

A UV-Vis micro-spectroscopic study to rationalize the influence of Cl -(aq) on the formation of different Pd macro-distributions on γ-Al2O3 catalyst bodies Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 97-107, 2010, (cited By 25).

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de Groot, F M F; de Smit, E; van Schooneveld, M M; Aramburo, L R; Weckhuysen, B M

In-situ scanning transmission X-ray microscopy of catalytic solids and related nanomaterials Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 951-962, 2010, (cited By 84).

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Buurmans, I L C; Pidko, E A; de Groot, J M; Stavitski, E; van Santen, R A; Weckhuysen, B M

Styrene oligomerization as a molecular probe reaction for zeolite acidity: A UV-Vis spectroscopy and DFT study Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 12, no. 26, pp. 7032-7040, 2010, (cited By 33).

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de Smit, E; Beale, A M; Nikitenko, S; Weckhuysen, B M

Local and long range order in promoted iron-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: A combined in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy/wide angle X-ray scattering study Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 262, no. 2, pp. 244-256, 2009, (cited By 106).

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O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Buslaps, T; Honkimaki, V; Weckhuysen, B M

On the active oxygen in bulk MoO3 during the anaerobic dehydrogenation of methanol Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 113, no. 12, pp. 4890-4897, 2009, (cited By 33).

Links | BibTeX

Peinder, P De; Visser, T; Petrauskas, D D; Salvatori, F; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Prediction of long-residue properties of potential blends from mathematically mixed infrared spectra of pure crude oils by partial least-squares regression models Journal Article

In: Energy and Fuels, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 2164-2168, 2009, (cited By 11).

Links | BibTeX

Smit, E De; Swart, I; Creemer, J F; Karunakaran, C; Bertwistle, D; Zandbergen, H W; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Nanoscale chemical imaging of the reduction behavior of a single catalyst particle Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 48, no. 20, pp. 3632-3636, 2009, (cited By 56).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Michiel, M Di; Weckhuysen, B M

Spatiotemporal multitechnique imaging of a catalytic solid in action: Phase variation and volatilization during molybdenum oxide reduction Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 99-102, 2009, (cited By 22).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Weckhuysen, B M

A combined multi-technique in situ approach used to probe the stability of iron molybdate catalysts during redox cycling Journal Article

In: Topics in Catalysis, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 1400-1409, 2009, (cited By 9).

Links | BibTeX

de Peinder, P; Visser, T; Petrauskas, D D; Salvatori, F; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Partial least squares modeling of combined infrared, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra to predict long residue properties of crude oils Journal Article

In: Vibrational Spectroscopy, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 205-212, 2009, (cited By 25).

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Fievez, T; Weckhuysen, B M; Geerlings, P; Proft, F D

Chemical reactivity indices as a tool for understanding the support-effect in supported metal oxide catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 113, no. 46, pp. 19905-19912, 2009, (cited By 14).

Links | BibTeX

Ruppert, A M; Parvulescu, A N; Arias, M; Hausoul, P J C; Bruijnincx, P C A; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Weckhuysen, B M

Synthesis of long alkyl chain ethers through direct etherification of biomass-based alcohols with 1-octene over heterogeneous acid catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 268, no. 2, pp. 251-259, 2009, (cited By 43).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M

Heterogeneous catalysis: Catch me if you can! Journal Article

In: Nature Chemistry, vol. 1, no. 9, pp. 690-692, 2009, (cited By 17).

Links | BibTeX

Espinosa-Alonso, L; O'Brien, M G; Jacques, S D M; Beale, A M; Jong, K P De; Barnes, P; Weckhuysen, B M

Tomographic energy dispersive diffraction imaging to study the genesis of Ni nanoparticles in 3D within γ-Al2O3 catalyst bodies Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 131, no. 46, pp. 16932-16938, 2009, (cited By 51).

Links | BibTeX

de Peinder, P; Visser, T; Petrauskas, D D; Salvatori, F; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Partial least squares modeling of combined infrared, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra to predict long residue properties of crude oils Journal Article

In: Vibrational Spectroscopy, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 205-212, 2009, (cited By 31).

Links | BibTeX

Kox, M H F; Domke, K F; Day, J P R; Rago, G; Stavitski, E; Bonn, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Label-free chemical imaging of catalytic solids by coherent anti-stokes raman scattering and synchrotron-based infrared microscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 48, no. 47, pp. 8990-8994, 2009, (cited By 57).

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Calatayud, M; Ruppert, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

Theoretical study on the role of surface basicity and lewis acidity on the etherification of glycerol over alkaline earth metal oxides Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 15, no. 41, pp. 10864-10870, 2009, (cited By 46).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Weckhuysen, B M

A combined multi-technique in situ approach used to probe the stability of iron molybdate catalysts during redox cycling Journal Article

In: Topics in Catalysis, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 1400-1409, 2009, (cited By 12).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M

Crossing the interfaces of catalysis Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 7, 2009, (cited By 1).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Michiel, M Di; Weckhuysen, B M

Spatiotemporal multitechnique imaging of a catalytic solid in action: Phase variation and volatilization during molybdenum oxide reduction Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 99-102, 2009, (cited By 23).

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Palkovits, R; Parvulescu, A N; Hausoul, P J C; Kruithof, C A; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Weckhuysen, B M

Telomerization of 1,3-butadiene with various alcohols by PD/TOMPP catalysts: New opportunities for catalytic biomass valorization Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1155-1160, 2009, (cited By 40).

Links | BibTeX

Nijhuis, T A; Sacaliuc-Parvulescu, E; Govender, N S; Schouten, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

The role of support oxygen in the epoxidation of propene over gold-titania catalysts investigated by isotopic transient kinetics Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 265, no. 2, pp. 161-169, 2009, (cited By 32).

Links | BibTeX

Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Sacaliuc-Parvalescu, E; O'Brien, M G; Barnes, P; Weckhuysen, B M

An iron molybdate catalyst for methanol to formaldehyde conversion prepared by a hydrothermal method and its characterization Journal Article

In: Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 363, no. 1-2, pp. 143-152, 2009, (cited By 49).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M

Chemical imaging of spatial heterogeneities in catalytic solids at different length and time scales Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 48, no. 27, pp. 4910-4943, 2009, (cited By 271).

Links | BibTeX

Hereijgers, B P C; Bleken, F; Nilsen, M H; Svelle, S; Lillerud, K -P; Bjørgen, M; Weckhuysen, B M; Olsbye, U

Product shape selectivity dominates the Methanol-to-Olefins (MTO) reaction over H-SAPO-34 catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 264, no. 1, pp. 77-87, 2009, (cited By 293).

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Espinosa-Alonso, L; Lysova, A A; Peinder, P De; Jong, K P De; Koptyug, I V; Weckhuysen, B M

Magnetic resonance imaging studies on catalyst impregnation processes: Discriminating metal ion complexes within millimeter-sized γ-Al 2O3 catalyst bodies Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 131, no. 18, pp. 6524-6534, 2009, (cited By 35).

Links | BibTeX

Smit, E De; Swart, I; Creemer, J F; Karunakaran, C; Bertwistle, D; Zandbergen, H W; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Nanoscale chemical imaging of the reduction behavior of a single catalyst particle Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 48, no. 20, pp. 3632-3636, 2009, (cited By 62).

Links | BibTeX

Schoonheydt, R A; Weckhuysen, B M

Editorial Highlight: Molecules in confined spaces Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 11, no. 16, pp. 2794-2798, 2009, (cited By 35).

Links | BibTeX

Peinder, P De; Visser, T; Petrauskas, D D; Salvatori, F; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Prediction of long-residue properties of potential blends from mathematically mixed infrared spectra of pure crude oils by partial least-squares regression models Journal Article

In: Energy and Fuels, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 2164-2168, 2009, (cited By 15).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Buslaps, T; Honkimaki, V; Weckhuysen, B M

On the active oxygen in bulk MoO3 during the anaerobic dehydrogenation of methanol Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 113, no. 12, pp. 4890-4897, 2009, (cited By 34).

Links | BibTeX

Mijovilovich, A; Pettersson, L G M; Mangold, S; Janousch, M; Susini, J; Salome, M; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

The interpretation of sulfur K-edge XANES spectra: A case study on thiophenic and aliphatic sulfur compounds Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 113, no. 12, pp. 2750-2756, 2009, (cited By 31).

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de Smit, E; Beale, A M; Nikitenko, S; Weckhuysen, B M

Local and long range order in promoted iron-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: A combined in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy/wide angle X-ray scattering study Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 262, no. 2, pp. 244-256, 2009, (cited By 135).

Links | BibTeX

Hereijgers, B P C; Weckhuysen, B M

Selective oxidation of methanol to hydrogen over gold catalysts promoted by alkaline-earth-metal and lanthanum oxides Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 743-748, 2009, (cited By 22).

Links | BibTeX

Hausoul, P J; Bruijnincx, P C; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Weckhuysen, B M

Base-free Pd/TOMPP-catalyzed telomerization of 1,3-butadiene with carbohydrates and sugar alcohols Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 855-858, 2009, (cited By 32).

Links | BibTeX

Karwacki, L; Kox, M H F; Winter, D A Matthijs De; Drury, M R; Meeldijk, J D; Stavitski, E; Schmidt, W; Mertens, M; Cubillas, P; John, N; Chan, A; Kahn, N; Bare, S R; Anderson, M; Kornatowski, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Morphology-dependent zeolite intergrowth structures leading to distinct internal and outer-surface molecular diffusion barriers Journal Article

In: Nature Materials, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 959-965, 2009, (cited By 175).

Links | BibTeX

Peinder, P De; Petrauskas, D D; Singelenberg, F; Salvatori, F; Visser, T; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Prediction of long and short residue properties of crude oils from their infrared and near-infrared spectra Journal Article

In: Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 414-422, 2008, (cited By 22).

Links | BibTeX

Heijden, A W A M Van Der; Mens, A J M; Bogerd, R; Weckhuysen, B M

Dehydrochlorination of intermediates in the production of vinyl chloride over lanthanum oxide-based catalysts Journal Article

In: Catalysis Letters, vol. 122, no. 3-4, pp. 238-246, 2008, (cited By 14).

Links | BibTeX

Heijden, A W A M Van Der; Podkolzin, S G; Jones, M E; Bitter, J H; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic hydrogen-chlorine exchange between chlorinated hydrocarbons under oxygen-free conditions Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 47, no. 27, pp. 5002-5004, 2008, (cited By 14).

Links | BibTeX

Smit, E De; Swart, I; Creemer, J F; Hoveling, G H; Gilles, M K; Tyliszczak, T; Kooyman, P J; Zandbergen, H W; Morin, C; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Nanoscale chemical imaging of a working catalyst by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 456, no. 7219, pp. 222-225, 2008, (cited By 240).

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Smit, E De; Weckhuysen, B M

The renaissance of iron-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: On the multifaceted catalyst deactivation behaviour Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 2758-2781, 2008, (cited By 376).

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Mores, D; Stavitski, E; Kox, M H F; Kornatowski, J; Olsbye, U; Weckhuysen, B M

Space- And time-resolved in-situ spectroscopy on the coke formation in molecular sieves: Methanol-to-olefin conversion over H-ZSM-5 and H-SAPO-34 Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 14, no. 36, pp. 11320-11327, 2008, (cited By 236).

Links | BibTeX

Smit, E De; Weckhuysen, B M

The renaissance of iron-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: On the multifaceted catalyst deactivation behaviour Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 2758-2781, 2008, (cited By 513).

Links | BibTeX

Stavitski, E; Kox, M H F; Weckhuysen, B M

An eye on the inside of zeolite crystals in the act: Studying Brønsted acidity with in-situ micro-spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 174, no. SUPPL. PART A, pp. 21-32, 2008, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Smit, E De; Swart, I; Creemer, J F; Hoveling, G H; Gilles, M K; Tyliszczak, T; Kooyman, P J; Zandbergen, H W; Morin, C; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Nanoscale chemical imaging of a working catalyst by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 456, no. 7219, pp. 222-225, 2008, (cited By 285).

Links | BibTeX

Karwacki, L; Stavitski, E; Kox, M H F; Kornatowski, J; Weckhuysen, B M

On the intergrowth structure of zeolite crystals as revealed by wide field and confocal fluorescence microscopy of the template removal processes Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 174, no. B, pp. 757-762, 2008, (cited By 8).

Links | BibTeX

Palkovits, R; Nieddu, I; Kruithof, C A; Gebbink, R J M K; Weckhuysen, B M

Palladium-based telomerization of 1,3-butadiene with glycerol using methoxy-functionalized triphenylphosphine ligands Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 14, no. 29, pp. 8995-9005, 2008, (cited By 52).

Links | BibTeX

Nikitenko, S; Beale, A M; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Jacques, S D M; Leynaud, O; O'Brien, M G; Detollenaere, D; Kaptein, R; Weckhuysen, B M; Bras, W

Implementation of a combined SAXS/WAXS/QEXAFS set-up for time-resolved in situ experiments Journal Article

In: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 632-640, 2008, (cited By 220).

Links | BibTeX

Sacaliuc-Parvulescu, E; Friedrich, H; Palkovits, R; Weckhuysen, B M; Nijhuis, T A

Understanding the effect of postsynthesis ammonium treatment on the catalytic activity of Au/Ti-SBA-15 catalysts for the oxidation of propene Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 259, no. 1, pp. 43-53, 2008, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Lepage, M; Visser, T; van der Eerden, A M J; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Pore curvature and support composition effects on the electronic properties of supported Pt catalysts: An infrared spectroscopy study with CO as probe molecule Journal Article

In: Vibrational Spectroscopy, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 92-100, 2008, (cited By 18).

Links | BibTeX

Nijhuis, T A; Sacaliuc, E; Beale, A M; van der Eerden, A M J; Schouten, J C; Weckhuysen, B M

Spectroscopic evidence for the adsorption of propene on gold nanoparticles during the hydro-epoxidation of propene Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 258, no. 1, pp. 256-264, 2008, (cited By 46).

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Radu, D; Glatze, P; Gloter, A; Stephan, O; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Geometric and electronic structure of α-oxygen sites in Mn-ZSM-5 zeolites Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 112, no. 32, pp. 12409-12416, 2008, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Stavitski, E; Drury, M R; Winter, D A M De; Kox, M H F; Weckhuysen, B M

Intergrowth structure of zeolite crystals and pore orientation of individual subunits revealed by electron backscatter diffraction/focused ion beam experiments Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 47, no. 30, pp. 5637-5640, 2008, (cited By 62).

Links | BibTeX

Lepage, M; Visser, T; Soulimani, F; Beale, A M; Iglesias-Juez, A; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Promotion effects in the oxidation of CO over zeolite-supported Rh nanoparticles Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 112, no. 25, pp. 9394-9404, 2008, (cited By 20).

Links | BibTeX

Heijden, A W A M Van Der; Podkolzin, S G; Jones, M E; Bitter, J H; Weckhuysen, B M

Catalytic hydrogen-chlorine exchange between chlorinated hydrocarbons under oxygen-free conditions Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 47, no. 27, pp. 5002-5004, 2008, (cited By 14).

Links | BibTeX

Espinosa-Alonso, L; Jong, K P De; Weckhuysen, B M

Effect of the nickel precursor on the impregnation and drying of γ-Al2O3 catalyst bodies: A UV-vis and IR microspectroscopic study Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 112, no. 18, pp. 7201-7209, 2008, (cited By 54).

Links | BibTeX

Heijden, A W A M Van Der; Mens, A J M; Bogerd, R; Weckhuysen, B M

Dehydrochlorination of intermediates in the production of vinyl chloride over lanthanum oxide-based catalysts Journal Article

In: Catalysis Letters, vol. 122, no. 3-4, pp. 238-246, 2008, (cited By 19).

Links | BibTeX

Stavitski, E; Kox, M H F; Swart, I; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

In situ synchrotron-based IR microspectroscopy to study catalyt ic reactions in zeolite crystals Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 47, no. 19, pp. 3543-3547, 2008, (cited By 73).

Links | BibTeX

Peinder, P De; Petrauskas, D D; Singelenberg, F; Salvatori, F; Visser, T; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Prediction of long and short residue properties of crude oils from their infrared and near-infrared spectra Journal Article

In: Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 414-422, 2008, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Palkovits, R; Nieddu, I; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Weckhuysen, B M

Highly active catalysts for the telomerizationof crude glycerol with 1,3-butadiene Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 193-196, 2008, (cited By 67).

Links | BibTeX

Bergwerff, J A; Lysova, A A; Espinosa-Alonso, L; Koptyug, I V; Weckhuysen, B M

Monitoring transport phenomena of paramagnetic metal-ion complexes inside catalyst bodies with magnetic resonance imaging Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 2363-2374, 2008, (cited By 48).

Links | BibTeX

Ruppert, A M; Meeldijk, J D; Kuipers, B W M; Erné, B H; Weckhuysen, B M

Glycerol etherification over highly active CaO-based materials: New mechanistic aspects and related colloidal particle formation Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 2016-2024, 2008, (cited By 142).

Links | BibTeX

Kox, M H F; Stavitski, E; Groen, J C; Pérez-Ramírez, J; Kapteijn, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Visualizing the crystal structure and locating the catalytic activity of micro- and mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolite crystals by using in situ optical and fluorescence microscopy Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1718-1725, 2008, (cited By 100).

Links | BibTeX

Swart, I; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M; Gruene, P; Meijer, G; Fielicke, A

H2 adsorption on 3d transition metal clusters: A combined infrared spectroscopy and density functional study Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 112, no. 6, pp. 1139-1149, 2008, (cited By 55).

Links | BibTeX

Bergwerff, J A; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

On the interaction between Co- and Mo-complexes in impregnation solutions used for the preparation of Al2O3-supported HDS catalysts: A combined Raman/UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy study Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 130, no. 1, pp. 117-125, 2008, (cited By 54).

Links | BibTeX

Heijden, A W A M Van Der; Ramos, M G; Weckhuysen, B M

Intermediates in the destruction of chlorinated C1 Hydrocarbons on La-based materials: Mechanistic implications Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 13, no. 34, pp. 9561-9571, 2007, (cited By 12).

Links | BibTeX

Beale, A M; Jacques, S D M; Bergwerff, J A; Barnes, P; Weckhuysen, B M

Tomographic energy dispersive diffraction imaging as a tool to profile in three dimensions the distribution and composition of metal oxide species in catalyst bodies Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 46, no. 46, pp. 8832-8835, 2007, (cited By 48).

Links | BibTeX

Heijden, A W A M Van Der; Ramos, M G; Weckhuysen, B M

Intermediates in the destruction of chlorinated C1 Hydrocarbons on La-based materials: Mechanistic implications Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 13, no. 34, pp. 9561-9571, 2007, (cited By 14).

Links | BibTeX

Bergwerff, J A; Lysova, A A; Alonso, L Espinosa; Koptyug, I V; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing the transport of paramagnetic complexes inside catalyst bodies in a quantitative manner by magnetic resonance imaging Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 46, no. 38, pp. 7224-7227, 2007, (cited By 43).

Links | BibTeX

Karwacki, L; Stavitski, E; Kox, M H F; Kornatowski, J; Weckhuysen, B M

Intergrowth structure of zeolite crystals as determined by optical and fluorescence microscopy of the template-removal process Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 46, no. 38, pp. 7228-7231, 2007, (cited By 99).

Links | BibTeX

Stavitski, E; Kox, M H F; Weckhuysen, B M

Revealing shape selectivity and catalytic activity trends within the pores of H-ZSM-5 crystals by time- and space-resolved optical and fluorescence microspectroscopy Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 13, no. 25, pp. 7057-7065, 2007, (cited By 74).

Links | BibTeX

Keller, D E; Weckhuysen, B M; Koningsberger, D C

Application of AXAFS spectroscopy to transition-metal oxides: Influence of the nearest and next nearest neighbour shells in vanadium oxides Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 13, no. 20, pp. 5845-5856, 2007, (cited By 7).

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Bennici, S M; Vogelaar, B M; Nijhuis, T A; Weckhuysen, B M

Real-time control of a catalytic solid in a fixed-bed reactor based on in situ spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 46, no. 28, pp. 5412-5416, 2007, (cited By 32).

Links | BibTeX

Swart, I; Fielicke, A; Rayner, D M; Meijer, G; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Controlling the bonding of CO on cobalt clusters by coadsorption of H 2 Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 46, no. 28, pp. 5317-5320, 2007, (cited By 15).

Links | BibTeX

Kox, M H F; Stavitski, E; Weckhuysen, B M

Nonuniform catalytic behavior of zeolite crystals as revealed by in situ optical microspectroscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 46, no. 20, pp. 3652-3655, 2007, (cited By 95).

Links | BibTeX

Nenu, C N; Groppo, E; Lamberti, C; Beale, A M; Visser, T; Zecchina, A; Weckhuysen, B M

Dichloromethane as a selective modifying agent to create a family of highly reactive chromium polymerization sites Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 1465-1468, 2007, (cited By 19).

Links | BibTeX

Sacaliuc, E; Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M; Nijhuis, T A

Propene epoxidation over Au/Ti-SBA-15 catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 248, no. 2, pp. 235-248, 2007, (cited By 142).

Links | BibTeX

Nenu, C N; Bodart, P; Weckhuysen, B M

Turning a Cr-based heterogeneous ethylene polymerisation catalyst into a selective ethylene trimerisation catalyst Journal Article

In: Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, vol. 269, no. 1-2, pp. 5-11, 2007, (cited By 10).

Links | BibTeX

Keller, D E; Airaksinen, S M K; Krause, A O; Weckhuysen, B M; Koningsberger, D C

Atomic XAFS as a tool to probe the reactivity of metal oxide catalysts: Quantifying metal oxide support effects Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 129, no. 11, pp. 3189-3197, 2007, (cited By 47).

Links | BibTeX

Swart, I; Fielicke, A; Redlich, B; Meijer, G; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Hydrogen-induced transition from dissociative to molecular chemisorption of CO on vanadium clusters Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 129, no. 9, pp. 2516-2520, 2007, (cited By 37).

Links | BibTeX

Bruijnincx, P C A; Lutz, M; Spek, A L; Hagen, W R; Weckhuysen, B M; Koten, G Van; Gebbink, R J M K

Modeling the 2-His-1-carboxylate facial triad: Iron-catecholato complexes as structural and functional models of the extradiol cleaving dioxygenases Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 129, no. 8, pp. 2275-2286, 2007, (cited By 84).

Links | BibTeX

Morales, F; de Smit, E; de Groot, F M F; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Effects of manganese oxide promoter on the CO and H2 adsorption properties of titania-supported cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 246, no. 1, pp. 91-99, 2007, (cited By 171).

Links | BibTeX

Ji, Y; Koot, V; van der Eerden, A M J; Weckhuysen, B M; Koningsberger, D C; Ramaker, D E

A three-site Langmuir adsorption model to elucidate the temperature, pressure, and support dependence of the hydrogen coverage on supported Pt particles Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 245, no. 2, pp. 415-427, 2007, (cited By 26).

Links | BibTeX

Keller, D E; Visser, T; Soulimani, F; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M

Hydration effects on the molecular structure of silica-supported vanadium oxide catalysts: A combined IR, Raman, UV-vis and EXAFS study Journal Article

In: Vibrational Spectroscopy, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 140-151, 2007, (cited By 105).

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Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

Understanding the crystallisation processes leading to the formation of microporous aluminophosphates Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 170, numberĀ, pp. 748-755, 2007, (cited By 2).

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Albada, H B; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M; Liskamp, R M J

Scaffolded amino acids as a close structural mimic of type-3 copper binding sites Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, no. 46, pp. 4895-4897, 2007, (cited By 19).

Links | BibTeX

Radu, D C; Glatzel, P; Heijboer, W M; Bitter, J H; Weckhuysen, B M; de Groot, F M F

Mn and Fe Ions and Oxo clusters in ZSM-5: Pushing the limits of X-ray Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 170, numberĀ, pp. 796-799, 2007, (cited By 2).

Links | BibTeX

Beale, A M; Mesu, J G; Kervinen, K; Visser, T; Soulimani, F; Bruijnincx, P C A; Gebbink, R J M Klein; van Koten, G; Weckhuysen, B M

Bio-inspired manipulation of catalytic sites via immobilization of metal ion complexes in zeolites Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 170, no. B, pp. 1546-1551, 2007, (cited By 2).

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Lingen, J N J Van; Gijzeman, O L J; Weckhuysen, B M; Lenthe, J H Van

On the umbrella model for supported vanadium oxide catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 239, no. 1, pp. 34-41, 2006, (cited By 52).

Links | BibTeX

van de Water, L G A; Bezemer, G L; Bergwerff, J A; Versluijs-Helder, M; Weckhuysen, B M; de Jong, K P

Spatially resolved UV-vis microspectroscopy on the preparation of alumina-supported Co Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: Linking activity to Co distribution and speciation Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 242, no. 2, pp. 287-298, 2006, (cited By 86).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Catlow, C R A; Weckhuysen, B M

Unique organic-inorganic interactions leading to a structure-directed microporous aluminophosphate crystallization as observed with in situ Raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 128, no. 36, pp. 11744-11745, 2006, (cited By 54).

Links | BibTeX

Bergwerff, J A; Jansen, M; Leliveld, B R G; Visser, T; de Jong, K P; Weckhuysen, B M

Influence of the preparation method on the hydrotreating activity of MoS2/Al2O3 extrudates: A Raman microspectroscopy study on the genesis of the active phase Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 243, no. 2, pp. 292-302, 2006, (cited By 88).

Links | BibTeX

Nijhuis, T A; Weckhuysen, B M

The direct epoxidation of propene over gold-titania catalysts-A study into the kinetic mechanism and deactivation Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 117, no. 1-3, pp. 84-89, 2006, (cited By 56).

Links | BibTeX

Beale, A M; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Jacques, S D M; Leynaud, O; O'Brien, M G; Meneau, F; Nikitenko, S; Bras, W; Weckhuysen, B M

A combined SAXS/WAXS/XAFS setup capable of observing concurrent changes across the nano-to-micrometer size range in inorganic solid crystallization processes Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 128, no. 38, pp. 12386-12387, 2006, (cited By 86).

Links | BibTeX

Mesu, J G; Visser, T; Beale, A M; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Host-guest chemistry of copper(II)-histidine complexes encaged in zeolite Y Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 12, no. 27, pp. 7167-7177, 2006, (cited By 37).

Links | BibTeX

O'Brien, M G; Beale, A M; Catlow, C R A; Weckhuysen, B M

Unique organic-inorganic interactions leading to a structure-directed microporous aluminophosphate crystallization as observed with in situ Raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 128, no. 36, pp. 11744-11745, 2006, (cited By 62).

Links | BibTeX

van de Water, L G A; Bezemer, G L; Bergwerff, J A; Versluijs-Helder, M; Weckhuysen, B M; de Jong, K P

Spatially resolved UV-vis microspectroscopy on the preparation of alumina-supported Co Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: Linking activity to Co distribution and speciation Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 242, no. 2, pp. 287-298, 2006, (cited By 97).

Links | BibTeX

Fan, W; Fan, B; Song, M; Chen, T; Li, R; Dou, T; Tatsumi, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Synthesis, characterization and catalysis of (Co, V)-, (Co, Cr)- and (Cr, V)APO-5 molecular sieves Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 94, no. 1-3, pp. 348-357, 2006, (cited By 28).

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Mesu, J G; Beale, A M; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Probing the influence of X-rays on aqueous copper solutions using time-resolved in situ combined video/X-ray absorption near-edge/ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 110, no. 35, pp. 17671-17677, 2006, (cited By 48).

Links | BibTeX

Grandjean, D; Castricum, H L; Heuvel, J C Van Den; Weckhuysen, B M

Highly mixed phases in ball-milled Cu/ZnO catalysts: An EXAFS and XANES study Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 110, no. 34, pp. 16892-16901, 2006, (cited By 22).

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Keller, D E; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M

Molecular structure of a supported VO4 cluster and its interfacial geometry as a function of the SiO2, Nb2Os, and ZrO2 support Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 110, no. 29, pp. 14313-14325, 2006, (cited By 46).

Links | BibTeX

Nenu, C N; Lingen, J N J Van; Groot, F M F De; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M

Controlled assembly of a heterogeneous single-site ethylene trimerization catalyst as probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 12, no. 18, pp. 4756-4763, 2006, (cited By 21).

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Tinnemans, S J; Kox, M H F; Sletering, M W; Nijhuis, T A; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Dealing with a local heating effect when measuring catalytic solids in a reactor with Raman spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 8, no. 20, pp. 2413-2420, 2006, (cited By 22).

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Bellière, V; Joorst, G; Stephan, O; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Phase segregation in cerium-lanthanum solid solutions Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 110, no. 20, pp. 9984-9990, 2006, (cited By 57).

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Nijhuis, T A; Makkee, M; Moulijn, J A; Weckhuysen, B M

The production of propene oxide: Catalytic processes and recent developments Journal Article

In: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 3447-3459, 2006, (cited By 374).

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Morales, F; Grandjean, D; Mens, A; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

X-ray absorption spectroscopy of Mn/Co/TiO2 fischer-tropsch catalysts: Relationships between preparation method, molecular structure, and catalyst performance Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 110, no. 17, pp. 8626-8639, 2006, (cited By 94).

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Lingen, J N J Van; Gijzeman, O L J; Weckhuysen, B M; Lenthe, J H Van

On the umbrella model for supported vanadium oxide catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 239, no. 1, pp. 34-41, 2006, (cited By 53).

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Tinnemans, S J; Mesu, J G; Kervinen, K; Visser, T; Nijhuis, T A; Beale, A M; Keller, D E; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Combining operando techniques in one spectroscopic-reaction cell: New opportunities for elucidating the active site and related reaction mechanism in catalysis Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 113, no. 1-2, pp. 3-15, 2006, (cited By 154).

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Kervinen, K; Bruijnincx, P C A; Beale, A M; Mesu, J G; Koten, G Van; Gebbink, R J M Klein; Weckhuysen, B M

Zeolite framework stabilized copper complex inspired by the 2-His-1-carboxylate facial triad motif yielding oxidation catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 128, no. 10, pp. 3208-3217, 2006, (cited By 55).

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Mesu, J G; Visser, T; Soulimani, F; Faassen, E E Van; Peinder, P De; Beale, A M; Weckhuysen, B M

New insights into the coordination chemistry and molecular structure of copper(II) histidine complexes in aqueous solutions Journal Article

In: Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1960-1971, 2006, (cited By 69).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Chemistry: Catalysts live and up close Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 439, no. 7076, pp. 548, 2006, (cited By 15).

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Beale, A M; Grandjean, D; Kornatowski, J; Glatzel, P; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Unusual coordination behavior of Cr3+ in microporous aluminophosphates Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 110, no. 2, pp. 716-722, 2006, (cited By 27).

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Keller, D E; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M

Elucidation of the molecular structure of hydrated vanadium oxide species by X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Correlation between the V…V coordination number and distance and the point of zero charge of the support oxide Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, pp. 4814-4824, 2006, (cited By 14).

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Beale, A M; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Grandjean, D; Petukhov, A V; Smith, A D; Weckhuysen, B M

Monitoring the coordination of aluminium during microporous oxide crystallisation by in situ soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, no. 42, pp. 4410-4412, 2006, (cited By 27).

Links | BibTeX

Bergwerff, J A; van de Water, L G A; Lysova, A A; Koptyug, I V; Visser, T; de Jong, K P; Weckhuysen, B M

Monitoring the preparation of (Co)Mo/Al2O3 extrudates using spatially resolved spectroscopic techniques Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 162, pp. 175-186, 2006, (cited By 8).

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Eerden, A M J Van Der; Visser, T; Nijhuis, T A; Ikeda, Y; Lepage, M; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M

Atomic XAFS as a tool to probe the electronic properties of supported noble metal nanoclusters Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 127, no. 10, pp. 3272-3273, 2005, (cited By 32).

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Water, L G A Van De; Bergwerff, J A; Nijhuis, T A; Jong, K P De; Weckhuysen, B M

UV-vis microspectroscopy: Probing the initial stages of supported metal oxide catalyst preparation Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 127, no. 14, pp. 5024-5025, 2005, (cited By 53).

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Water, L G A Van De; Bergwerff, J A; Leliveld, B G; Weckhuysen, B M; Jong, K P De

Insights into the preparation of supported catalysts: A spatially resolved Raman and UV-Vis spectroscopic study into the drying process of CoMo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst bodies Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 30, pp. 14513-14522, 2005, (cited By 34).

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Groot, F M F De; Glatzel, P; Bergmann, U; Aken, P A Van; Barrea, R A; Klemme, S; Hävecker, M; Knop-Gericke, A; Heijboer, W M; Weckhuysen, B M

1s2p Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of iron oxides Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 44, pp. 20751-20762, 2005, (cited By 78).

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Heijden, A W A M Van Der; Bellière, V; Alonso, L E; Daturi, M; Manoilova, O V; Weckhuysen, B M

Destructive adsorption of CCl4 over lanthanum-based solids: Linking activity to acid-base properties Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 50, pp. 23993-24001, 2005, (cited By 22).

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Donk, S Van; Weckhuysen, B M; Kapteijn, F; Kooyman, P; Hensen, E

Catalysis Today: Introduction Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 110, no. 3-4, pp. 189-190, 2005, (cited By 0).

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Heijboer, W M; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

New frontiers in X-ray spectroscopy in heterogeneous catalysis: Using Fe/ZSM-5 as test-system Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 110, no. 3-4, pp. 228-238, 2005, (cited By 36).

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Nijhuis, T A; Weckhuysen, B M

The role of water in the epoxidation over gold-titania catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, no. 48, pp. 6002-6004, 2005, (cited By 28).

Links | BibTeX

Heijden, A W A M Van Der; Bellière, V; Alonso, L E; Daturi, M; Manoilova, O V; Weckhuysen, B M

Destructive adsorption of CCl4 over lanthanum-based solids: Linking activity to acid-base properties Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 50, pp. 23993-24001, 2005, (cited By 28).

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Nijhuis, T A; Gardner, T Q; Weckhuysen, B M

Modeling of kinetics and deactivation in the direct epoxidation of propene over gold-titania catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 236, no. 1, pp. 153-163, 2005, (cited By 55).

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Groot, F M F De; Glatzel, P; Bergmann, U; Aken, P A Van; Barrea, R A; Klemme, S; Hävecker, M; Knop-Gericke, A; Heijboer, W M; Weckhuysen, B M

1s2p Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of iron oxides Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 44, pp. 20751-20762, 2005, (cited By 92).

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Glatzel, P; Groot, F M F De; Manoilova, O; Grandjean, D; Weckhuysen, B M; Bergmann, U; Barrea, R

Range-extended EXAFS at the L edge of rare earths using high-energy-resolution fluorescence detection: A study of La in LaOCl Journal Article

In: Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 72, no. 1, 2005, (cited By 31).

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Nijhuis, T A; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Mechanistic study into the direct epoxidation of propene over gold/titania catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 41, pp. 19309-19319, 2005, (cited By 111).

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Grandjean, D; Beale, A M; Petukhov, A V; Weckhuysen, B M

Unraveling the crystallization mechanism of CoAPO-5 molecular sieves under hydrothermal conditions Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 127, no. 41, pp. 14454-14465, 2005, (cited By 110).

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Mesu, J G; Visser, T; Soulimani, F; Weckhuysen, B M

Infrared and Raman spectroscopic study of pH-induced structural changes of L-histidine in aqueous environment Journal Article

In: Vibrational Spectroscopy, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 114-125, 2005, (cited By 95).

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Fan, W; Li, R; Dou, T; Tatsumi, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Solvent effects in the synthesis of CoAPO-5, -11 and -34 molecular sieves Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 84, no. 1-3, pp. 116-126, 2005, (cited By 25).

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Ji, Y; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Koot, V; Kooyman, P J; Meeldijk, J D; Weckhuysen, B M; Koningsberger, D C

Influence of support ionicity on the hydrogen chemisorption of Pt particles dispersed in y zeolite: Consequences for Pt particle size determination using the H/M method Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 234, no. 2, pp. 376-384, 2005, (cited By 50).

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Olsbye, U; Virnovskaia, A; Prytz, OØ; Tinnemans, S J; Weckhuysen, B M

Mechanistic insight in the ethane dehydrogenation reaction over Cr/Al 2O3 catalysts Journal Article

In: Catalysis Letters, vol. 103, no. 1-2, pp. 143-148, 2005, (cited By 42).

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Lysova, A A; Koptyug, I V; Sagdeev, R Z; Parmon, V N; Bergwerff, J A; Weckhuysen, B M

Noninvasive in situ visualization of supported catalyst preparations using multinuclear magnetic resonance imaging Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 127, no. 34, pp. 11916-11917, 2005, (cited By 55).

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Bergwerff, J A; Water, L G A Van De; Visser, T; Peinder, P De; Leliveld, B R G; Jong, K P De; Weckhuysen, B M

Spatially resolved Raman and UV-visible-NIR spectroscopy on the preparation of supported catalyst bodies: Controlling the formation of H 2PMo11CoO405- inside A1 2O3 pellets during impregnation Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 11, no. 16, pp. 4591-4601, 2005, (cited By 52).

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Water, L G A Van De; Bergwerff, J A; Leliveld, B G; Weckhuysen, B M; Jong, K P De

Insights into the preparation of supported catalysts: A spatially resolved Raman and UV-Vis spectroscopic study into the drying process of CoMo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst bodies Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 30, pp. 14513-14522, 2005, (cited By 36).

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Kervinen, K; Korpi, H; Mesu, J G; Soulimani, F; Repo, T; Rieger, B; Leskelä, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Mechanistic insights into the oxidation of veratryl alcohol with Co(salen) and oxygen in aqueous media: An in-situ spectroscopic study Journal Article

In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, no. 13, pp. 2591-2599, 2005, (cited By 56).

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Beale, A M; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Kervinen, K; Newton, M A; Weckhuysen, B M

Adding a third dimension to operando spectroscopy: A combined UV-Vis, Raman and XAFS setup to study heterogeneous catalysts under working conditions Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, no. 24, pp. 3015-3017, 2005, (cited By 104).

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Podkolzin, S G; Manoilova, O V; Weckhuysen, B M

Relative activity of La 2O 3, LaOCl, and LaCl 3 in reaction with CCl 4 studied with infrared spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 23, pp. 11634-11642, 2005, (cited By 29).

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Keller, D E; Groot, F M F De; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M

AO4 upside down: A new molecular structure for supported VO 4 catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 20, pp. 10223-10233, 2005, (cited By 43).

Links | BibTeX

Nenu, C N; Weckhuysen, B M

Single-site heterogeneous Cr-based catalyst for the selective trimerisation of ethylene Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, no. 14, pp. 1865-1867, 2005, (cited By 37).

Links | BibTeX

Water, L G A Van De; Bergwerff, J A; Nijhuis, T A; Jong, K P De; Weckhuysen, B M

UV-vis microspectroscopy: Probing the initial stages of supported metal oxide catalyst preparation Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 127, no. 14, pp. 5024-5025, 2005, (cited By 55).

Links | BibTeX

Eerden, A M J Van Der; Visser, T; Nijhuis, T A; Ikeda, Y; Lepage, M; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M

Atomic XAFS as a tool to probe the electronic properties of supported noble metal nanoclusters Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 127, no. 10, pp. 3272-3273, 2005, (cited By 35).

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Mesu, J G; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Synchrotron radiation effects on catalytic systems as probed with a combined in-situ UV-Vis/XAFS spectroscopic setup Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 9, pp. 4042-4047, 2005, (cited By 65).

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Morales, F; Groot, F M F De; Gijzeman, O L J; Mens, A; Stephan, O; Weckhuysen, B M

Mn promotion effects in Co/TiO2 Fischer-Tropsch catalysts as investigated by XPS and STEM-EELS Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 230, no. 2, pp. 301-308, 2005, (cited By 123).

Links | BibTeX

Visser, T; Nijhuis, T A; Eerden, Ad. M. J. Van Der; Jenken, K; Ji, Y; Bras, W; Nikitenko, S; Ikeda, Y; Lepage, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Promotion effects in the oxidation of CO over zeolite-supported Pt nanoparticles Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 109, no. 9, pp. 3822-3831, 2005, (cited By 64).

Links | BibTeX

Morales, F; Grandjean, D; Groot, F M F De; Stephan, O; Weckhuysen, B M

Combined EXAFS and STEM-EELS study of the electronic state and location of Mn as promoter in Co-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 568-572, 2005, (cited By 61).

Links | BibTeX

Bruijnincx, P C A; Lutz, M; Spek, A L; Faassen, E E Van; Weckhuysen, B M; Koten, G Van; Gebbink, R J M Klein

Bis(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)propionates and bis(1-methylbenzimidazol-2-yl)- propionates: A new family of biomimetic N,N,O ligands - Synthesis, structures and CuII coordination complexes Journal Article

In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, no. 4, pp. 779-787, 2005, (cited By 40).

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Nijhuis, T A; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

The role of gold in gold-titania epoxidation catalysis Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 44, no. 7, pp. 1115-1118, 2005, (cited By 132).

Links | BibTeX

Tinnemans, S J; Kox, M H F; Nijhuis, T A; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Real time quantitative Raman spectroscopy of supported metal oxide catalysts without the need of an internal standard Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 211-216, 2005, (cited By 73).

Links | BibTeX

Visser, T; Nijhuis, T A; Eerden, A M J Van Der; Ji, Y; Ikeda, Y; Lepage, M; Weckhuysen, B M

Promotion effects in the oxidation of CO over zeolite-supported Pt nanoparticles Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 158 B, pp. 1239-1246, 2005, (cited By 2).

Links | BibTeX

Cano, F Morales; Gijzeman, O L J; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Manganese promotion in cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysis Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 147, pp. 271-276, 2004, (cited By 14).

Links | BibTeX

Avert, P Van Der; Podkolzin, S G; Manoilova, O; Winne, H De; Weckhuysen, B M

Low-Temperature Destruction of Carbon Tetrachloride over Lanthamide Oxide Based Catalysts: From Destructive Adsorption to a Catalytic Reaction Cycle Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1637-1646, 2004, (cited By 30).

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Avert, P Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Low-temperature catalytic destruction of CCl4, CHCl3 and CH2Cl2 over basic oxides Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 6, no. 22, pp. 5256-5262, 2004, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Avert, P Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Low-temperature catalytic destruction of CCl4, CHCl3 and CH2Cl2 over basic oxides Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 6, no. 22, pp. 5256-5262, 2004, (cited By 27).

Links | BibTeX

Bergwerff, J A; Visser, T; Leliveld, B R G; Rossenaar, B D; Jong, K P De; Weckhuysen, B M

Envisaging the physicochemical processes during the preparation of supported catalysts: Raman microscopy on the impregnation of Mo onto Al 2O3 extrudates Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 126, no. 44, pp. 14548-14556, 2004, (cited By 118).

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Nijhuis, T A; Tinnemans, S J; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Towards real-time spectroscopic process control for the dehydrogenation of propane over supported chromium oxide catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 59, no. 22-23, pp. 5487-5492, 2004, (cited By 76).

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Mathieu, M; Baltes, M; Cassiers, K; Meynen, V; Cool, P; Voort, P Van Der; Weckhuysen, B M; Schoonheydt, R A; Vansant, E F

Design and applications of a home-built in situ FT-Raman spectroscopic cell Journal Article

In: Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, vol. 60, no. 13, pp. 2969-2975, 2004, (cited By 8).

Links | BibTeX

Morales, F; Groot, F M F De; Glatzel, P; Kleimenov, E; Bluhm, H; Hävecker, M; Knop-Gericke, A; Weckhuysen, B M

In situ X-ray absorption of Co/Mn/TiO 2 catalysts for fischer-tropsch synthesis Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 108, no. 41, pp. 16201-16207, 2004, (cited By 135).

Links | BibTeX

Gijzeman, O L J; Lingen, J N J Van; Lenthe, J H Van; Tinnemans, S J; Keller, D E; Weckhuysen, B M

A new model for the molecular structure of supported vanadium oxide catalysts Journal Article

In: Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 397, no. 1-3, pp. 277-281, 2004, (cited By 46).

Links | BibTeX

Manoilova, O V; Podkolzin, S G; Tope, B; Lercher, J; Stangland, E E; Goupil, J -M; Weckhuysen, B M

Surface acidity and basicity of La 2O 3, LaOCl, and LaCl 3 characterized by IR spectroscopy, TPD, and DFT calculations Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 108, no. 40, pp. 15770-15781, 2004, (cited By 107).

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Baute, D; Arieli, D; Neese, F; Zimmermann, H; Weckhuysen, B M; Goldfarb, D

Carboxylate binding in copper histidine complexes in solution and in zeolite Y: X- and W-band pulsed EPR/ENDOR combined with DFT calculations Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 126, no. 37, pp. 11733-11745, 2004, (cited By 64).

Links | BibTeX

Heijboer, W M; Glatzel, P; Sawant, K R; Lobo, R F; Bergmann, U; Barrea, R A; Koningsberger, D C; Weckhuysen, B M; Groot, F M F De

Kβ-detected XANES of framework-substituted FeZSM-5 zeolites Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 108, no. 28, pp. 10002-10011, 2004, (cited By 72).

Links | BibTeX

Avert, P Van Der; Podkolzin, S G; Manoilova, O; Winne, H De; Weckhuysen, B M

Low-Temperature Destruction of Carbon Tetrachloride over Lanthamide Oxide Based Catalysts: From Destructive Adsorption to a Catalytic Reaction Cycle Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1637-1646, 2004, (cited By 32).

Links | BibTeX

Cano, F Morales; Gijzeman, O L J; Groot, F M F De; Weckhuysen, B M

Manganese promotion in cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysis Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 147, pp. 271-276, 2004, (cited By 21).

Links | BibTeX

Gijzeman, O L J; Mens, A J M; Lenthe, J H Van; Mortier, W J; Weckhuysen, B M

The effect of chemical composition and structure on XPS binding energies in zeolites Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 154 B, pp. 1385-1392, 2004, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Groothaert, M H; Lievens, K; Bokhoven, J A Van; Battiston, A A; Weckhuysen, B M; Pierloot, K; Schoonheydt, R A

Bis(μ-OXO)dicopper as intermediate in the catalytic decomposition of No over Cu-ZSM-5 Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 154 C, pp. 2449-2457, 2004, (cited By 6).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Operando spectroscopy: Fundamental and technical aspects of spectroscopy of catalysts under working conditions Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 5, no. 20, pp. vi, 2003, (cited By 3).

Links | BibTeX

Heijboer, W M; Battiston, A A; Knop-Gericke, A; Hävecker, M; Mayer, R; Bluhm, H; Schlögl, R; Weckhuysen, B M; Koningsberger, D C; Groot, F M F De

In-Situ Soft X-ray Absorption of Over-exchanged Fe/ZSM5 Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 107, no. 47, pp. 13069-13075, 2003, (cited By 37).

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Heijboer, W M; Battiston, A A; Knop-Gericke, A; Hävecker, M; Bluhm, H; Weckhuysen, B M; Koningsberger, D C; Groot, F M F De

Redox behaviour of over-exchanged Fe/ZSM5 zeolites studied with in-situ soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 5, no. 20, pp. 4484-4491, 2003, (cited By 24).

Links | BibTeX

Weckhuysen, B M

Operando spectroscopy: Fundamental and technical aspects of spectroscopy of catalysts under working conditions Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 5, no. 20, 2003, (cited By 9).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Determining the active site in a catalytic process: Operando spectroscopy is more than a buzzword Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 5, no. 20, pp. 4351-4360, 2003, (cited By 239).

Links | BibTeX

Nijhuis, T A; Tinnemans, S J; Visser, T; Weckhuysen, B M

Operando spectroscopic investigation of supported metal oxide catalysts by combined time-resolved UV-VIS/Raman/on-line mass spectrometry Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 5, no. 20, pp. 4361-4365, 2003, (cited By 67).

Links | BibTeX

Groothaert, M H; Bokhoven, J A Van; Battiston, A A; Weckhuysen, B M; Schoonheydt, R A

Bis(μ-oxo)dicopper in Cu-ZSM-5 and its role in the decomposition of NO: A combined in situ XAFS, UV-vis-near-IR, and kinetic study Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 125, no. 25, pp. 7629-7640, 2003, (cited By 266).

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Groothaert, M H; Lievens, K; Bokhoven, J A Van; Battiston, A A; Weckhuysen, B M; Pierloot, K; Schoonheydt, R A

Bis([μ-oxo)dicopper as key intermediate in the catalytic decomposition of nitric oxide Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 626-630, 2003, (cited By 46).

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Fan, W; Weckhuysen, B M

Synthesis of Co-Rich CoAPO-5 molecular sieves: A comparison between glycerol and water as solvent Journal Article

In: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 271-275, 2003, (cited By 5).

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Weckhuysen, B M; Keller, D E

Chemistry, spectroscopy and the role of supported vanadium oxides in heterogeneous catalysis Journal Article

In: Catalysis Today, vol. 78, no. 1-4 SPEC., pp. 25-46, 2003, (cited By 746).

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Gijzeman, O L J; Mens, A J M; Lenthe, J H Van; Mortier, W J; Weckhuysen, B M

The effect of chemical composition and structure on XPS binding energies in zeolites Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 107, no. 3, pp. 678-684, 2003, (cited By 18).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Operando spectroscopy: Fundamental and technical aspects of spectroscopy of catalysts under working conditions Journal Article

In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, pp. 1, 2003, (cited By 4).

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Voort, P Van Der; Ravikovitch, P I; Neimark, A V; Benjelloun, M; Bavel, E Van; Jong, K P De; Weckhuysen, B M; Vansant, E F

Plugged hexagonal mesoporous templated silica: A unique micro- and mesoporous material with internal silica nanocapsules Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 141, pp. 45-52, 2002, (cited By 17).

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Voort, P Van Der; Ravikovitch, P I; Jong, K P De; Neimark, A V; Janssen, A H; Benjelloun, M; Bavel, E Van; Cool, P; Weckhuysen, B M; Vansant, E F

Plugged hexagonal templated silica: A unique micro- and mesoporous composite material with internal silica nanocapsules Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 1010-1011, 2002, (cited By 163).

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Voort, P Van Der; Ravikovitch, P I; Jong, K P De; Benjelloun, M; Bavel, E Van; Janssen, A H; Neimark, A V; Weckhuysen, B M; Vansant, E F

A new templated ordered structure with combined micro- and mesopores and internal silica nanocapsules Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 106, no. 23, pp. 5873-5877, 2002, (cited By 266).

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Avert, P V Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Low-temperature destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons over lanthanide oxide based catalysts Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 41, no. 24, pp. 4730-4732, 2002, (cited By 37).

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Avert, P V Der; Weckhuysen, B M

Low-temperature destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons over lanthanide oxide based catalysts Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 41, no. 24, pp. 4730-4732, 2002, (cited By 41).

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Mesu, J G; Baute, D; Tromp, H J; Faassen, E E Van; Weckhuysen, B M

Synthesis and characterization of zeolite encaged enzyme-mimetic copper histidine complexes Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 143, pp. 287-293, 2002, (cited By 5).

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Voort, P Van Der; Ravikovitch, P I; Jong, K P De; Benjelloun, M; Bavel, E Van; Janssen, A H; Neimark, A V; Weckhuysen, B M; Vansant, E F

A new templated ordered structure with combined micro- and mesopores and internal silica nanocapsules Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 106, no. 23, pp. 5873-5877, 2002, (cited By 278).

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Catana, G; Baetens, D; Mommaerts, T; Schoonheydt, R A; Weckhuysen, B M

Relating structure and chemical composition with lewis acidity in zeolites: A spectroscopic study with probe molecules Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 105, no. 21, pp. 4904-4911, 2002, (cited By 36).

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Weckhuysen, B M

Snapshots of a working catalyst: Possibilities and limitations of in situ spectroscopy in the field of heterogeneous catalysis Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 97-110, 2002, (cited By 234).

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Voort, P Van Der; Ravikovitch, P I; Neimark, A V; Benjelloun, M; Bavel, E Van; Jong, K P De; Weckhuysen, B M; Vansant, E F

Plugged hexagonal mesoporous templated silica: A unique micro- and mesoporous material with internal silica nanocapsules Journal Article

In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 141, pp. 45-52, 2002, (cited By 19).

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Voort, P Van Der; Ravikovitch, P I; Jong, K P De; Neimark, A V; Janssen, A H; Benjelloun, M; Bavel, E Van; Cool, P; Weckhuysen, B M; Vansant, E F

Plugged hexagonal templated silica: A unique micro- and mesoporous composite material with internal silica nanocapsules Journal Article

In: Chemical Communications, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 1010-1011, 2002, (cited By 179).

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Weckhuysen, B M; Catana, G; Baetens, D; Mommaerts, T; Schoonheydt, R A

Relating structure and chemical composition with Lewis acidity in zeolites: A spectroscopic study with probe molecules Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 105, no. 21, pp. 4904-4911, 2001, (cited By 18).

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Baltes, M; Kytökivi, A; Weckhuysen, B M; Schoonheydt, R A; Voort, P Van Der; Vansant, E F

Supported tantalum oxide and supported vanadia-tantala mixed oxides: Structural characterization and surface properties Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 105, no. 26, pp. 6211-6220, 2001, (cited By 55).

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Frunza, L; Pelgrims, J; Leeman, H; Voort, P Van Der; Vansant, E F; Schoonheydt, R A; Weckhuysen, B M

Incorporation of transition metal ions in aluminophosphate molecular sieves with AST structure Journal Article

In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 105, no. 14, pp. 2677-2686, 2001, (cited By 24).

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Harlin, M E; Niemi, V M; Krause, A O I; Weckhuysen, B M

Effect of Mg and Zr modification on the activity of VOx/Al2O3 catalysts in the dehydrogenation of butanes Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 203, no. 1, pp. 242-252, 2001, (cited By 52).

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